Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 794: The Demonic Army vs. the Spiritual Insect Army

Seeing tens of thousands of spirit insects being summoned, the old Taoist was not shocked, but sneered with sarcasm.

"Are you crazy, fellow Taoist? Tens of thousands of spirit insects in the Nascent Soul and Out-of-Body stages may be considered a big force in the outside world, but in this Heavenly Demon Nebula, my Heavenly Demon subordinates are endless, and there are more than one billion Heavenly Demons rushing here. Your tens of thousands of spirit insects are not enough to fill the gaps in the teeth of the Heavenly Demons under my command!"

Ye Lin did not argue, but just laughed.


While speaking, the spirit insects formed their own formations like the Heavenly Demons, but the Heavenly Demons only have two formations, either attack formations or defense formations, but Ye Lin's spirit insect formations are different.

The war between tens of thousands of spirit insects and countless Heavenly Demons has begun.

There were formation spirit insects holding formation flags, forming teams one after another, and then waving the formation flags, their figures disappeared, as if escaping into the void. Soon, formation flags were fluttering in the sky and on the ground, and layers of protective formations, spirit gathering formations, and demon suppression formations were quickly generated.

At the moment the formation was generated, all the formation spirit insects disappeared without a trace, and even the old Taoist who was in the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm could hardly detect where those spirit insects went.

There was a team of three butt insects, who pointed their butts at the most densely gathered places of the demons, and then blasted out purple-blue collapsing farts, which also carried the power of the heavenly tribulation. Wherever the purple-blue shock wave passed, everything turned into nothingness, and even the Great Demon King in the late Out-of-Body Realm could not escape once hit by the shock wave.

For a while, the demons kept screaming in fear. The formation of the demons that surrounded them was completely broken up, and it was difficult to form a large-scale battle formation. All the demons above the Out-of-Body Stage no longer focused on attacking, but carefully avoided the aiming of the terrifying purple-blue Collapse Fart.

There was a group of five Fiery Scorpion Teams, each with a bulging belly like a ball. You could vaguely see the terrifying fire essence in the belly. The Fiery Scorpion opened its mouth, and the red flame formed a thin flame thread. The thread extended infinitely and extended for dozens of miles in the blink of an eye.

All the demons who touched the flame thread were engulfed in flames. No matter what water was used, it could not be extinguished. Instead, it burned more and more vigorously until the demons were burned into wisps of spiritual bodies floating in the universe.

A team of snow silkworms spewed out silver-white silk threads, which could also be extended infinitely. Wherever the silk threads passed, the demons were instantly cut into several pieces and lost their combat capabilities before they could re-condense their bodies. Even if the demons turned from real to virtual and directly became demon spirits, they could not escape the fate of being cut into pieces.

There were double-winged centipedes, each of which held a stack of talismans on its claws. It could throw out hundreds of earth-level talismans at a time, comparable to a walking talisman release machine. There were constant explosions in the sky, and various talismans turned into spiritual light and shot out, and then condensed into powerful spells that bloomed in the demon group with dazzling brilliance.

If the demon group had not been disrupted and presented an organized and regular defensive formation, these talismans would most likely have been completely blocked, but at this time the demon group was already in chaos and could not form an effective defense at all.

Every time a talisman paper exploded, dozens of demons died and turned into black spirits floating.

There were thunder locusts. The locust swarms turned into lightning and drilled into the demon group. Every time a lightning flashed, a huge locust phantom would appear. The locust opened its mouth and hundreds of demons were sucked into the locust's belly. As the saying goes, no grass grows when the locusts pass through. Wherever the thunder locusts went, not even the demon spirits were left. They were all swallowed up.

Ye Lin did not stop them. There were more than 10 billion demons here. Just let them eat their fill. The speed of the thunder locusts was unimaginable and extremely flexible. They won places in the spirit insect racing competition held in the ancient ring space all year round. The average speed was second only to the fart bugs.

Therefore, it was very safe for them to kill into the demon group and they could easily avoid the counterattack of the demons.

There were bald monks transformed from black ice cicadas. They all held wooden fish in their hands, had kind eyes, solemn appearance, and kind smiles. They sat cross-legged in the void, and golden lotuses formed under them. They all struck wooden fish and chanted scriptures.

Each passage of scripture was resounding for dozens of miles. After hearing the scripture, the demons in the foundation building stage automatically disintegrated into wisps of demon spirits. After hearing the scripture, the demons in the core stage cried out in pain, and completely lost their fighting power.

After hearing the scripture, the demons in the Nascent Soul stage were unstable, and their strength seemed to be suppressed by the Dharma, and they were extremely weak.

Even after hearing the scripture, the demons in the Out-of-Body stage felt extremely irritated, and their souls and spirits were constantly shaking in the chanting, and their strength was greatly affected.

All kinds of spirit insects, all kinds of ways to kill demons, even Ye Lin, the master, was amazed today. Every breath, hundreds of thousands or millions of demons died. On the other hand, the spirit insects were both offensive and defensive, and cooperated tacitly. Whenever a spirit insect was in danger, the spirit insects next to it would rescue it in time. So far, some spirit insects were injured, but Ye Lin had not seen any casualties.

It has to be said that facing this boundless attack of demons, the Xuanbing Lingchan, who were good at sonic attacks and chanted Buddhist scriptures and had a natural demon-suppressing effect, played an obvious role. Wherever the golden lotuses flew by, the demons screamed and retreated. At least one-fifth of the demons died in their hands.

The rest of the spirit insects are also showing off their magical powers. Those who are good at long-range magic attacks are obviously more lethal than the spirit insects who are good at close combat. However, the spirit insects who are good at close combat can effectively break up the formation of the devil and create opportunities for the long-range attacking spirit insects. Better attack conditions.

For a time, the army of heavenly demons and the army of spiritual insects formed a rout as soon as they came into contact with each other. But the billions of demons behind them still came one after another after receiving the order from the old Taoist. In the starry sky outside the territory, they were everywhere. The floating wisps of demon spiritual body.

If it were on the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, it would take a few hours at most for the demon's spiritual body to dissipate completely, but in a place like the outer starry sky that is naturally suitable for the growth of demons, the demon's spiritual body will never dissipate without being affected by external objects. Slowly condensed, and finally gave birth to a new demon.

In the distance, the old Taoist was furious when he saw this scene.

"A bunch of trash, a bunch of losers, any devil who dares to take a step back will die!"

As soon as these words came out, the demons who were already on the verge of fleeing were so frightened that they all turned around and went back to fight with the army of spiritual insects, but the end result was death.

The old Taoist's face became more and more distorted.

"I'll kill all your army of spiritual insects first!"

As he spoke, the thousand-foot-tall god-man in front of him swung his whip, and with a "whoosh" sound, it cut through the void and whipped towards a team of flaming scorpions.

At this moment, he heard Ye Lin's voice.

"Fellow Taoist, your opponent is us!"

More than a hundred mid-stage spirit insects were seen blocking the front of the Flame Scorpion team. More than a hundred middle-grade Taoist tools roared out and struck at the hundred-mile-long magic whip.

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