Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1015: Divine Thoughts Three-part

"What's going on? I'm not breathing, but why does it smell so bad!"

The three-headed saint felt his eyes go dark, as if he had inhaled 100,000 stinky farts...

The other two heads of the three-headed saint were originally planning to spit out magic attacks to kill this strange spirit insect, but unexpectedly, they went dark because of the terrible stench.

The fart bug that farted just flew away leisurely, neither fast nor slow, away from the three-headed saint.

In theory, the three-headed saint has the body of a powerful person who has reached the great perfection of returning to the void. Not to mention that he is not afraid of stench, even if it is poisonous, he can completely ignore it, but the fart released by this fart bug is too stinky, as if he has become an ordinary person without any cultivation and smelled 100,000 stinky farts...

This is a stench that goes deep into the soul. Even if he doesn't breathe and doesn't inhale these fart odors, he will feel the stench all the time.

"Xiao Chou, well done!"

Ye Lin was overjoyed to see Xiao Chou return successfully after risking his fart.

He didn't expect Xiaochou's horrible fart to kill the Three-Headed Saint, but as long as he could make him feel uncomfortable and affect his fighting power and mentality, it would be enough.

Xiaochou has won the Ancient Ring Space Fart Contest for hundreds of years, and today he finally played a key role.

The Three-Headed Saint was so angry that his three heads screamed.

"Damn bugs, I must make you pay the price!"

One of the Three-Headed Saint's heads spewed out a stream of spiritual light, and all the spiritual light was integrated into the wound, and ancient characters appeared one by one. In just a breath, the Nine Nether Demon Fire, which was burning more and more vigorously, was completely extinguished. In the charred wound, one could faintly see ancient characters flickering.

This is the sealing technique.

The three-headed sage also knew that it was impossible to extinguish the Nine Nether Demon Fire in a short time by ordinary means, so he used the sealing method to stop the Nine Nether Demon Fire from burning for a short time. When the seal was broken, the sealed Nine Nether Demon Fire would continue to burn. However, the sealing method was condensed by the three-headed sage himself, so he could naturally grasp the specific time of breaking the seal.

Without the trouble of the Nine Nether Demon Fire, the three-headed sage no longer had to worry about his life. Although he could not get rid of the disgusting smell of farts, the stench that penetrated his soul would not cause any damage to him.

The three-headed sage forcibly suppressed the nausea that made people black out. The three heads opened their bloody mouths. The head on the left spewed out a light golden flying sword, the head in the middle spewed out a purple-red pill, and the head on the right spewed out a pair of green scissors!

All three treasures contained destructive power and were extremely high-quality Taoist tools. Especially the red pill spit out by the head in the middle, Ye Lin even felt that his soul was trembling.

"This treasure is most likely the demon pill that the Three-Headed Saint has condensed and nurtured for hundreds of thousands of years. I'm afraid it's just a little bit away from being promoted to a lower-grade treasure!"

After the Dao weapon, there is the treasure. Even in the spirit world, the birth of each treasure is enough to cause a bloody storm. Even the powerful beings in the fusion realm or even stronger will fight to grab it.

This is also the strongest move of the Three-Headed Saint. The divine consciousness is divided into three, and three kinds of top-grade Dao weapons are controlled to attack at the same time. In the past, when the Three-Headed Saint was still in the late stage of returning to the void, he used this to fight against the Heavenly Demon of Returning to the Void Great Perfection, but he was only slightly inferior.

Now, the Three-Headed Saint's proud Returning to the Void Great Perfection tyrannical body has been cut off by Ye Lin using the characteristics of the spirit insects, which means that the Three-Headed Saint can no longer rely on the body to fight.

Otherwise, Ye Lin's side only needs to follow suit, and the Three-Headed Saint's tens of thousands of feet of huge body will not be able to withstand a few slashes before the body collapses and the Yuanshen is seriously injured.

So the Three-Headed Saint directly changed his battle strategy, choosing to divide his mind into three, and control the Dao tools to fight Ye Lin.

After the three Dao tools were spit out, they did not attack immediately, but surrounded the three hundred heads of the Three-Headed Saint. The Three-Headed Saint flashed and turned into a human form, one of whose legs was missing, and ancient characters appeared and disappeared.

The head on the left laughed boldly.

"What a human boy, a mere third-class mortal cultivator actually forced me to this point, you can be proud of it, facing my physical attack, you can still break it by taking advantage of it, and next, facing three top-grade Dao tools, your spirit insects may not be able to split themselves!"

"Ugh, it stinks!"

The head on the right was extremely hideous, and his eyes were full of hatred and anger.

"I must have a feast of spirit insects, and all your spirit insects will devour me! Ugh! Damn stinky fart bugs!"

The head in the middle had a gloomy face, and his two hand gestures kept changing, and then he shouted.

"Primordial Spirit True Fire!"

Boom! Suddenly, the whole body of the three-headed saint was ablaze with flames, and the flames shot straight into the sky. The surrounding five-color space turbulence was actually burned into nothingness by this terrifying high-temperature flame.

In an instant, the three top-grade Taoist tools in front of him were also ignited by the Yuanshen True Fire. At the same time, his aura surged and his strength increased greatly.

At this time, the three-headed saint dared not underestimate Ye Lin. He knew that if he was careless today, he might ruin everything. For safety, he decisively ignited the Yuanshen True Fire to enhance his strength, in order to defeat Ye Lin in the shortest possible time to avoid accidents.


The three heads shouted at the same time.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The golden flying sword instantly turned into a flaming sword light and slashed towards Ye Lin. The purple demon pill suddenly increased in size by many times. In an instant, it was even bigger than a mountain, just like a star in the outer space, burning with blazing flames and crushing towards Ye Lin.

The scissors just flashed with a cold light, as fast as lightning, extremely flexible, and flew towards Ye Lin with a click.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and dozens of red-robed monks who had reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body appeared in front of him. They were all spiritual insect monks transformed from the Fiery Demon Scorpion. The red-robed monks looked at the blazing Yuanshen True Fire and opened their mouths.

A strange suction force spread out, and the golden flying sword, the demon pill as big as a star, and the Yuanshen True Fire burning on the extremely flexible and fast scissors instantly separated and divided into dozens of strands and entered the mouths of the Fiery Demon Scorpion Spirit Insect Monk.

Even hundreds of thousands of feet away, the Yuanshen True Fire burning on the body of the Three-Headed Saint Lord turned into a series of flame threads connected to the mouth of the Fiery Scorpion Monk. The fire of the Yuanshen True Fire on his body instantly shrank a lot, and it seemed that it would be extinguished at any time.

The Three-Headed Saint Lord was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

He burned the Yuanshen True Fire ignited by the origin of his soul, but was actually swallowed by a group of spirit insects!

The Three-Headed Saint Lord didn't know that there were already countless monks in the Transformation and Return to Void stages who were targeted by the Fiery Scorpion. He was not the first, and definitely not the last.

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