Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1000: caught!

Lin Feng solved the mad war, and now has reappeared in Shibuya, and the sight in front of him also surprised Lin Feng, except for the black robes on the opposite side of Bauhinia and Zhao Mingjun.

The black robe opposite Chu Chunqiu was already wheezing at the moment, and Chu Chunqiu’s face was also pale, and both of them obviously paid a huge price.

As for the last black robes who have lost the ability to fight, they fell to the ground and waited for others to solve the battle. The combination of 琨 and 幽 has made the black robes helpless, plus Qing Ling Xuan and soul collection, you can imagine How many attacks on this black robe?

With the appearance of Lin Feng, but no mad war, almost confirmed the results, the black robe people fiasco, and the defeat is a mess, even only a quarter of an hour, Bauhinia and Zhao Mingjun can also solve each other, at that time black robe People can be said to be devastating.

The battle stopped, and the black robes who were headed could not continue fighting. The remaining black robes could not be killed. Moreover, the black robes in the space did not appear for a long time. The rescue did not appear, so they couldn’t afford it.

"We won, and the heart will come out." Lin Feng faintly sipped and looked at the two black robes in front of him. At the moment, both of them have consumed a lot of energy. If Lin Feng shot, he could solve two black robes.

At the moment, except for Lin Feng, other people are in a state of loss, including Bauhinia and Zhao Mingjun.

The black robe man sighed. When Lin Feng appeared, he predicted that the mad war fourth was dead. Although he did not know what kind of cards were in Lin Feng’s hands, such people still made them afraid.

"Let's come with us, you won, and the heart of the heart will be returned to you. This is a good agreement between the owner and the old-fashioned old guy. We will not violate it."

When the boss said, he turned around and waved his hand. The remaining three black robes followed him behind the light of Shibuya. Lin Feng saw it and was relieved. He explored the terrain before. When I suspected that the light is the place where the mysterious powerhouse is located, it is really good at first glance.

"We follow them." The Bauhinia sipped and then flew at high altitude, followed by a few black robes.

Chu Chunqiu came to Lin Feng and gave a thumbs up to Lin Feng. Lin Feng grinned. This is the first time that he did not feel aversion to Chu Chunqiu, but this does not mean that the hatred of two people can be completely abandoned.

"It seems that you are not simple." Lin Feng gave Chu Chunqiu a voice, then jumped into the sky to catch up with Bauhinia and others, Chu Chunqiu slightly glimpsed, and then laughed.

"Old rivals, how can I be left to you?" Chu Chunqiu shook his head and followed.

The black robe flew in front, led the Bauhinia and Lin Feng and others. After half an hour of slow speed flight, they came to the front of a cave. The cave was shining brightly, and Lin Feng discovered that the dark atmosphere here was very Thin, raised your eyes to see the blue sky, but still no light.

Four black robes stood in front of the cave, holding their fists respectfully and then kneeling on the ground, shouting at the cave: "Master, we, we are defeated."

"Are you lost? Where did you lose?"

The secluded sound came out from the ancient times outside of the ancient times, and it came out from the deep devil's mouth of hell. I always heard such a drink, and the bauhinia's body began to tremble, seeming to encounter a terrible The old monster, Lin Feng, needless to say, this sentence is like seeing through all the secrets of his body.

Where did such a terrible power come from? There is no terrible strength in the Qing Emperor as the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor. Such a strong person, at least on the basis of the illusion, is even stronger.

But in the ancient times, it seems that I have not heard of any character who can achieve this level? Moreover, after the age of thin gas and the era of fire in the sea, the strong people left behind are also very small.

Such a mysterious power exists, and it is terrible. Where did it come from? Bauhinia is thinking, Zhao Mingjun is also thinking.

"I wait, I am waiting for them, and I have been killed by two companions." The black robe was too weak to hang his head, and he said with anger, his voice was extremely low.

"Please ask the owner to punish." The black robe and the old man’s head squatted on the ground, making a big noise, that is, hoping that the master can forgive them, not too much punishment.

But the words of several black robes were spoken, but there was no punishing momentum. This mysterious man did not appear, but Lin Feng clearly saw a woman in a white dress floating in the air, slowly being The cave was sent out.

"This is the person you want to save, catch it." The mysterious man happened again, and then there was no more sound.

Qingxinyue was sent out, but still fainted, Lin Feng took a deep breath and took a step to hug the Qingxinyue, but Qinglingxuan on the side caught the Qingxinyue more quickly, and the face was worried and whispered: "Sister , Shimei, wake up, wake up."

But no matter how Qingling Xuan calls, Qingxinyue is already in a coma, without the meaning of waking up. Seeing here, Qing Lingxuan’s face has become extremely complicated and tense. He looked up and shouted at others: “Let’s hurry. Leave here and return to the Master."

"Well, well, we will leave here as soon as possible, quiet, oh." The Bauhinia nodded heavily, then waved his hand, and the cockroach and the sturdy horse appeared beside him. Then a wheelchair appeared in the secluded hand, and the Bauhinia sat up.

"Go ahead." Bauhinia waved his hand, suddenly fascinated with a light, and the cockroach was to restore the body of the bull, a few hundred meters of height picked up the Bauhinia and the wheelchair, everything seems so small, quiet is to use her horror speed to help the Bauhinia And the bulls are rising into the sky.

Qing Ling Xuan clung to the heart of the month, but also jumped into the sky, ready to leave Shibuya.

"Let's go". Chu Chunqiu looks complicated and looks at the mysterious people in the cave. The Taikoo Devil has a great connection with this person. So what is the connection? A terrible opponent appeared like this. If you don't join forces with Lin Feng, you will be killed by the Taikoo Devil sooner or later.

Chu Chunqiu began to think about how to express his intention to cooperate with Lin Feng. Lin Feng’s attitude is not willing to cooperate with himself, but if there is a Taikoo demon in the middle, he should hope to increase.

Lin Feng nodded and glanced at the white face of the heart of the month, but there was always a smile in the corner of his mouth. The drug language used to be such an expression. Are the two people the same person? Lin Feng is extremely contradictory.

Lin Feng stepped out and prepared to fly into the sky, but suddenly a terrible giant suddenly caught Lin Feng. Lin Feng was like a small bug being grasped by a huge hand, and he could not escape anyway.

"Predecessors, how are you?" Bauhinia stopped at the heights, his face shivering.

"I am waiting for a small speed to leave, don't worry so much."

A scream of anger and a slap in the face of a huge light and shadow, the whole man was shot and flew out, and everyone else was so, all of them were shot and flew out.

After several people of Zijingjing had consciousness, they discovered the horror. They even flew hundreds of miles directly from this palm, even from the exit of Shibuya.

"What to do, Lin Feng is in their hands?" There was a hint of worry in the face of Bauhinia. He appreciated Lin Feng. He didn't want Lin Feng to be taken away by the horrible mysterious man. Lin Feng was taken away. It was a nightmare for Lin Feng.

"What can I do? Can you save him?" Zhao Mingjun blinked coldly and looked at Bauhinia. He was more and more aware that Bauhinia was extremely indifferent. People without any friends would think of Lin Feng. It is really weird. Extremely.

Bauhinia sighed helplessly. He couldn’t think of it after being taken away by the mysterious person. It’s too difficult and difficult to live, and his strength was slap in the face, and he couldn’t save Lin Feng. The soul and Qing Ling Xuan can not wait for Lin Feng to die, how can he save him.

Chu Chunqiu's face is gloomy, but he is very rational. It is impossible to blindly save at this time.

"Leave here first, return to Taiqingmen to find out the virtual discussion." Zhao Mingjun gave a cry, and then his eyes flew away from here. He never had Lin Feng in his heart. If Lin Feng’s death can make these people survive, this is the most cost-effective transaction.

After all, Lin Feng killed two black robes, but they didn't. They couldn't have been tired of everyone because of Lin Feng? Zhao Mingjun thought so.

He left, Qing Ling Xuan left with Qing Xinyue, and the soul has disappeared long ago. Galia was hesitant for a moment, but still left here.

Bauhinia sighed and waved to Chu Chunqiu: "Go, go back and say."

"Ok". Chu Chunqiu's face is complicated, and things happen too suddenly. Mysterious people have taken Lin Feng in this way, but this is not against the rules of the strong?

Oh, but how about this, the strength of the people is so strong that even the seven gods of the gods can not be defeated. What is the rule in such a person’s eyes?

Chu Chunqiu and Zijingjing left Shibuya together. Everyone had to go back to Taiqingmen to make plans, but Chu Chunqiu was very clear that it was impossible for Qing Feng to catch everyone's life for Lin Feng.

Saving Lin Feng, this hope is too small.


Lin Feng fainted in the past, himself was caught by the huge palms, and the pain spread throughout the body. Dantian was even more bursting. This kind of pain caused Lin Feng to faint for the first time.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes, the sudden discovery found that it has changed. Although Shibuya is a valley, the enchantment has already been arranged on it, and the dark magic is filled with the whole valley.

"you're awake?"

The light drink was passed to Lin Feng's Lin Feng's heart jumped and turned to see the final behind-the-scenes black hand, mysterious black robe!

[PS: Unconsciously, the fascinating world of Valkyrie is coming back. It’s already full of 1000 chapters. It’s been a year’s time, and you’re always with you. I’m very touched, indeed. There have been many things in the years, there have been troughs, I have been confused, and I once wanted to give up this book, but after a year of precipitation, we finally came over and unconsciously nearly three million. The word, one thousand chapters, is a new beginning. I hope that our journey will continue to be brilliant, and the companions of the brothers and sisters will all go further and further.

I don’t know, there are a lot of readers who say that I wrote very slag, very bad, and I don’t deserve the book of the fascinating martial art. This classic book made me ruin, but a thousand words have become a sentence, I hope that this book will eventually Will continue to support, people who don't like it, no matter how many sentences, he will not spend a dime to look at 10,000 sentences. As readers of pirated copies, you are jealous of me every day, I am not tired, are you still tired? ? Take a break, find a good novel to see, don't waste time on the keyboard, there is no need, no matter how you lick me, the world of Valkyrie is still going strong, and will go further and further The better I go, the more readers support me, encourage me behind me, what do I need to fear? Nothing needs to be afraid.

Finally, I prayed for the compatriots in Suining, Jiangsu Province. I hope that Jiangsu can survive this time. We are all Chinese. We have always been strong. We can’t beat our Chinese people regardless of any difficulties and obstacles. This is the same.

Naturally, the book is the same, the same is true, and you are the same! 】

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