Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1431: 0 Jin Caiyue marriage!

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"Colorful moon, tomorrow is your big day, adjust your mind today, ready to be a bride." () Nihuang looked at the golden moon in front of her eyes, and her heart was full of emotions. Now there are so many things in the northwestern battlefield, and the octagonal domain is like a pot of porridge. If there are not two ancient hegemons and ancestral support It may be falling apart.

At this time, I still don't know where Lin Feng is. If Lin Feng can come back, why is this northwestern continent so confused? When Nihuang thought of it, she couldn’t help but sigh and laughed. When did she see Lin Feng so important, but a genius, and then it would be a powerful one?

This northwestern continent still has to rely on itself to protect it! When Ni Huang thought of it, she couldn’t help but grin, but it was a bit of a pain.

Sitting on the bed, Qianjin Caiyue, her face is very calm, and there is not much sadness. She is about to marry, she has adjusted her mentality to the best point, that is, when she leaves the Neon enchantment tomorrow, it will not cry.

"Mother, I am fine, you can rest assured." Qianjin Caiyue smiled faintly, indicating that Nihuang should not think more, she can do it herself.

"You, are you still thinking about Lin Feng?" Nihuang was hesitant, but he still asked the most important question in his heart. If his daughter is still in love with Lin Feng, it is possible to bury a deep mine and bury it in the future. A thunder beside Qianjin Caiyue and Lin Feng.

Luo Chaosheng and Lin Feng are brothers who worship, but if the golden moon and the moon do not forget Lin Feng, then the relationship between Lin Feng and Luo Chaosheng may be deteriorated because of the golden moon, which is undoubtedly unfavorable for Lin Feng.

Therefore, at this time, Nihuang must ask for a clear question. If Qianjincai still can't forget Lin Feng, then she has the right to stop this marriage.

However, Qianjin Caiyue finally shook his head and smiled and said: "There is only some disappointment in my heart. After all, I have been obsessed for a long time. Now I want to let go, it is very difficult, but my mother is relieved. Since it was my husband, I will become my husband. It will definitely be considered for the husband."

"It is a righteous atmosphere for people who are born in the DPRK. I think it is good to marry such a person." Qianjin Caiyue is very smiling, and there are no false ingredients in it. Nihuang sees it here, and this is a deep breath to let go of his heart.

"Well, then, since this is the case, I will send an invitation. It is estimated that I can reach the invitation place tomorrow morning, maybe...". When the phoenix is ​​halfway through, it is swallowed. What she thinks is that if Lin Feng knows that she is getting married, maybe she will hurry and come back?

Of course, the marriage of Qianjin Caiyue is not intended to attract Lin Feng back.

Neihuang left the room of Qianjin Caiyue, carefully closed the door, and ordered Fengcai and several other phoenix warriors to go to Linyi wedding posts, and the whole battlefield will be released soon. Anyone with a head and face must send representatives to participate. Wedding reception.

After seeing the phoenix in the golden moon, there was a complicated smile on the corner of the mouth, but in the end, I did not speak. I waited quietly for the arrival of tomorrow’s wedding day. Perhaps she was the most correct choice to marry the students in this life. Lin Feng It is a unicorn, a fierce dragon, and it is not certain that a woman like her can catch it.

A little bit of time passed, when it was late at night, the octagonal field received an invitation from the Nihuang people. After seeing the above content, Song Qiuji’s face changed and the heart trembled.

"The golden moon and the moon must be married to the fall." Song Qiujiu’s brain is a bit responsive, but what is the matter? Why did the two men have a marriage message so suddenly, and the wedding date is set for tomorrow.

Song Qiuji thought for a long time, and finally sighed. This does not know what Lin Feng meant, but Song Qiuji also knows that Lin Feng does not have much possession of Qianjin Caiyue, but treats Qianjin Caiyue as a Very good for heterosexual friends.

Revenge is far behind, and then pick up the mystery.

"Now the octagonal domain is an eventful autumn. There are already four areas where Tianjiao is going to make trouble with each other. In the storm, they can only suppress it with the cold, but they want to calm the octagonal domain, only Lin Feng, oh." Song Qiuji’s face was full of sorrow, and he found that the horns on his head were gray.

"Come to people, give the invitation to the ancestors, let him set the old man." Song Qiujiu ordered his men to take away the wedding invitations. He did not deal with them when he did not. The octagonal domain was full of chaos, because a Zhuang Chonghuan made the entire octagonal domain chaotic.

He himself could not wait to kill the temple, and uprooted the entire hall. Of course, this is impossible. Without Lin Feng, no one has this purpose.

"Chu Chunqiu and Lin Yuntian went to Lin Feng and did not know if there was any news." Song Qiuji snorted and his thoughts drifted into the distance.

The knot is far from the unique one.

At this moment of the Dragon's territory, Chu Chunqiu was invited by the dragon to the dragon's field. The place where the four of them stood at this moment was an extremely luxurious gold dragon palace. The magnificent decoration in the Dragon Palace is not mentioned. Even the floor is inlaid with gold.

If the luxury of the Zhenwu Dynasty is a kind of overall luxury, it is a kind of luxury that reveals the unprecedented temperament of the emperor. Then the palace of the dragon is a kind of extravagant style, completely belonging to the kind of pride of the dragon. The expression is superb.

Dragon greed, this will never change.

"Here is the palace of Longzu. You wait a moment here, and the dragon ancestors will come out to meet you." After the four young dragons simply said a few words, they left the palace, leaving only Chu Chunqiu, Lin Shutian four people standing in the palace.

"Sit down, since the other party invited, we stand inevitably seeing the outside." Compared with the two sons of Ghost and Lin, Chu Chunqiu is the most calm one. He is very similar to Lin Feng’s character. Now that he has arrived, what is the use of anxiety? It is better to sit down and enjoy.

Chu Chunqiu sat in the luxurious dragon chair in the middle of the main hall. It was almost a brand-new golden seat. Sitting on it felt a cool and comfortable feeling. The ghost son also nodded and sat down. Only Lin Shutian and Lin Qiongsheng were very anxious. They were naturally I want to find my father soon.

Of course, it was now "invited" by Longzu to the dragons. There was no point in urgency. The two brothers looked at each other and sat silently waiting for the appearance of Longzu.


When the female ancestors and Kun Dao got married and fell to the students, they were very surprised, especially the female ancestors. It is difficult for her to imagine the phoenix. She wants to marry her daughter to the dynasty. After all, Lin Feng and Qian Jin Cai Yue have an unclear relationship.

However, the female ancestor is a clever woman of ice and snow. She can think of the extraordinary chaos in the northwest warfare today. Especially the octagonal domain is a time bomb, which may explode at any time, so after the marriage of the golden moon, it can be used. The relationship between the people of the DPRK and the DPRK is in a relatively stable state, and there will be no overlord to make trouble.

The female ancestor sighed, and even the phoenix needs to use this method to ensure the stability of the northwest war. It seems that there are not many ways to think about it.

"Mother, are you going?" After the white girl took the invitation from the female ancestors and looked at it, she was curious to ask, she really wanted to see the scene of the marriage of the golden moon, and at the same time, some hearts were dark and happy. After getting married, this heart can be put down, at least Lin Feng and Qianjin Caiyue will not have any entanglement.

"Don't go, do you want to go?" How could the female ancestors not know the little thoughts in her daughter's heart, so I asked the sentence, smirked, and a cold and sinful smile hidden under the pure and holy smile.

"If you want to send a special envoy to congratulate, then the daughter is still very willing to serve." The white woman grinned and her face was flushed. She had no chance to let her go.

"Well, then you will go for the mother, call the two elders to protect you."


Sun Di Qiu Kefang Sun Ball Moyang Enemy Ghost

"Oh, this Nihuang does not know what to do, and marry his daughter to Luosheng, do you want to change to peace? Oh, it’s better to marry me than to." Kun Dao grinned and thought about the small figure of the golden moon and the moon. The front and back of the **** is very attractive. If the little goblin gets his bed, it is not a kind of pleasure.

It’s a pity that I want to marry the fallen dynasty. He can only hope to sigh, and this is just to think about it. Who is the father of Qianjin Caiyue? Although he is not clear, he knows that it is a ancestor, a Buddha and a demon. The ancestors are jealous of the characters.

"Northern ancestor, are you going to visit in person?" Warlord looked at Kundao and asked with a smile. He wanted to participate in such a wedding. He also wanted to see what it was like to get married. Of course, his main purpose is to explore. The situation of the octagonal domain This is his real purpose.

"I don't go, you want to go, then go for me, by the way, give a message to Neon." Kun Dao waved his hand. He remembered the horrible strength of a scattered person. He couldn’t help but feel awkward. He didn’t know that a scattered person was hurt after he hit him. So Kundao is very afraid of a scattered person, naturally not. go with.

When the injury is over, he still needs to stay for a few days, so he won't go out easily. Since the war is going to go, of course, this opportunity is left to the latter.

"Okay, I will go." After the war spirits held their fists and gestured to Kun Road, they turned away and looked away. Looking at the rush of war spirits, Kun Dao couldn’t help but ridiculed: "No wonder Lin Feng does not treat you as one thing, huh, you This is how to dominate the game."

Sun Qiu Qiu Ke ghosts learning cold cold feathers cool

"Lin Feng, hey, I don't know if you were taken away by the overlord of the southern war. Is it still alive?" Kun Dao smiled and looked at the ceiling, thinking that he was expecting Lin Feng to be smashed by the blood of eight people. I prefer to see the way I was killed by ill-treatment. In short, Lin Feng is more miserable, and his mood is more comfortable.

However, the fact is that Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao have already leapt to the 30,000-mile period of the Zhenwu Dynasty and will soon be the core area of ​​the Wu Dynasty.

After Qiu Keqi’s post-study

After the hatred of the enemy, Qi Xuefang learned the moon and became lonely. "Chu Chunqiu and Lin Yuntian went to Lin Feng and did not know if there was any news." Song Qiuji snorted and his thoughts drifted into the distance.

[Today, the school came to a company recruitment, we went to train, so there is no way to three, forgive, brothers]

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