Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 973: The Demonic Civil War

It stands to reason that the Five-Color Enchantress has seven Great Perfection cultivators on her side, and as soon as she returns, she seizes the control of 300 billion heavenly demons from the hands of the old demon Wuwu of Tianshan. As long as the Five-Color Enchantress gives an order, Tianshan Most of the five old demons will die without a burial place. After getting rid of the five old demons from Tianshan, the five-color enchantress will take charge of the 500 billion demons at once, follow the gourd's instructions, and send them out to die in batches.

This is not the case.

Nowadays, the Blood Food Gate in the sky has not been closed. The Blood Food Gate releases many ominous auras from Tai Yu Tian. All races except the Heavenly Demon will be affected. Therefore, if a fight breaks out at this time, Ye Lin and others will not be able to come to the scene to support them. .

The result of Ye Lin and others' inability to be present is that there is no way to retain the souls of the five old demons from Tianshan. Their souls can easily enter the Gate of Blood Food, return to Taiyutian, and report the situation of Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent to the three heads. Holy King, by then, things will be in serious trouble.

Ye Lin's current strategy is to "drag". He will never allow any demon who knows the specific situation of Wanguo Continent to successfully return to Taiyutian.

In this way, he can eat the heavenly demons sent by Taiyu Heaven again and again, and these demons each carry rich practice resources. The practice resources harvested from the heavenly demons can be transformed into more and more powerful spirits. Insects, transformed into a more powerful demon alliance.

By the time the three-headed sage fully reacted, it was already too late even to send a clone.

Therefore, there is no need for the Five-Color Enchantress to act in advance to scare the snake. Now she only needs to wait for all the 500 billion demons to arrive and the door to blood food to be closed.

Two days later, all 500 billion heavenly demons descended, and the Blood Food Gate covering the entire sky finally began to shrink. A few hours later, the Blood Food Gate shrank to the size of a needle tip.

The core area of ​​Tianmohai is finally no longer affected by the Blood Food Gate.

The black army of demons is arranged neatly, row by row, row after row, layer after layer on the sea. The army is vast and endless as far as the eye can see. The demonic energy emanating from it covers the entire core area of ​​the demon sea for millions of miles. The sea became pitch black.

Among them, according to the previous agreement, the Five Color Enchantress's side commanded 300 billion, and the Tianshan Old Demon's side commanded 200 billion. Following the Tianshan Old Demon's order, the 200 billion demon army took the lead to set off, and the mighty North Korea Enchanted, he marched quickly towards Lincheng.

In the pre-war meeting just now, the Five Color Demon Queen ordered the Tianshan Old Demon to be the vanguard of the army. The Tianshan Old Demon still lacked confidence when he had no soldiers at hand. Now that he has the protection of 200 billion heavenly demons, he is not too afraid of the Five Colors. Enchantress, and in his opinion, although the five-color enchantress leads 100 billion more demons, the five-color enchantress is obviously not the material to lead the army. The army is not highly disciplined and has poor combat capabilities.

If it were just an army competition, Tianshan Old Demon was very sure that he could defeat more with less, so he didn't hesitate too much and directly became the vanguard general.

Not long after the vanguard army set off, the five-color enchantress's 300 billion demon army all set off. The five-color enchantress was protected on a phoenix-shaped luxurious flying boat in the center of the army.

The five-color enchantress suddenly shouted.

"The whole army listens to the order. The old demon of Tianshan does not respect the orders of the Holy Lord and wants to harm me. He will be killed immediately. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed!"

The 300 billion demons on the march all had confused faces. Most of the demons were very confused for a moment. At this moment, someone in the demon team shouted in fear.

"No, no, no, the old demon from Tianshan is here to kill..."

Suddenly, the front of the team fell into chaos, with a large number of demons fighting each other, and screams... A large number of demons in the rear also fell into chaos.

No one knows why the old demon of Tianshan wants to harm the Five-Colored Enchantress so hard, and the army of demons doesn’t know whether they should listen to the Five-Colored Enchantress’s command...

The voice of the five-color enchantress sounded in the minds of all the demons.

"If I die in the hands of the old demon of Tianshan, the Holy Lord will definitely make all the souls of you useless trash like you who are not well protected go to pieces. Once again, listen to my order and counterattack immediately. Anyone who kills the old demon of Tianshan will receive four top-grade Taoist tools. The weapon will definitely be rewarded by the Holy King himself!"

At this moment, the demons all came back to their senses. With fierce looks on their faces, they all roared and roared, and headed straight for the army of old demons from Tianshan Mountain ahead. Some people shouted in the army.

"The old devil from Tianshan has long been rebellious. I'm afraid he wants to take this opportunity to directly ascend to the spiritual world and betray the Holy Lord!"


"The old devil of Tianshan only has 200 billion soldiers, and we have 300 billion. In addition, there are seven god-transforming Dzogchen monks sitting here. They have no one, and we will win!"

"Those who dare to escape and refuse to carry out orders will be killed without mercy!"

At this juncture, even if the demons are still very confused as to why such a strange thing happened suddenly, they have no chance to figure it out. Hundreds of billions of demons are fighting in a melee, and all kinds of spells and magic weapons are coming out on the sea, and they are endlessly colorful. The brilliance keeps shining, illuminating hundreds of thousands of miles around transparently...

In the vanguard army.

Seeing this, the old demon from Tianshan had veins popping out on his forehead, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

"There must be something wrong with the five-color enchantress. She is definitely not the real five-color enchantress. No wonder we sensed that her aura was abnormal. We were all deceived!"

The leader of the bloody dragon-horned demon asked very anxiously: "Fellow Tianshan Daoist, now is not the time to worry about whether the five-colored enchantress has deceived us. Her 300 billion army has already come to kill us. If we don't launch a counterattack, our army will Collapsed!"

The old demon from Tianshan snorted coldly and clenched his fists.

"What else can we do? Immediately order the whole army to fight back at all costs. Just say that the Five-Colored Demon Fairy is a fake. The real Five-Colored Demon Fairy is still besieged by the Chosen Son. We must kill the fake and rescue the real Five-Colored Demon Fairy to complete the Buddha's mission. By then, the Holy Lord will have infinite rewards!"


The Tianshan Old Demon is indeed a veteran who has gone to the other world through the Blood Food Gate many times to harvest. He is very good at commanding the Heavenly Demon Army. With his order, the 200 billion Heavenly Demon Army turned around and counterattacked. Because the Tianshan Old Demon's army had a higher degree of cooperation and was more resolute in executing military orders, the disintegration trend was quickly stopped.

The Five-Colored Demon Fairy's army and the Tianshan Old Demon's army fought on the sea for more than ten days, leaving endless Heavenly Demon spirits and various magic weapons, Taoist artifact fragments on the sea...

As the Tianshan Old Demon expected, although he had fewer soldiers, he still had an advantage in the competition. At first, the two sides were evenly matched. As time passed, the Five-Colored Demon Fairy's army became more chaotic and finally completely disintegrated.

At this time, at least 100 billion demons were killed on the side of the Tianshan Old Demon, while more than 200 billion demons were killed on the side of the Five-Colored Demon Fairy.

The Tianshan Old Demon was relieved to see the dawn of victory, but at this moment, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, as if he remembered something.

"If the Five-Colored Demon Fairy is fake, or is controlled, then where is the Chosen Son of this world? This civil war may be his conspiracy!"

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