Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 5 Chapter 1596: Golden seat **** line!

() Yamamoto said that Ma Hualong said this, suddenly his face was gloomy and dissatisfied: "Hua Longjun, what do you mean by this kind of words? If we have to talk about the origin, then we should get this artifact. According to legend, our floating sang nationals are also descendants of the ancestors of China, and the island where our floating sang country is located is the legacy of the ancestors of the niece of the year!

The two disputes are not the same, the more noisy and fierce, and finally the words do not speculate to compete, one person and one fight for each other!

Their meaning is naturally to separate the two clay dolls, but what they did not think is that this seemingly small and fragile clay doll is so strong, both of them have the cultivation of Xiao Luo Jinxian, everyone The power is above 10,000 pounds, and there is no way to break the thin pottery stick!

The two who are vying for it have already noticed this strangeness, slowly calming down, and watching each other's curious and incomprehensible exchanges!

"Hua Longjun, let go first!"

"Hey, let me go first!"

Both of them didn't want to let go first, for fear of being taken away by one party. In the end, they had no choice but to compromise each other. Slowly let go and put the pair of clay dolls on the table of this RV!

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Mud is still a clay doll, but at this time it is more full of mystery. Such a simple and rough thing is even harder than steel and tougher than diamonds. It seems that no force can separate them!

"What to do, now we can't separate him, or let me keep it!" Yamamoto suggested.

"That can't be done. This thing is what we got together. If you want to save it, you can only save it together. You can't keep it alone!" Ma Hualong protested.

The team stopped in the urban area of ​​Las Vegas. Finally, Ma Hualong and Yamamoto decided to temporarily save this thing to the neutral underground gold bank. Only there can guarantee absolute safety and fairness!

I don’t hate it, I don’t want to be cool.

The team drove directly into Las Vegas. After half an hour, it stopped in front of a splendid building. Ma Hualong and Shan Benye looked up at the 30-story building. The building was painted with huge signs. , marked here is called "Golden Pawn"!

The four security guards in front of the door recognized Ma Hualong and Shan Benye. The two of them are also frequent visitors here. There are often good things to come here for auction or pawn, or temporary preservation, and each shot is very wide, paying for it. The most expensive rent!

The security guard directly put the two people on the road. As soon as they entered the hall, the opposite side was a luxurious front desk. The two men and one woman were busy and bored. The female was the oriental standard beauty face, the skin was white and tender, and the woman looked at it. When the arrival of Ma Hualong and Yamamoto, the face was filled with a smile!

"Hey, Ma Zong, Yamamoto, you can't come to visit for a while, you want to die!" This woman is also a floating mulberry, but she speaks a good Chinese, Ma Hualong and Yamamoto. Wild can be said to be her biggest fixed customer, and she naturally has to be a good service.

The sound is so good that the man can immediately want to come, Ma Hualong smiled and said: "Sakura, what's wrong, and think of my younger brother, the last time, but let you cool!"

"I hate it, Ma always knows how to seduce people. The last time people have served you with all their heart and soul. After a few days of rest, they have to slow down!" Sakura was not angry at all, but she had already come forward and writhed. The shape of the traveler is really a weapon in the world, a stunner in the world!

Yamamoto did not forget that it was cheap. He grabbed it directly on the buttocks of Sakurako. He squeezed a handful of it and squeezed a cherry called a cherry. He said: "Shan Benjun came to eat the tofu of Sakurako. Know what good things the two have brought this time?"

Sakurazi looked at the safes that the two men were holding together, and it was possible for two people to come in with a single voice. It must be a very rare thing!

After the enemy, the enemy, the enemy, the ball, the ball from the sun by the battle

Yamamoto said with a smile: "You will know it later, it is definitely a big baby!"

After that, Sakura directly took the two into the elevator, all the way down to the underground three floors, here is the most expensive underground treasury of the Golden Pawn pawn, from design to security can be compared with the m national central treasury !

When I got out of the elevator, I saw a safety door made of stainless steel, three or four meters high, and around the insurance door, stood ten guards with live ammunition, all of them strong and complex, look at it. Not good!

However, when they saw Ma Hualong and Yamamoto, they smiled and smiled. A black guard came forward and told Ma Hualong and Yamamoto to check. They used a portable metal detector to sweep three people. Go back and forth, this is released!

Sun Dike, Qiuqing, Sun, War, Cold Lord, Star Science

Ma Hualong and Yamamoto are already frequent visitors here. The rules here are naturally understood, so the gun tools have been placed in the car in advance and have not been brought in.

After Sakura and the black security chat a few words, security only opened the steel safety door halfway, Sakura made a gesture of asking: "Two people please come in, this is the safest basement!" ”

After the three men entered, the door closed again. The black security guards gave a look to the other people. Everyone showed a bad laugh. The reason why they laughed because they all knew that these three people could not avoid it. It’s a melee!

Sure enough, as soon as the three people entered the room, they immediately became restless. Sakurako leaned directly on the huge safe, and gently picked up his little skirt, revealing the white buttocks inside, which was closed in an instant. The space is full of spring!

If it is the past, whether it is Ma Hualong or Yamamoto, or when the two come together, they can’t hold back, they will go crazy and go crazy, then they will mention anything, but today’s Ma Hualong and Yamamoto It is an uncharacteristic, and the expression is very serious!

Sakura is very different, and the subconsciously looks at the safe. Until now, Ma Hualong and Yamamoto are still not willing to let go. They still hold the box tightly. Sakurako does not know what the preciousness is. What can they do so?

Sakurako is also a veteran who will look at his face. Seeing that the two did not ask for joy first, they also converge on the smile, and made a gesture of please, Ma Hualong and Yamamoto said to the inside.

Looking at the background of the two, Sakura's face showed great curiosity. These two people can be said to be enemies and friends. They are usually the bosses of the storm in the underworld, so they are both competitive and cooperative. !

But as it is so serious to save things today, it is really the first time I saw it. It seems that what they save must be very valuable!

Of course, this is just a matter of thinking about Sakurako. Even if he is familiar with the customer, he will never be stupid enough to ask the customer's content. Otherwise, if you know something you shouldn't know, maybe someday will happen. Directly destroyed, the human world evaporated!

Ma Hualong and Yamamoto went to the safe numbered fdd2045, opened the safe under the witness of Sakurako, and then opened his own safe, put the doll wrapped in linen into the hand and then locked it again. on!

This safe is one of the long-term leased safes of Ma Hualong and several books. For the customer's deposit, the principle of the execution of the Golden Pawn **** is to rent only, that is to say, the Golden Block **** is only responsible for protection. The integrity and safety of the safe!

The details of the customer's existence, as well as the amount of the details, the Golden Block **** will not be asked, this is also to ensure the customer's needs, as long as the customer comes out of the box when the safe is intact, there is Whether things are not broken, the Golden Block **** will not be responsible for any!

Of course, there will be extreme exceptions, that is, if the customer applies for inspection in advance, it is necessary to check the items, take pictures, weigh, etc. under the witness of the staff. In this case, if it happens If the incident is lost, the Golden Block **** will still be compensated at the price.

A distant enemy, the enemy, the Moyang Branch

This situation can basically be said that the probability is zero. At least this kind of thing has never happened in the fifty-six years of existence of this Golden Pawn pawn. This is why the Golden Pawn pawnshop has become a well-known brand in the industry. One is two words, safe!

After everything was done, Ma Hualong and Yamamoto said that it was like doing a very important thing. They all took a long breath and smiled, then they looked at the cherry blossoms behind them!

Sakurako’s eyes also shined, and he said: "Two bosses, are you going to eat sandwich biscuits again?"

This is a game played by Sakura before and with them. It is thrilling and exciting. Especially in this kind of girlfriend's space, no matter how loud you are, there will be no sound leaking outside. It is really good for passion. local!

Three people in the inside how to overturn the rain That is not the focus, the point is that Lin Feng and others at this time are still unaware of it!

Until a phone call on Wang Yuan’s mobile phone, Wang Yuanyi’s phone number was a strange call. When he was suspicious, he heard it. A woman’s voice sounded: “You have lost something!”

Wang Yuan couldn’t help but be shocked. This strange woman’s words took her words. How did she know her phone number? How did she know that she was preparing to receive cultural relics? And... How do I know that things have been lost? !

However, Wang Yuan has not asked the question, the woman has hung up the phone, and then dialed back but prompted to shut down!

Wang Yuan jumped up from the sofa and ran out of Room 702. He ran to the door next door and knocked on the door. When the door opened, Wang Yuan rushed in. He said to the five people who were drinking tea and chatting inside: "Don't drink. Tea, the artifacts we want may be a problem!"

Soon the news spread to everyone, Lin Feng is even more surprised, how did it just say good handover with the Indian chief, what would happen? ! Announcement: Pens Club APP Android, Apple Edition, bid farewell to all ads, please pay attention to WeChat public number to download and install appxsyd (hold down for three seconds to copy)

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