Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 941 Leading by Example

As soon as Ye Lin said this, the whole hall fell silent, and everyone looked at the seats of the Wild Demon Kingdom and the Underground Demon Kingdom.

The person who came to the meeting from the Wild Demon Kingdom was a middle-aged beautiful woman with a lingering charm. She was wearing a light gauze, looming and revealing. It can be said that she was charming to the bone. If one's cultivation and concentration were not enough, one would be fascinated by her soul and unable to extricate oneself just by looking at her.

This beautiful woman's cultivation had reached the middle stage of the transformation of the spirit, and she was obviously transformed by the nine-tailed celestial fox.

The people who came to the meeting from the Underground Demon Kingdom were a man and a woman. The man had white hair and beard, and wore a light gray Taoist robe. He looked old, but he was tall and had sharp eyes. He was in the early stage of the transformation of the spirit.

The female cultivator looked only seventeen or eighteen years old. She was beautiful and breathtaking, showing the beauty of the Shura clan. She was in the early stage of the transformation of the spirit.

Seeing that Ye Lin wanted to hold them accountable, the faces of the three people also changed slightly. They stood up and saluted Ye Lin respectfully.

The beautiful woman from the Wild Demon Country said in a calm tone: "What Fellow Daoist Ye said is true. We did do such a thing. However, the soul of the Taoist priest Manniu from our Wild Demon Country who participated in the murder of Fellow Daoist Ye has been captured by Fellow Daoist and his life or death is unknown. I don't want to use this to sell my misery to escape punishment. I just hope that Fellow Daoist Ye's punishment will be a little lighter."

The male Shura from the Underground Demon Country said.

"Fellow Daoist Ye has profound magical powers. We can't resist him. My Shura clan is at your disposal."

Ye Lin replied indifferently.

"Okay, since both of you have admitted your guilt and accepted the punishment, Ye will not kill all of you at the moment when the great catastrophe of the Heavenly Demon is about to come. Your two major forces will serve as the vanguard army against the Heavenly Demon Army and become the sharpest spear of our Demon-Slaying Army. Do you have any objections?"

The faces of the three people all became very ugly when they heard this.

The vanguard army means that they will be the first to come into contact with the demon army, and their situation is definitely the most dangerous. In the past, the entire Wan Guo Continent would tremble under the demon army. It is conceivable that the vanguard army is afraid of death.

This is not called annihilation, then what is annihilation?

At this time, Ye Lin added another sentence.

"Of course, Ye will be the vanguard of the vanguard army, and the first one to come into contact with the demon army must be me, Ye!"

When Ye Lin said this, everyone was shocked. Ye Lin's image suddenly became tall, which made everyone respect him and had to be convinced.

As a person who should be robbed, the son of heaven, Ye Lin did not push other forces to die to block the calamity for him, but was the first to rush up and fight with the demon army. No matter who it was, they could not find words to question Ye Lin's character.

The three ancestors of the Savage Demon Country and the Underground Demon Country had originally thought of some excuses, such as that they were too weak to be the vanguard, and if they were defeated, the morale of the entire Demon Alliance would be shaken... But after Ye Lin said this, the three people could no longer make excuses.

Ye Lin didn't even want his own life, and he also wanted to lead everyone through the great catastrophe of the Heavenly Demon. If they continued to make excuses, Ye Lin would never let them go.

The three ancestors said in unison.

"We are willing to be the vanguard!"

Ye Lin nodded.

"In this case, after the meeting, both of you must mobilize the army to station in the Demon City as quickly as possible, without any mistakes."


Everyone is afraid of death, and Ye Lin is a professional who is afraid of death. Since he started practicing, he has been following the path of survival, but at this critical moment of life and death, the more afraid he is, the faster he will die.

Even if he could survive to the end, and survive until the Heavenly Demon Army devoured most of the creatures in the entire Wan Guo Continent, it would be meaningless. Once the Heavenly Demon Tribulation failed, he would no longer be able to break through the God Transformation Stage and ascend to the Spirit Realm, and his path of cultivation would stop here.

If he chose to hide behind all forces and try not to contact the most elite army of the Heavenly Demon, he would be the first to be afraid of death, and other forces would be more afraid of death once they were attacked by the Heavenly Demon and suffered a defeat.

By then, the morale of the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance would be broken, and all parties would be defeated if they only wanted to save their lives.

Now, Ye Lin set an example and took the lead in putting his own death aside. The strength of all parties would also be affected, which would be beneficial to the unity of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and it would also greatly boost the morale of the army and give confidence to all forces.

In addition, Ye Lin had a reason to fight on the front line. Now the combined strength of the high-level cultivators in the entire Wan Guo Continent could not exceed his army of spirit insects. If he did not fight with all his strength, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance would be a joke and would be defeated by the Heavenly Demon Army in an instant.

After dealing with the grievances with the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, the Savage Demon Kingdom, and the Underground Demon Kingdom, Ye Lin said again.

"I believe that all of you Taoists should be very clear about the dangers of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation. I will not elaborate on it here. I only hope that you can achieve complete cohesion and perfect unity in the cooperation against the Heavenly Demon Tribulation in the future. Any disputes and prejudices that are not conducive to fighting the Heavenly Demon Tribulation must be eliminated. Next, I will give you an hour to discuss how to peacefully resolve the past grievances."

"If there are any conflicts that cannot be resolved, I can make a decision for you."

"As long as this hour is over, all of you Taoists must put aside your past grudges and belong to the same force!"

All the cultivators answered in unison.

"Yes, sir."

Then, the voices in the entire Ten Thousand Races Hall became very noisy, with people talking at once, and all kinds of conflicts among the major forces were brought to the stage, arguing fiercely.

There are conflicts between the human race and the underground demons.

The Earth Demon is the most brutal. It likes to hollow out the city, so that the entire human city sinks into the ground, and then is devoured by the Earth Demon. In the end, the solution agreed upon by the Human Race and the Earth Demon is that the Earth Demon compensates the Human Race for part of its resources and signs an agreement to restrain the Earth Demon tribe and not devour the Human Race from now on.

There are also many contradictions between the Human Race and the Dragon Race and the Wanhai Monster Kingdom. For example, the Human Race likes to hunt and kill water monsters overseas, take away monster pills, eat flesh and blood, and use water monsters to make pills. As a result, water monsters in many areas have become extinct... The solution agreed upon is that the Human Race and the Water Monster Clan restrain each other and live in peace from now on. Of course, this agreement is only limited to water monsters above the Jindan stage. Water monsters below the Jindan stage are not smart enough and are not easily restrained.

After an hour, the arguments gradually disappeared. Many people showed satisfied smiles on their faces, while many people were still indignant. They obviously thought that their forces had suffered a great loss, but the situation was urgent at the moment, and they could only swallow the loss.

Next, Ye Lin signed the "Cooperation Pact of the Allied Forces of All Races" with everyone. The reason why it was not an agreement was because there were reasons for violating an agreement. What was signed this time was a blood oath to the inner demon. Once violated, from now on not only would one be harassed by the inner demon, but also be jointly attacked by the allied forces of all races.

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