Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1110: 500 million contest!

"Luo Xiaozhuo bids 180 million, and which son is bidding?" The old man saw that the atmosphere was slightly dull, he had to remind these people, if you really want to stabilize the price at around 200 million That is the time when the Dragons are angry.

The bones of the ancestors of the dragons in the Tang Dynasty have only auctioned the price of less than 200 million yuan, which is unacceptable to the Jielong people.

The old man even looked at Lin Feng. Before Lin Feng’s bid was so fierce, why is it calmer now, but it is similar to sitting on a mountain.

Lin Feng ignored the old man's gaze and continued to hold his fists to see the excitement. The keel of this world will certainly not be sold for two billion yuan. It will inevitably break through three hundred million or even higher, so there is no need to ask for the price first.

"Two billion."

Sure enough, the old man’s voice was short, and a masked man sitting on the left side of the second row shouted out and raised his brand for two billion.

With the voice of the masked man, only someone noticed the man. The man was extremely low-key and never showed up. The current asking price makes some people think that this is likely to be a good-looking son. After all, you can get an invitation. None of them are ordinary people.

Although this man does not belong to Luojiamen, the empty ancestor has Baolong Pavilion, and it is not a drunken fairy building. As for the Xingyun Academy, it is even more impossible. Lin Feng represents the college.

Lin Feng looked at the black-faced man, remembering this person in his heart, not simple, the five realms of the Emperor, but the fighting power is not afraid of being weaker than the seven powerful powers of the Emperor.

This is a character, Lin Feng thought.

The same, Lin Feng looked at the black robe masked man, the latter also looked at Lin Feng, eyes are the same, mutual jealous.

"230 million." The emptiness of the Lord once again shouted out. He touched his own bald head, perhaps habitually or perhaps praying for something. He was very eager to get the keel.

"250 million". The young master of Jingshan also shouted out, lazily holding up the brand, and with his voice falling, the keel of this world was fired at a price of 250 million yuan, and it will continue to rise.

"Three billion." The black-faced man faintly sipped and raised his hand, his appearance was very dull, and there was no excessive expression, but it made many people shocked to be unbelievable.

This person? Only he himself, but still dare to challenge the representatives of so many forces, this strength is inevitable.

"330 million." Luo Hao clenched his teeth, cold sweats flowed down his cheeks, the price has exceeded the price of the family budget, but he still wants to give it a try, take a risk.

"350 million". At this time, Lin Feng lifted the brand in his hand, and his move finally made the Emperor and the Royal Gate a slower face. Lin Feng joined the competition, which was able to hope for a few good auctions for the Nebula Academy. thing.

The college is not bad money. The difference is actually the match with the money. The establishment of the Nebula Academy is short because it was established by outsiders. It is naturally excluded by local forces, but this is not an excuse.

This time, Lin Feng made the nebula college a good face. Now no one dares to Xiaoxuan Nebula College, or directly, no one dares to Xiaolin.

Lin Feng called the price of 350 million yuan, so that Luo Hao’s complete spirit collapsed. The risk of shouting out 303 million, but the voice has not fallen, Lin Feng directly said a sentence of 350 million, completely let him The plan is ruined.

The anger, which spread throughout the body in an instant, clenched his fist and stood up, glaring at Lin Feng, his eyes wide.

"You really want to be right with me, kid?" Luo Yan's face is extremely embarrassing, his eyes are more transparent to the **** murder, the same.

The atmosphere has also changed because of his roar. Whether it is the emptiness of the Lord or the young master of Jingshan, I am interested in watching Lin Feng. How to solve this time?

"Luo Xiaozhu, the Lord has no enmity and no complaints. Why should I be against you? Can I bid for the auction? Is it necessary to let you everywhere?"

Lin Feng only looked at the front keel, but did not look at Luo Wei, but still talked with Luo Wei, but the tone was quite cold, and it also showed an indifferent attitude, so that after listening to Luo Wei, his face became more and more gloomy.

"You, good, very good, kid, after a auction, you wait for me!"

"Go, let's go."

Luo Wei said, screaming and screaming directly, he chose to abandon the film, and the four middle-aged men left the fifth floor hall directly, giving up the moment after the auction, this time no matter which red woman Blocking has no effect.

Luo Wei once again ate Lin Feng’s loss. Lin Feng once again angered Luo Wei, but he could only endure anger and temporarily vented it. Because of lack of strength, he could only go back to the rescue army. When he moved to the rescue, he must let Lin Feng blood debt blood compensation!

"You give me a wait!" Luo Wei gave Lin Feng a voice, the tone filled with icy and murderous, Lin Feng could not help but frown, this murder is terrible, but he is not afraid.

"Well, I am waiting for you." Lin Feng also gave Luo Wei a reply, very brief but also highly vocal, Luo Hao, his attitude.

Luo Wei left the hall, and the auction continued, and it would not be interrupted because of Luo Wei’s departure.

"370 million." Lin Feng, who is looking at the side with a small smile, still keeps a bit of respect. No matter who can get the keel in the end, it is a battle for the world, the battle for money, and the battle for power.

Among them, Lin Feng is the most able to put down his courage, because the money is not his own, so it is not a pain to spend, but at the same time, it needs to use the billions of coins to exchange for higher value.

"300 million". Master Jingshan also raised the brand in his hand, bidding 318 million, the highest price ever.


"Four hundred million." The black robe masked man directly extended four fingers and did not hold a sign. He felt that reaching out was a little more straight.

"My mother, who is this, so rich?"

"I don't know, but when I look at the dress and the momentum and the money, it should be a big family or a disciple of the big forces."

"Maybe, no matter what, in short, this is a very lively show."

The earliest three rows of people have completely become the audience. They may have shouted a few prices before. It is now 400 million, or 40 million, they are not willing to shout, because this is not their battlefield.

"430 million." The young master of Jingshan continued to bid and placard.

"450 million". The emptiness of the Lord also continued to increase the price, his face was very calm, and he could not see how much his ambition was.

"500 million." Lin Feng stretched out five fingers, just like the black man, saving the trouble of placarding.

500 million!

The heavy price makes everyone dumbless, the auction price of 500 million, which is definitely one of the highest prices ever. The highest baby in the past auction is this number, but look at today’s posture. It has not stopped yet.

On the seventh floor, inside a room with ink painting, the curtains are made of pink spar. There is a woman in the house who looks like a woman. The woman's skin is white and smooth, and the blow can be broken. A pair of stunned eyes in the world, this beauty is enough to seduce the soul, let people indulge in the female color.

The woman was wearing a colorful robe, revealing the scenery inside, but she could not see clearly. This rainy, misty feeling made countless men so mad, but did not dare to have a little bit of swaying.

Just because the woman is the young lady of the entire drunken building, the daughter of the owner of the drunk fairy building, the golden moon.

"Interesting, really interesting, 500 million contest, I like to watch."

Qianjin Caiyue’s mouth slightly touched the dimples on both sides. This smile made the women in the red dress around them lose their brilliance. Even the sun and the moon seemed to be a foil. The woman’s smile was a slogan and more turbulent. .

The golden moon, the second woman in the history of the country, has been seen by a hegemon above the war list, and is prepared to use the coercive means to steal the golden moon, but only one day, the golden moon will put this Overlord, and the hegemon of the ancestor level, lost the soul.

A generation of hegemons, this is fallen, and this soul has become a plaything of the golden moon. At this point, no one dares to use the strong golden moon, the golden moon and the moon do not mix things above the war, alone A person is very comfortable living in Drunken House.

"Miss, I have checked the information you have checked me."

At this moment, a red woman's respectful hands raised her head over her head, squatting into the house, and then kneeling under the long skirt of the golden moon.

Qianjin Caiyue glanced at her, faintly asked: "What identity."

"Lin Feng, just entering the war, is the Tianjiao that the four great ancestors took over from the lower bound, and ranked fourth in the battlefield assessment list, but there is no power to choose."


"The 12 Buddhas of Foshan will pass on to him!"


The eyes of the golden moon and the moon have finally flashed a fascinating look, and if this look is seen by a man, it will definitely be burned and not self-sustaining.

"Go on, the auction is over, keep him, I want to see him."

The tone of Qianjin Caiyue was slightly colder, and it was said that all the red women nodded heavily, and then they all walked out and even dared not look up.

The auction on the fifth floor continues.

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