Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1038: The wild girl is angry!


Liu Fei’s stomach is very round. Now, more than nine months of pregnancy, she has already made her some inconvenience. Fortunately, there are a bunch of sisters beside her. It’s a pity that both the wild girl and the fire dance have After five months of pregnancy, the lower abdomen has been slightly tilted up, and more often it is Moon Dream to take care of Liu Fei.

The dream still didn't wake up, so while taking care of Liu Fei, her mother-in-law still has to take care of her dreams. It can be said that it is very hard.

Early this day, Yue Menghe felt that Lin Feng would come back today, although I don’t know why, but there is always this instinct.

"Feier, Lin Feng is afraid to come back today." Yue Menghe and Liu Fei lying in bed said, the tone was a little more joyful, and Liu Fei listened to the words of Yue Menghe, it was a faint smile: "Mother, Xiang Gong is not so early to come back, I am far from waiting There is still a week."

"Hey, this stinky boy, if you don't come back early, you are not angry, I am angry." Yue Menghe shook his head and then his face was angry. Liu Fei had enjoyed Lin Feng’s little love. If Lin Feng didn’t come back at this time, she would be angry with her mother.

"Oh, mother, Xianggong is so busy outside, just don't come back, I'm fine." Liu Fei smiled faintly, and there was no point in the discourse for the idea of ​​controversy. Instead, he comforted and understood Lin Feng.

"Hey, you, you are like this, don't fight for it, what kind of virtue does that kid, I don't know?" Yue Menghe looked at Liu Fei and did not fight for anything, but this is no desire. Look, it is to make Yue Menghe feel a little helpless.

At the moment, Liu Fei’s conversation with Yue Meng has been heard by Lin Feng. At the moment, Lin Feng stood outside the courtyard. There were more tears in the Iraqi people. The two men looked at each other and their eyes were full of shackles. They just came here and could not help but Going in, so Lin Feng can only go in with a hard scalp.

Entering the courtyard, it was discovered that two squatting figures came out of the house, and the lower abdomen was slightly raised, wearing red dresses and golden armor.

After seeing Lin Feng, the two women were first seen, and there was a hint of surprise and joy in the eyes.

"Fire dance, wild children." Lin Feng shouted, and it was also the excitement of his face.

The fire dance and the wild girl are the same, running along with Lin Feng, but because of the pregnancy, so the two women pay special attention, after running to Lin Feng, Lin Feng took the initiative to put the two women into the arms, a touch of fragrance Into the nose, in addition to a trace of roses.

Feeling the warmth of being embraced by men, whether it is fire dance or a wild girl, they feel that they are really happy at the moment. They don't want to loosen Lin Feng. They just want to hug Lin Feng forever.

Of course, this is just an unrealistic fantasy. It is simply unrealistic, so it can be enjoyed for a moment. For the two women, it is very satisfying.

The Iraqi tears looked at the two women and they were pregnant. They couldn’t help but think about something. If she had children, maybe she would not put too much energy into other things in the future. It would be like these girls. The same, concentrate on waiting for the birth and then consider the baby as the focus of the future.

The fire dance and the wild girl saw the tears of the Iraqi who stood behind Lin Feng. The long, so moving, and a beautiful beauty, its beauty is not weaker than Liu Fei and Qing Feng.

Lin Feng loosened his arms, then looked at the slightly raised belly of the two women, and his face was asked with joy: "This is my child!".

"Crap, not yours, who else?" The wild woman looked at Lin Feng with a little bit of dissatisfaction, letting Lin Fengyi smile and touch her nose and stop talking.

"Don't stand up, hurry up into the house, the mother is in the house to take care of Liu Fei and her dreams." The wild girl said on the side, then took the hand of the fire dance and let the main road open.

Lin Feng nodded, then looked at the tears of the Iraqi people behind her eyes, she was a little nervous, so Lin Feng clenched her cold little hand, gave her a little warmth, and said: "Don't be nervous, the mother is a very kind person."

"And, these two are the wild girl and the fire dance, but also my woman." Lin Feng said, and the tears of the Iraqi people introduced the fire dance and the wild girl.

The Iraqi people looked at the two women in tears, and then greeted them in good faith. The fire dance and the wild girl naturally smiled as a gift. This is the only woman they have never seen before, but it has become a woman of Lin Feng! !

There are some dissatisfaction in the hearts of the two women. Liu Fei is pregnant and will not produce. The three women are counted as Qingfeng. They are almost pregnant at the same time, and the dream is in danger. Lin Feng has brought a woman back?

Does he want to get a few back to finish? The fire dance and the wild girl suddenly wanted to ask Lin Feng, and they asked very seriously, but there were tears in the Iraqi people. The two women knew that they should give Lin Feng a face.

The faces of the two women are a bit ugly, Lin Feng is very clear, so Lin Feng did not dare to talk to the two women too much, and directly went to the room with the tears of the Iraqis.

When I came to the door of the house, Lin Feng walked in. The house that had been rebuilt was already many times larger than before. After entering the corridor, Lin Feng and Yiren’s tears went to a room without closing the door, which was able to see the moon dream. Lotus and Liu Fei.

"Mother, I am back." Lin Feng whispered aloud and looked at Yue Menghe.

At this moment, Yuemenghe was taking care of Liu Fei’s food. Lin Feng’s words made her hand tremble slightly, and the rice bowl almost overturned. Moon Dream’s look behind him saw Lin Feng standing at the door and tears from Iraqi people.

Yi people tears, for this girl, Yue Menghe has some memories, this should be one of the women in front of Lin Feng, perhaps should not be called a new woman, but the Iraqi tears and Lin Feng have been very difficult to progress, these months Dream Lotus understands.

Today, Lin Feng brought back the tears of the Iraqis. She knew that the tears of the Iraqis at this moment had completely accepted all of Lin Feng’s tears, including Lin Feng’s so many women. She accepted this fact.

"Bad boy, do not say hello in advance?" Yue Menghe stood up, his face slightly dissatisfied with a scream of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can only laugh a bit, don't dare to speak, don't know what to say, how do you say hello, do you want to yell at the world of Wuhun, I am Lin Feng back?

In this way, the entire world of the martial arts will set off storms, which is absolutely impossible.

"Okay, don't stand up, especially don't let the girl stand, come in." Yue Menghe is also a soft mouth, see Lin Feng and Iraqi tears are a bit embarrassed, it is shaking his head, no longer difficult for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the hand of the Iraqi tears and walked into the house. Yue Menghe walked to the tears of the Iraqi people and took the initiative to pull up the tears of the Iraqis. The Iraqi tears were a little shy and nervous, but the kindness of Yuemenghe still made her feel the same. Warm, this is my mother-in-law.

"Feier, how do you feel?" Lin Feng went to the bed, picked up the bowl that Yue Menghe put down, continued to feed Liu Fei, Liu Fei was a bit shy, but still opened his mouth and ate a porridge to make up the body.

"According to the public, our children are about to be born, I am a little nervous." Liu Fei said something nervous. They all said that it was painful to have a child. She didn't understand it. So she was nervous and worried. She even expected her child to be a boy or a girl.

"Don't panic, Xianggong will be with you all these days, waiting for our baby to be born." Lin Feng spoke to Liu Fei in a soft tone, then clenched Liu Fei's hand and gave her warmth.

Liu Fei had the encouragement of Lin Feng, and her confidence in the heart was also a lot, and she was no longer overly nervous, waiting for the arrival of the day.

Near the evening, Lin Feng walked out of the room, and there was no Iraqi tears behind him. The tears of the Iraqi people let the moon dreams stay, and the new daughter-in-law joined. She always said that she was a mother-in-law, fire dance, wild girl and Qingfeng. When I came, I did the same.

Lin Feng walked out of the house alone and went out of the courtyard. The fire dance and the wild girl had been standing outside for a long time. Lin Feng knew that she had to explain it well. Liu Fei had no dispute with the world, and her mother could not say anything, but the fire. Dance and the wild girl have their own temper and views.

Lin Feng walked up to the two women, obviously can see the fire dance and the face of the wild girl is a bit ugly, and there is a lot of dissatisfaction with Lin Feng.

"Let's say, we all need to explain." The girl was gloomy and a lot. This is the first time she and Lin Feng are angry, and because the woman and Lin Feng are angry, but she is not open, she does not object to Lin Feng looking for a woman, this is at this critical juncture, dreams are unconscious, Liu Fei was born, and Lin Feng returned one.

This makes them feel aggrieved and very sad. Lin Feng knows that love is not specific. But even if they are not specific, they can't do such things. It is really difficult for them to understand.

"The wilderness, fire dance, I will tell you a After the talk, you may understand me." Lin Feng sighed deeply, bitterly shook his head, and the Iraqi tears. There was no other way to tell the two women from the beginning to the end.

The fire dance and the wild girl nodded. They explained the opportunity to Lin Feng, so they waited for Lin Feng’s answer and could satisfy them.

After Lin Feng asked for the consent of the two women, she fell into meditation. In the end, she said from the first day of knowing the tears of the Iraqis. She always said that she has recently combined with the tears of the Iraqis. The vicissitudes of life and the love and hate are all accounted for. Clear and clear.

Such memories took an hour, the night was getting deeper and deeper, and the stars were a little bit more, but the stars here were much bigger than the stars outside, and they also shine a lot.

An hour later, the fire dance or the wild girl was in silence, and the eyes were a little red. They didn’t know that the Iraqi tears were so miserable. Compared with her, the two women felt that they were happy. Times.

"People, I, I am wrong." The absurd woman's face was bitter, and she lowered her head and Lin Feng admitted the mistake. She misunderstood Lin Feng and misunderstood the tears of the Iraqis. She always thought that the tears of the Iraqis were Lin Fengxin's new woman, but she never thought that the Iraqi tears compared the dreams and Liu Fei. It is not too late.

According to the age and status, the Iraqi tears are not the last, but the women of these gods are not qualified to express any opinions.

Lin Feng shook his head and looked at the wild girl and the fire dance with a sullen look. He didn't blame anyone. He only blamed himself and his emotions were so bad.

[Today's three chapters update]

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