Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1128: My name, color month!


Jianzu didn't want to let Qianjin Caiyue represent the Nebula Academy. First of all, the background of Qianjin Caiyue was too strong. The former overlord wanted to force her to be killed, but the drunk fairy building had nothing to do. This thing is enough to see the background of the drunken building, it must be a big scary.

Therefore, Jianzu does not want to let the golden moon play.

Qianjin Caiyue slightly picks up the eyebrows, and some unhappy smiles: "This girl is already a disciple of the college. Naturally, she is qualified to play for the college. Why not?"

"Hey, shouldn't you be afraid of this girl?" When Qian Jincai's face was ugly, he asked the sword ancestad deliberately, and immediately made the latter's face ugly, and some did not come under the face.

After a long time, Jianzu clenched his fist and made his heart sway. It doesn't matter. No matter who is the disciple who represents the Nebula Academy, she only needs to defeat the nebula gods, so the victory is invalid.

"Okay, Miss Choi Moon is happy." The ancestors smiled faintly, and their self-confidence gradually became full, waiting for the battle to begin.

“Who is the sword-skilled school who sent out?” Jing Rui asked, looking at the disciple of the Jianzu Academy. Jian Xuan has been abolished by Lin Feng. Today, he has not seen the abandoned Xuan Xuan, so there are three disciples left in Jianzu College.

And these three disciples, the two emperors of the six peaks, one of the seven disciples of the Emperor, must be played by this strongest disciple.

"Sword Ding Tian, ​​play!"

A steadfast anger was spread throughout the ring, and then a young man from the disciple of the Jianzu Academy came out with a short sword, which was the seven-sword of the Emperor, the brother of Jian Xuan.

Jian Dingtian stood in front of Qianjin Caiyue. As a goddess of the fascination of the moon, he saw the goddess in his dream, and he could not help but be excited, but he could not say it.

Therefore, it can only be pretending to be a cold gesture to look at the golden moon.

"Miss Choi, I don't want to fight against you. I want to deal with Lin Feng. He abolishes my younger brother. I need revenge. Can you go away?"

Jian Dingtian didn't want to fight against Qianjin Caiyue, so he said it straightforwardly, hoping that Qianjin Caiyue could withdraw from this match and change to Lin Feng.

The entire Jianzu Academy people hate Lin Feng, can not wait to drink Lin Feng's blood, eat Lin Feng's meat, Yu Lin Feng's bones and bones.

Lin Feng stepped out again and prepared the posture of the battle. However, Qian Jincai directly put out a punch and prepared to hit Lin Feng’s chest again. With the example of last night, Lin Feng did not dare to compete with Qian Jincai. Can be a step back.

Qian Jincai Moon squinted at Lin Feng, and the corner of his mouth was a little curved. He continued to turn his head and looked at Jian Dingtian’s cold smile. “Your opponent can only be this girl. This is the first representative of this girl. After playing, you don’t want to break the girl’s interest!"

Coldly screamed, the face of Qianjin Caiyue suddenly turned cold, and there seemed to be two lines of cold frost on the top of the eyebrows. There were a few more flaws in the depths of the eyes. If it was more vicious than scorpion, she would dare to claim herself. Third, then there will be no first, only second.

Thousands of gold and moons clenched the show, and the cold atmosphere spread over the entire ring. Even the spectators under the ring felt the murder of the moon, and they were frightened.

The emperor's six-fold golden moon, but the horrible momentum is not weaker than the seven powerful powers of the gods, and even stronger, so that countless people have turned into a lot of expectations from the look down on the Nebula Academy.

With Lin Feng’s Nebula Academy, the hard-boiled enters the quarter-finals, and this time, the golden moon has also joined. After this war, fear is that the college will go further.

The face of Jian Dingtian turned cold a little bit, and at the same time, there was a lot of unwillingness in his heart. He didn't want to fight against the golden moon. However, there is no way. The rules are like this. They can only obey, otherwise they will abstain.

"Miss Moon, be careful!" Jian Dingtian clenched the one-meter short sword in his hand, and the whole man instantly smashed out and turned it into a sword-mandling sword, pointing straight to the chest of the golden moon.

However, once he was shot, whether it was a disciple above the ring or a spectator under the ring, all of them were screaming at the sky and screaming at the sword, which caused the pressure of the latter to multiply and the cold sweat directly flowed down.

But he was only able to clench his teeth and insist on it. A sword quickly stabbed the chest between the golden moon and the moon, and it was able to penetrate in the blink of an eye.

Qianjin Caiyue's face did not have any nervous look. When she looked at the short sword and stabbed her chest less than half an inch, she suddenly clenched her fists. The body suddenly stirred up a colorful glow, and Xiaguang instantly covered her whole body. .

The stiletto pierced her chest, but she only scratched her chest silt. She did not let the golden moon receive any injury. Jian Dingtian looked at this scene and his face became a little colder. He knew if not If you take it seriously, then there is no chance.

"Swords in the world!"

Jian Dingtian is in the void and rounds the short sword. In an instant, a sword with a diameter of two meters gradually expands. After jumping into the sky, it seems to be wrapped in the whole world, and the momentum of the sword is suddenly revealed.

The cold biting makes people feel cold and rushing.

Lin Feng's face is very dignified. This trick of Jian Dingtian can't be dealt with well. If you play against Jian Dingtian, you need to use all your strength. Otherwise, you won't be able to win the final victory.

Jiandingtian is also the number one figure in Tianjiao, which is much stronger than the waste.

Qianjin Caiyue is still standing in the same place. Compared with the colorful glow of her body, it is more and more dazzling, just like the rainbow is shrouded in her body, and the terrible attack of Jiandingtian makes the face of Qianjin Caiyue dignified. a bit.

"Colorful world!"

Waving colorful rays in both hands, this light is like a part of the body of the golden moon. There is no strangeness, nostalgia, and a colorful glow. In a flash, it turns into a world, a colorful world, and the sword of the sky. Covered in it.


The chaotic and deafening collision sounds came from the colorful world. Everyone from the top and bottom of the ring looked at the scene in front of him. His face suddenly changed. Only the swords of Jiandingtian’s swords were all solved by the colorful world. And finally melted.

After the melting, Jianguang has completely become a kind of power in the colorful world. In a little bit of the past, the colorful Xiaguang seems to have another light, but it is not really true. Many people ignore it.

Lin Feng has a very clear feeling. After the current Qianjin Caiyue has exhausted the energy of Wanjian, this light really has to have one more color, but because the strength of Jiandingtian is somewhat weak, it has not formed a force. .

However, even if this is the case, Qianjin Caiyue earned this time, and her realm has signs of loosening, and this is all because of the sword light of Jiandingtian.

Jian Dingtian rarely has such a wolverine. Today is one time. He can't believe his eyes. The energy of the sword world is so absorbed by the colorful world. There is nothing left, but it helps the golden color. The realm of the month has a sense of looseness.

However, he is extremely weak, and if there is not a short sword in his hand, he may actually fall under the ring because of the unstable atmosphere.

Jianzu has been watching this scene. In the end, he can only close his eyes and be disappointed. Although he knows the strength of the golden moon, the sword will not be too much, but after seeing it, he will see it. It is not a level opponent at all.

Thousands of gold and moons are even just playing tricks, even the real tricks are not used, Jian Dingtian himself will fall.

"You have made two moves in a row, this time you changed the lady!"

On the face of Qianjin Caiyue, there was a slap in the face, and the left hand waved, the colorful light became more and more splendid, and the easy-going atmosphere made many people fall into obsession.


A roaring sound was heard into the ear, and the Xiaguang of the left hand of Qianjin Caiyue directly turned into a virtual shadow of the sword. This sword shadow is similar to the short sword held by Jian Dingtian.

call out!


Sword, fleeting!

Blood, splashes out!

People, can't afford to fall!

Qian Jincai's faceless expression blinked and fell on the platform of Shen After a while, he turned directly and walked back to Lin Feng's side.

"My name, color month!"

Qianjin Caiyue raised his head and stood up to his chest. He faintly revealed the white peaks of Lin and looked at Lin Feng. After smiling at Lin Feng, he walked away a little.

At this moment, Lin Feng’s heart was shocked and even a little vigilant. The strength of Qianjin Caiyue was simply too strong.

Even if I encounter Jian Dingtian, it is impossible to defeat the other party with only four strokes. The Qianjin Caiyue is so simple, and has not used all the strength. Only the last resort, she has exhausted all her strength, the sword. Ding Tian also suffered a fiasco.

Her name, color month!

Is this what I show off like myself? Lin Feng sighed deeply, and his heart was hard to say calm.

Lin Feng is hard to say calm, not to mention the other people watching the crowd below. All of them are shocked. They can’t imagine that the goddess in the dream has such a vicious side. Under the sword, Jiandingtian is also abolished. Going to Kendo, I can no longer repair the sword.

The end of Jian Dingtian is exactly the same as that of Jian Xuan. It is even worse than Jian Xuan. After all, Qianjin Caiyue is a generation of women, and the man of Jian Dingtian, the first day of the Jianzu Academy, lost to Qian Jincai. The body of the month!

Shocked, silent!

Jianzu’s face was gloomy to the extreme, holding his fist. He pinned his hopes on himself. As long as he could win the nebula, the Jianzu Academy would advance!

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