Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 445: Yan Di came to fight!

"The wilderness, if I say that she is another woman of mine, do you believe it?" Lin Feng frowned, and then smiled and looked at the wild girl.

Hearing the words, the wild woman nodded and nodded and said: "Letter, of course, believe."

“Why?” Lin Feng had some doubts and couldn’t help but ask.

"Because you are charming, you can attract enough women to admire you, and since she does not hesitate to punish his government, he will save you. It must have a great relationship with you, and the relationship is very deep. So it can only be a woman."

The wild woman said, her eyes flashed a glimmer of light, but her heart was inevitably somewhat low. More than a Lin Feng woman, her heart will be heavier, but she can only adapt as soon as possible, knowing that Lin Feng woman is more than one You need to know how to adapt.

"Yang Gong, when you are free, can you let me see your parents, and who is obscured, serving your parents' wife, Liu Fei?" The wild girl suddenly asked the voice, let Lin Feng unexpectedly.

Lin Feng looked at the desperate woman's face and determined her face. In the end, she could only accept her. Since she is already her wife, it is also appropriate to see her parents and Liu Fei. Although it is said that dreams are among all women. Boss, but the real harem master should not have Liu Fei.

It’s no less time to know Liu Fei than to know the dream, so for Liu Fei, there are only respects for dreams.

Seeing Lin Feng nodded, the wild girl was relieved, and she smiled satisfied.

Lin Feng is also in a good mood. Before the white sister mentioned by the white woman, Lin Feng can be sure that it is Qingfeng, but where did Qingfeng go? Is she dangerous if she is seriously injured?

Lin Feng’s sorrows hate the strong people of the Shenfu. No matter why, since I have given such great favors to Qingfeng, can I not bear such a mistake? In this case, what do they want to benefit from Qingfeng? From the moment, Lin Feng has already set a line between Shenfu and himself, and Shenfu will never become a friend of his own.

"Yin Jiongzi of the Yinling Temple."

"The Dandan of the Dan Dian, Dan Qingyang."

"The temple of Qiankun, the dry city."

"Zhao Yun of the Zhao family."

"Zhaoyang's Zhaoyang Chang".

"Sima Yan, Tian Fan, and...?".

At this moment, the white niece took out a roster of books, and wrote the masters and sacred priests of the major families in Long Yunting into the book. When she wrote about Lin Feng, she stopped. .

"Lin Feng, what background do you have?" The white-haired woman looked coldly and looked at Lin Feng’s voice. Lin Feng saw the attitude of the white niece changing 180 degrees. She also knew why she changed so much, but she didn’t care.

"There is no background." Lin Feng waved his hand. To be honest, although he is the city owner of Xuanyuan City, it is the devil's, not his own background. If you talk about your own background, maybe there will be in the future?

"A **** without a background, should not be able to climb?" After listening to Lin Feng's answer, the white niece couldn't help but reveal a hint of coldness, and then the pink lips squirmed slightly.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face changed slightly, and Tian Fan was a hearty laughter. He nodded and smiled at the white niece. "Yes, the reminder of the white niece is correct. It looks like this Long Yunting has Is this a rule? Can people who have no background absolutely not climb the Longyun Mountain?"

Tian Fan said here, looking at Sima Yan, not Lin Feng, in his eyes can only match him with Sima Yan, as Lin Feng is only a chess piece used by Sima Yan to deal with himself, a **** Emperor However, his father can easily kill Lin Feng by sending an elder. Nothing can be worthy of consideration.

"Oh, let's go, Lin Feng is just a person, even if it has been on the mainland before, but how?"

As Tianfan’s words came out, another dry man with a purple robe sneered out and looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

"Zhaoyang is right, I think Lin Feng is not qualified to participate in mountain climbing. What do you think?"

The voice of the purple robe man just fell. The man who ridiculed Lin Feng’s sharp-nosed monkey before was also a sneer of approval. Before he was jealous, Lin Feng was all because of Sima Yan. Now he knows that Sima Yan and Lin Feng don’t have much relationship. not worried.

Lin Feng looked at the man who ridiculed his Zhaoyang often with this sharp-nosed monkey, his brow furrowed slightly.

"Lin Feng is not as good as choosing it now, join a camp, so that you can climb?" Tian Fan looked at Lin Feng with a look of play, pointing to the few family members who were present laughing.

"Hey, Tianfan Shaodi, I don't want him to be a Zhaoyang family, a **** is a heavy one."

Tianfan’s words have not yet fallen. Zhaoyang often shook his head firmly. He looked at Lin Feng with a look of abandonment. He forgot Lin Feng’s previous boxing defeat of the Emperor’s Emperor’s second strongman.

"I don't want Dan Hall!". Dan Qingyang looked cold and proud and blinked at Lin Feng. Since the time when her sister Dan was seriously injured and returned to Dan Dian, after the Dan girl said the truth, the entire Dan Dian had already regarded Lin Feng as a life and death enemy. How could Lin Feng be allowed to join? .

"I... I welcome the Yinling Hall."

Everyone tried to ridicule Lin Feng’s time, but there was a lack of voice in the yin and ninth. Many people said that they looked at Yin Nine, including Tian Fan.

The relationship between the Emperor and the Yinling Temple is the best. It can be said that it is the best ally. But at this moment, Yin Jiu actually violates Tian Fan’s wishes and wants to take Lin Feng.

Yin Jiu knew that he had said the wrong thing, but he had to say that he had already seen the threat of the wild woman’s threat, and the faint pain in his belly, he was afraid of death, nothing was more terrible than death, so he Can only say it.

Lin Feng looked at the Yin 9 and did not know that the wild woman threatened Yin Nine.

"You think about it, Yin Nine?" Tian Fan coldly stunned his eyes and yin, threatening to anger.

Yin Nine face ugly, holding a fist, do not know how to choose, Lin Feng put a hand in the hand: "Well, the good intentions of Yin Nine, my heart, I will not join you, sorry."

Lin Feng properly stood up and resolved the shackles and embarrassment of Yin Nine, but Yin 9 is now completely offended by Tian Fan, and Yin Ji feels somewhat worth the loss.

"My Qiankun Temple welcomes the arrival of Lin brother. Lin brother can come at any time. Who do I want to say?"

Just as the atmosphere was silent, a cold and noble drink broke the silence, and everyone looked at the source of the words.

"Gangcheng? What are you going to do with it?"

Tianfan looked at the dry city of Qiankun Temple when he said this. Qiankun made the sixth man, and he could not help but sink his face.

Gancheng slightly raised his brow and threw his long hair behind his back. There was some disgust on the cold and proud brows. The micro-moving lips retorted: "When is the decision of my Kunkun Temple, when is it your turn?"

"This...?" Lin Feng heard the domineering sound of the dry city, suddenly stopped, not only Lin Feng, other people are also stunned, the people of Qiankun Temple is so hard?

"You are looking for trouble for Qiankun Temple?" Tian Fan looked at the dry city with a cold eye, and screamed coldly, and had already angered.

"Haha, why don't I think this is to find trouble for Qiankun Temple, dry city, do a good job!".

The hearty laughter came from the screaming of Tianfan, and countless people looked at the few figures that came slowly from the outside of the garden. The old head of the green robes, suddenly felt a bit strange.

"Who? Do you dare to come to Longyun Pavilion to find trouble?" Zhaoyang often screams and screams, pointing to a few people who are slowly coming, a look of disgust.

However, the old man of Qingpao only blinked at Zhaoyang, but he smiled coldly: "What? Is it true that the Zhaoyang family does not recognize our Tianyan sect? Only recognize the Emperor's dynasty?"

Yan Di smiled coldly, and then looked at the eyes of the singer, then said to the middle-aged man behind him: "Three uncles, some people are not arrogant about our Tianyan sect, how should we?"


The middle-aged man behind Yan Di’s face was cold and proud, and there was only one word in his mouth. The horrible killing was to spread the entire Longyun Pavilion. Zhaoyang often knew that he had offended the Tianyan Holy Age and suddenly his face was pale.

"Small Emperor, save me!". Zhaoyang often looked at Tianfan with a look of horror. However, at this moment, Tianfan had some feelings of breathing and suffocation. Did Tiansheng Sheng sent a four-level intermediate superpower?

"Hands". Yan Di cold drink, the middle-aged man behind him disappeared in the same place, the sudden appearance of Zhaoyang in front of the body, raised the left handcuffs fan Zhaoyang often dozens of mouths, the last mouth, directly Zhaoyang often flies out of his seat and almost flies out of the garden like Han Chang.

"Zhaoyang often, I remember you, even my brothers dare to offend, are you **** tired?"

Yan Di cold drink, looking at the Zhaoyang often flew out, a face of abandon, and then Yan Emperor looked at other Shenfu genius.

"Hou De? Looks like you are also dissatisfied with my brother?" Yan Di Lengsensen looked at the man with a long-eyed monkey, and the tone was a bit more ridiculous.

Hearing, the man with a sharp-nosed monkey almost scared the pants, my goodness, when did Tian Yansheng stand behind Lin Feng?

"No, no, this predecessor, I...".

"Three uncles, fan mouth!".

Hou De’s words have not yet fallen, and Yan’s face suddenly changed, and he yelled at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The figure of the man disappeared again, and then there was a crisp slap in the air, which made people feel subconsciously covering their faces.

"Call my predecessors, I am so old?" Yan Di screamed at Hou De, who was licking his mouth. At this moment, Hou De is not a sharp-nosed monkey, but a pig's head.

Yandi’s domineering force completely shocked everyone. Tianfan’s heart was not convinced, but he could only endure it. He did not think that Tianyan’s sect had sent a four-strong powerhouse, it seems that he After this departure, let the Emperor also send more powerful people.

The appearance of Yandi not only brought back Lin Feng’s face, but also made everyone afraid to despise Lin Feng.

"My brother Lin Feng, my best friend of Tianyan Shengzhao, my best brother of Yandi, whoever dare to question my brother, I am not light."

"And the little Don't think that you are the head of the shrine, you can ridicule others. What kind of woman is there around my brother? Are you old and humiliating my brother?"

"And you, Dan Dian, Dandy was smashed by my brother, how? Not convinced? If you are not convinced, let her come again, see who is the gods first?"

"And this little emperor, you Lao Tzu is the Emperor, but what is great? My grandfather is still the pulse of the Tianyan Holy Age? What's the big deal?"

Yandi stood in the same place, cold-eyed and looked at a few people around, all ridiculed all over again. Tianfan, including the strongest of the Emperor's dynasty, can only dare to speak out.

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head helplessly. This old **** is still as strong as ever, and has not changed a trace.

However, Lin Feng is also very grateful that Yandi can make a living for himself, because such a thing has offended too many forces, and it is not a good thing for Tianyan.

"Thank you, old bastard."


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