Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1380: Lin Feng who was pushed to the top!


"Female ancestor, please take a seat." Kundao has a well-organized arrangement for these strongmen to sit down without any scorn. "One hundred acres of Xiao brothers, welcome." Kundao once again clenched his fists and saw the second battlefield, which was a friend of the hundred acres. The latter was a rough cloth, and it looked very shabby, but he did not dare to think so.

"Pan. Soul, you are here too." Kun Dao turned and saw the pin of a purple robe. The soul of the temple led the three men, and they also greeted, pin. The soul of the main performance was very enthusiastic, but also very Charming and clenched.

"Hey, the sword-making predecessor, you and the back sword gods have come." The most pleasant surprise and shock of Kundao is that the female ancestors even brought the archer of the Jianshou Villa to the ancestors of the sword and the ancestors of the present.

One is a white-bearded old man, elegant and noble, another middle-aged man, his face is cold and arrogant, with a long sword hanging behind him.

At this moment, the God of War sword in the space ring of Lin Feng had a reaction, trembled, and there was a loud humming sound, which seemed to provoke the long sword behind the back of the sword.

Lin Feng held the ring and did not pass the breath out, otherwise it would cause trouble.

At this moment, the female ancestors came over with her, and her daughter was white. The white girl was very plain today. There was only one sheep fat jade on her head. The white skirt was all over the sky, and she could not see her legs. Two pairs of jade feet.

The female ancestors are different, the female ancestors wear a psychic and quiet, revealing an elegant atmosphere, and there is a kind of holiness above the snow-capped mountains, just like the nine-day mysterious woman.

The female ancestors really attracted the attention of all men. Even those people under the mountain had to fight for the high school to see the female ancestors. It was already hit, and the atmosphere of the event was soaring.

The female ancestors crossed the eyes of the crowd, but in the end they fell in front of the neon, so that everyone thought that the two women were afraid of re-emergence, but it was quite unexpected that the female ancestors were facing Lin Feng smiled.

At this moment, there are countless men who can't wait to bring Lin Feng over, and then they sit down. Of course, Lin Feng is also afraid of them. It can only be envied in the dark and hateful.

"Long time no see, Lin Feng." The female ancestors made a sound, and the ethereal sounds like the clouds and the handsome air in the beautiful, the tenderness of the water, and the perfect figure of the female ancestors, the temptation is too big. It is.

"You, hello, huh, huh." Lin Feng is a bit stunned. The female ancestors don’t even look at it. They only talk to themselves. Isn’t this exposing themselves to the eyes of everyone? This is simply killing myself.

But Lin Feng can't help but answer, otherwise it will be hated by countless people, only a low laugh, I hope the female ancestors will leave myself.

"Hey, why are you so constrained, Lin Feng." The white woman grinned for a long time, but she couldn’t help it.

"Daughter, not rude." The female ancestors looked at the white woman, but did not look like an angry look. She continued to look at Lin Feng and smiled: "After this event, Lin Feng, can you go to the Northeast China?"

It’s loud! Everyone has grown up, as if they were in the thunder, the eyes are full of imagination, and the female ancestors would invite a holy product?

"This…". Lin Feng’s heart is full of weirdness. What happened to the female ancestors? Today, when it appeared, it was somewhat abnormal. It seemed to reveal the taste of conspiracy, so that Lin Feng couldn’t help but look at the neon phoenix, and could only ask for the phoenix.

Nihuang was also watching the fun at the beginning. She also wanted to see how this little man responded to the female ancestors, but some disappointment, Lin Feng’s murder was not blind, but in the face of women, there was no resistance at all. If she does not say anything, Lin Feng may be hooked up by the female ancestors.

"Female grandfather and sister, Lin Feng is the ally of my octagonal domain. I am proud of the first assistant. You dig people in front of me. Isn't it good?" Neon phoenix sounded, and the words were arrogant and a bit raging.

Suddenly, the sound of resounding, some people have already sweated, and even Kun Road is aside, can not imagine this scene, the two beautiful women in the war world only for a small Lin Feng, do you have to argue?

Sure enough, under the gaze of everyone, the female ancestors laughed, and the corners of the mouth were slightly pickled, like a snow lotus bloom, fascinated by many people.

"My sister said this, how dare I dig people, I just want Lin Feng to go to the Northeast, but it is not not. Are you so embarrassed?"

"Oh, this is not a bad thing. If Lin Feng goes to the Northeast, the octagonal domain will be chaotic, and the country can't be without a day." Nihuang once again counterattacked, sharp and extremely attractive, but also attracted a lot of men's attention.

A cool cloud, a charming and charming, between the two women, is really clear.

"Is it true that the country of Nie's sister is already made by Lin Feng, giggling." The female ancestors made a joke, but the whole atmosphere turned into a hot water that was boiled. It almost smashed out; the face of Nihuang was slightly changed, but she still smiled and said: "What about it? Lin Fengruo Willing, my northwestern Lord can also give him!"

"Enough, enough, two don't quarrel." Lin Feng couldn't help it. He could only interrupt the quarrel between the two. If he continued this way, he would have to be a target of the public. When he had just arrived, he had already felt a lot of eyes and hated himself.

The two women are more like a discussion. If they want to dig their own, Lin Feng is a little angry.

The female ancestors and the Nihuang saw Lin Feng's face changed, and they no longer quarreled. The phoenix turned to look elsewhere, while the female ancestor led the white woman to sit on the left hand side of Lin Feng.

This time, it is even more clear. On the right side of Lin Feng is the two beautiful women of Nihuang and Qianjin Caiyue. On the left are two beautiful women, the female ancestor and the white female. The four women are surrounded by Lin Feng and envy all the men.

Falling alive is wide-eyed, shaking his head and groaning, it is terrible, a woman is a terrible animal, and he swears that he will not stay with a woman in this life.

"Brother, you have to save me."

At this moment, Lin Feng sent a cry for help to the students. When he was born, he did not hear it. He would not have a bad feeling. The two beautiful girls mainly remembered hating him, but it was not worth it, and his brother had this. Peach blossoms, also pretty good, in case one day made the northwest and northeast male masters, half of this battlefield is Lin Feng, haha.

Of course this is a joke.

The dispute between Nihuang and the female ancestors for Lin Feng made Lin Feng pushed to the heights. It is difficult to prevent everyone from paying attention. Lin Feng can only restore a plain look. Anyway, he will be.

Kun Dao mouth hangs a smile, and I still have to worry about how to make Lin Feng ugly. Now, with the dispute between the two female overlords, Lin Feng this time, without him, there will be a steady stream of men targeting him. .

The husband is not guilty and is guilty!

"Well, the bosses of the three positions in the northern war are all in place. They are the northeastern army and the northern warfare led by the female ancestors under the jurisdiction of the Nihuang." Kundao stood in the center of the high platform and visually observed the strong people around and the strong players in the southern wars who were invited to participate.

"In addition, I need a strong introduction, five friends from the southern wars sitting in front of me."

When Kun Dao talks here, he has to mention the strongmen of the southern warfare invited by the northern warfare, and the top five winners who have just finished the southern war zone.

At this moment, all the strong men in the north have set their sights on the five people in front of them. From the perspective of strength and appearance, these five people can be said to be first-class masters, the top five strongmen in the southern war.

"These five friends are, the main gate of the heavenly gate, Tian Yudao, the demon brother of the demon domain, the konjac, and the three ancestors of the ancestors, the eastern ancestor, the patriarch of the Szu, Su Gu, and finally the dragon. Ancestors."

After Kundao introduced these five people, he suddenly caused an uproar, especially the commander of the southeast. Longzu personally came to visit and attracted more people.

However, now the northeast female ancestors, the northwestern phoenix, the southeastern ancestor and the northern ancestor of Kundao, these five ancestors and four hegemons have already appeared in four of them.

So why are they here?

Lin Feng’s thoughts are cautious. Since the other party sent people, it’s impossible to take a look at the northern war zone event. Is it possible to come to the market?

Lin Feng is very clear that the southern warfare event includes the magical domain of the south, the Zhenwu Dynasty in the southwest and the dragon in the southeast, the corresponding southern ancestors, the southwestern Taizu and the southeastern dragon ancestors.

If there is no accident, there will be at least one of the five people inside.

The grand meeting of the North and South wars does not include the West and the East. Why is this? Lin Feng did not understand.

A lot of doubts, all need a little bit to explain and understand, to find the answer, so Lin Feng came here not want to name, just want to know some things, but obviously because of the phoenix and women The dispute between the ancestors, Lin Feng is too clear, this time will inevitably kill a few people to let their ears quiet!

"I am the Oriental Emperor, ranking forty-three in the battle list." Dongfang Minqing first got up and greeted everyone, and the tone was not humble, of course, a little contempt.

The southern warfare has always looked down on the northern wars. This is a well-known thing, and the same is true of the youngest hegemony in the war.

At first glance, Lin Feng noticed the oriental 彧卿, his face was lonely and indifferent, and he was extremely arrogant. His eyes were deep and revealing a wolf ambition.

"The remaining four are predecessors, so you don't need to introduce them." When the Oriental Emperor Qing said, he sat down and never looked at other people.

This cold arrogance also makes the majority of the northern warlords slightly dissatisfied, but this is the hegemon, and can only hide the dissatisfaction in my heart.

"What is the remaining four are predecessors, you don't need to introduce them? Four of you are seniors. Can some of them be younger?"

Lin Feng couldn't listen to the words of Dongfang Yuqing, and beat the latter with cold words. At the same time, the fingers shouted to Kun Dao and the two female overlords next to him: "Is this not a younger generation?"

It’s another rumored drink, which aroused this dull atmosphere.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. With the sound of Lin Feng, the stronghearts of the northern war zone secretly applauded, but the face of the oriental monk suddenly changed.

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