Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1142: Really cruel!


There were too many things happening in just one day. Many of the people in the entire warfare had some reaction. The first was the winner of the Academy Conference by a little-known Nebula Academy, and the Wars of Sword.

However, only half a day later, the Nebula Academy was encircled by the Eight Great Gods. In the end, Lin Feng was defeated and disappeared. The nebula gods died because of Lin Feng. The War Spirits and the Dragons of the Eight Great Gods wanted to annihilate the entire Nebula Academy, but suddenly Another Nihuang stood up.

When the phoenix came out, the ancestors had to retreat, and the golden moon was holding the token of the phoenix. It was solemnly declared that the Nebula Academy was under the jurisdiction of the Drunken House. What does this mean? Not stupid people know that this is the indirect management of the Nebula Academy.

In this way, what war spirits, the dragons, and dare to start with the Nebula Academy?

When the phoenix of the phoenix was terrible, it was estimated that the patriarchs of their ethnic group and even the patriarchs of the genius should not forget the elders. If the phoenix is ​​angry, it is really not as simple as destroying a race.

The nebula gods were fallen, and they were buried in a hidden bush in the back mountain of the college. The tombstone was carved by a thousand gold moons and buried in the nebula.

Now I can only wait for the nebula gods to resurrect half a year or a year later. After all, the soul beads are not destroyed by the Jielong, then there is a chance of resurrection.

Qian Jincai left the Nebula Academy and left only the token.

Everything, once again restored to dull, whether it is a small Liangcheng, or Jingcheng, and then the war, no longer discuss this matter, it seems that someone deliberately closed the matter.

Mozu, in a temple.

"The mission failed, not terrible, the scary thing is that Lin Feng is not dead!"

Xuanyuan Magic Emperor's face is unusually gloomy, and his eyes reveal a deep taboo color. Nowadays, after he joined the Mozu, the rapid rise of the realm has broken through the seven Emperor's Emperor, and only one weight can reach the Emperor's Eight Emphasies. God ancestors are not too far away.

Xuanyuan Mou is the planner of this time, and he has no choice but to seek the dean of the Devil's College. However, this plan has failed. Some of the ancestors have been killed, and some are afraid of the natural ancestors. Find him to settle accounts.

At the moment, he is preparing to solve this.

"Lin Feng is not dead, but it is terrible, but even more terrifying is that Nihuang shot."

The ancestors stood opposite the Xuanyuan Mo Huang, carrying the condensed gloomy color of their hands, and he was almost killed by the ice spirit. Fortunately, when he returned to his life, he was a bit more hateful to the Xuanyuan Mog. I regret doing this for the latter, and now Nihuang has also shot.

Once the phoenix shot, then no one can move Lin Feng, unless the old monsters or rookies on the front of the battle list dare to risk killing Lin Feng, but Lin Feng and their innocence, how can the old guys who are proud of the sky can kill A Lin Feng.

So this is a terrible thing.

After Xuanyuan Mo Huang listened to the words of the ancestor, his face suddenly became a lot of weight. Obviously this is a trouble. If it is not solved, it will never be possible to kill Lin Feng.

"Predecessors, are you saying that you are a great phoenix, or are you a great woman?"

Suddenly, the face of Xuanyuan Mo Huang revealed a harmless smile of humans and animals, and smiled at the mouth and looked at the demon ancestors.

The face of the ancestors suddenly changed, and some strangely looked at the Xuanyuan Emperor, do not know what the latter meaning.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean, let the girl of the Nihuang and the daughter of the female ancestor become enemies. If this is the case, huh, this is interesting. At that time, the Nihuang and the female ancestors shot each other for their daughters. Phoenix has no time to pay attention to Lin Feng."

"If Lin Feng lacks the attention of Nihuang, then we will take advantage of this opportunity to kill him, huh, who knows?"

Xuanyuan Mowu grinned, but his eyes were full of sorrow and sorrow, so that the ancestors could not help but secretly scared. What kind of disciple is this kind of disciple, so vicious and daring, even The female ancestors and the neon phoenix are counted?

"Yes, as long as you do enough to hide." The ancestors nodded. He did not oppose this plan. As long as he can get rid of Lin Feng and let the Mozu be safe, he can.

"Okay, I will do it now." Xuanyuan Moug nodded, then immediately fisted toward the devil, and then left the hall, disappeared into the night.

The ancestors pondered for a while and left the hall. He also needed to return to the Mozu Academy to sit in the town. He could not stay in the Mozu. If the time was too long, the patriarch of the Mozu should be angry.

Wuhun world, home!

"Dream, this, what happened to Maple?"

Lin Hai and Yue Meng He are both in a hurry, especially Yue Menghe. Immediately, their three daughter-in-law are waiting for production. Even less than a week, there may be premature birth at this moment, but Lin Feng’s father is actually affected. So seriously injured.

For the three women, this is definitely a blow. The dream is considered meticulously. She and Lin Hai are informed in advance, so that she has time to arrange three women and not let the three women meet Lin Feng.

On the bed, Lin Feng lay on it, her eyes closed, her face was pale and colorless, and the black robes were covered with blood. It was broken into pieces, and the blue jade belt at the waist was broken in half, breathing weak and breathy. Extremely unstable, the only lucky thing is that there is no danger to life.

"Mother, don't worry, Xianggong is not too serious injury, just caused by physical exhaustion, just a few days off." Dreaming smiles, comforting Yue Meng and Lin Hai.

Yue Menghe can't be relieved by the words of dreams, but the dream never lie, and she said that Yue Menghe is still willing to believe, so she did not say anything.

Lin Hai sighed and walked out of the house. He really couldn't see the scene. Every time Lin Feng came back, he was wounded back, even with a heavy blow. It is hard to imagine what he had experienced outside.

As a father, he can only live in the world of Wuhun, even though the power of life in this area has made his strengths rise rapidly. Nowadays, he is also a god-level, and there is no difference in the strength of the outside world.

But what is the use? There is a realm of light, but it has been no battle experience and tricks for hundreds of years. If you go out, you can only be killed by other gods.

He regrets that he may not have allowed Lin Feng to embark on this road of repairing Wu. If Lin Feng became a thoroughly waste, he might be able to live a life without reversing. Worry and sorrow.

He regrets, but Lin Feng himself never regrets the choice of this road, no matter how difficult it is, fearing that he will finally give his life, then he will not hesitate.

What is the picture of a living person? It is nothing more than fame and fortune. Lin Feng has no concept of money, and it does not matter to the interests. The only reputation is the most valued.

Lin Feng custom, he is not elegant, even more popular than many people, but the common custom has reached the extreme, this is Lin Feng, a different from others Lin Feng.

Even if a relative can not understand him, but he will still adhere to the path of his choice, and go on firmly, because he is a man, he is a man, he is Lin Feng!

After midnight, the dream is also called Yue Menghe to rest, Yue Menghe also assured that the dream guards Lin Feng, she left here, after all, there are three daughters who need to take care of, can not do without people.

The family is very big now, even if one hundred people do not appear crowded, there are more than a dozen pavilions and wooden houses inside and outside, and Lin Feng is in the most remote wooden house at this moment, ordinary people will not come here.

The man who dreams of sitting on the edge of the bed and watching the bed continue to stun, the mood of the dream is very bitter, complicated, and more bitter and bitter to be able to speak with others.

"Big sister, is there really no way?" The dreams blew out of the mist, and the eyes were hanging on the eyelids, but they did not flow down.

"There is no way, Lin Feng is manipulated by the God of War sword, and because of his own madness, the memory is chaotic. Even if he wakes up, he can't recover his memory."

The voice of the ice spirit was introduced into the ear of the dream, and the discourse seemed quite helpless. Although she was a creationist, she was only the spiritual spirit of ice, and she did not have much ability to save a person with memory confusion.

The tears of dreams flowed down, and the words of the ice spirit made her feel desperate. She couldn’t imagine that when Lin Feng, who couldn’t remember his own life, woke up, the brain was no hatred Without family, nothing will cease to exist.

Really cruel! Is it coming now?

"Dream, don't worry too much, he will only lose memory for a short period of time, not too long." Ice Spirit does not know how to comfort the dream, because she has never tried to comfort people since ancient times, but today, she is still willing to comfort her own ice spirit.

Just the heartache and despair of dreams, how can it be a good sentence to comfort one.

The dream was on the bedside, hands clasped in Lin Feng's chest, listening to Lin Feng's weak breathing, tears quickly wet Lin Feng's clothes, she rarely cried in history, but today's dreams can't stand it. Heartache and despair, crying out.

"You are awake, you are still awakened, you have sons and daughters to be born, so you can't bear to see if they can't see their father's face when they are born?"

"To be fair, to cover the sorrow of the sky, do you want to repeat it in these children?"

The more we cry, the more we cry. A calm and mature woman often bears a lot, and once she finds a tearful point to talk, it is definitely the most heart-wrenching one.

No accident, the dream is this one.

Ice spirit sighs, she has power and strength, but she can't do anything about it, especially for Lin Feng, she really can't do anything about it.


"Dream, you take Lin Feng hidden in the ring list in the ring." Ice Ling gave a cold drink and pointed to the Lin Feng space ring.

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