Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 570: Rebuild the 9-inch pattern! (1 more...

"Xiao Feng, are you really ready to leave?"

Within the Tiantai Hall, Lin Feng and Mu Chen are all sitting here. The two ancestors and seven elite disciples of War King College are also here. Anyone who has a relationship with Lin Feng also comes together. In it.

Wood dust eyes with deep reluctance and attachment, looking at Lin Feng, he finally saw his younger brother, the most proud of his younger brother or disciple, he did not want to be separated from Lin Feng.

He can choose to follow Lin Feng and go to the land of God. There is a bigger stage. However, he is not a young boy. He has a lofty ideal. He only wants to guard the roof and protect himself. Jing Xiaoyue, he can't bear the roof of this place. Here he devoted his efforts to the generations of people. His wood dust can't let the roof fall.

Even if Lin Feng has already told him that he is on the land of Shen, the Tiantai brothers and sisters represented by him have already established a new rooftop, and that there is a prince who has become an honorary god. Lin Feng is in charge of the rooftop, but the wood dust still cannot fit this nine-inch Rooftop, because here is the root!

But he feels proud and proud of Lin Feng's approach. The roof can bloom on the biggest stage. This is what he dreams of. Maybe one day, the roof of Shenlu will become the strongest force, so whether it is Jiuyi or so. The medium-sized world is also a big world like Shenlu. The rooftops will be the masters and can improve the living environment.

"Yes, but it won't go immediately."

Lin Feng listened to the brother's disappointment, and the same taste in his heart, but he had to go, he had to rush back to the land of God as soon as possible, but before that, Lin Feng needed to upgrade the strength of some of the nine sturdy, and strive for the consent of these people. After that, they use the blood to enhance their strength, in order to reach the level of the Emperor, and teach them three thousand roads to comprehend.

Lin Feng still wants to break back to the Shenlu six after Jiuyi breaks into the Emperor Liu. Lin Feng has already felt that he has touched the five-fold barrier and is about to break through to six. This feeling begins with the recovery and recovery. Over, and more and more intense.

Jessell grasps the morality of light and can carry out the blessing of light. Therefore, when Lin Feng retreats, there is a blessing of light by Jessin. The chance of Lin Feng breaking through the six will be greatly increased.

Although he left the Jiuyi continent as soon as possible, but within this month, Lin Feng will not leave immediately, but wait for the new pattern of the nine new to establish, Lin Feng let his apprentice Ye Chen rush to the small world of the nine big, Disrupt all the patterns.

Later, he ordered Lin to cover the snow and the country, to break the pattern of the snowy country and the whole snowy area, the dry area, etc. The purpose of Lin Feng’s doing this is to break through and change the old forces and renew the new The vitality, under the impact of various powerful people in the future, will not be destroyed.

So in the next period of time, Lin Feng can hear a lot of news from all fields of Jiuyi, all small worlds.

Between the snowy country and the dry and snowy areas, only one secular force survived, Tianchi.

Lin Feng saw this force and couldn't help but frown. In the same year, he learned it in Tianchi. Lin Feng also clearly remembered that Tianshufeng was so mean to himself. The peak of Tianshufeng wanted to kill himself and he did not hesitate to join forces. I still remember the grace of the peaks of Tianzhufeng and the connection between Tianchi and Tiantai.

Tianchi can exist in the big waves of Lin Feng. It is quite unfortunate. Lin Feng is very happy. Tianchi can still dominate one party, at least in Jiuyi. They are the masters of the snow and dry fields.

"Take Ten Thousand Blood Dan and the Three Thousand Ways of the Avenue to Tianchi, and strive to break through the ten Emperor Powers on the day I left." Lin Feng told Ye Chen that the ten blood Dan and the avenues of the avenue were all handed over to Ye Chen. Ye Chen transferred the pool owner of Tianchi and brought Lin Feng’s congratulations.

Lin Feng put down the booklet in his hand, except that Tianchi became the only force in the snowy and dry areas. It also said that Xueyueguo has changed its name to Xueyuetian Empire. Now the name of the empire is called Lin Haotian.

According to the understanding, Lin Feng knows that this is called Lin Haotian, and is actually related to himself? After the Xueyue Guolin family, that is, Lin Biao’s pro-son, it is now the strength of the Dacheng Emperor, and it is not a few days before the breakthrough of the Holy Spirit.

"Ye Chen, give these five blood Dan and ... and the avenues of the avenues to the lords of the Snowy Moon Empire, let them break through the five and a half gods before I leave."

Lin Feng also handed another charming blood Dan and Gongfa method to Ye Chen. Ye Chen still did not leave. He knew that Master would definitely have other gifts for other winners who existed in Jiuyi.

Lin Feng saw this place named Shenglunshan, which is located in the northern wasteland. The owner of Xianchi is a very familiar name, Mu Yun.

After Mu Yun’s evolution, the medical skills have become more and more powerful. Although the strength is not high, there is no problem that can be difficult to live in Mu Yun. After a hundred years of vicissitudes, Mu Yun has become the pool owner of Shenglunshan. The white fairy, her disciples are also spread across the nine continents, treating people.

"Take ten blood Dan and the avenues of the avenues to the Sanctuary of the Holy Mountain, let them break through the five emperors, five and a half gods between me."

"Go ahead". Speaking of this, Lin Feng only waved his hand to Ye Chen. After Ye Chen nodded and left the hall, Lin Feng looked at the side of the forest to cover the sky, and shouted: "Sky, holding ten blood Dan and Avenue III Thousands of exercises were handed over to the War King College, allowing them to train all seven elites into the Holy Spirit, and there will be three Emperors."

"The ten blood Dan and the avenues of the avenue are handed over to the demon night island, so that several demon predecessors can break through to the semi-god emperor as soon as possible, and also introduce several elite disciples of the Holy Spirit, and tell them that Qingfeng is very Ok, don't need them to remember."

"These twenty blood Dan and the avenues of the Three Thousands of Powers were handed over to the Temple of Heavenly Punishment. I have not returned to the Heavenly Punishment for a hundred years. I don't know how they are. If I did not establish a fine, I could not defeat the Ice and Snow Temple. It is impossible to help the revenge of the temple of the Temple of Destiny."

"So these twenty blood Dan and Gongfa methods can make up for my fault and compensate them, and let them break through several Emperor Powerhouses and Semi-God Emperors as soon as possible."

Lin Feng said that it was Lin’s departure. Lin Feng looked at his son’s back and satisfied with it. When he was old and unwilling to go to the country, he would return to the Jiulong continent and support the sky. Give the gods to your son.

son? Lin Feng thought of this, and couldn't help but think of Lin Qiongsheng, who still has no whereabouts. Can't Qiong Sheng go directly to the Kingdom of God?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng’s heart is alive. If Lin Qiongsheng is really in the Kingdom of God, then perhaps his strength has already broken through the Emperor, and maybe he has reached the high level of the Emperor.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng began to calm down, and he could only comfort himself.

In addition to Lin Qiongsheng and Lin Shutian, he already has a younger son, Lin Henger, and his daughter Lin Nianer. Thinking about their two children who are not yet full years old, they have a sweet heart and don’t know how they are. When you return to Shenlu, you must take a good rest and stay with your child.

After a day passed, the new Jiuyi pattern was completely formed, breaking the pattern of Lin Feng's layout hundreds of years ago. Today's Jiuyi, the head of the empire is the Xueyuetian Empire, the head of the secular power is Tianchi.

The biggest force of the Eight Wilderness is the Shenglun Lake of Shenglun Mountain, and it is not mainly based on Xiuwu, but mainly relies on the world to save people. Therefore, the reputation of Shenglunchi in Shenglun Mountain is more than that of the rooftop.

The biggest force in the demon world is the demon night island. Among the temples, the leader is the temple of heavenly punishment. It is still the largest force of the nine-footed platform, the largest college of the king of war, this is the new pattern.

It is said that it is the survival of the fittest. In fact, it is better to say that Lin Fengru has completely replaced his own power. Instead of the previous ones, strong forces can be reused. Since the recovery has been allowed to enter Jiuyi, Lin Feng has awakened. If you want to be safe and sound, you must firmly hold your rights in your hands.

Now Lin Feng has basically done it.

The next task, Lin Feng only one, broke through the six emperors, left the nine continents, and returned to the land of God.

On the following day, Lin Feng and Jessin retired in the secret room, Lin Feng broke through the six weights, and Jessin assisted him in breaking through.

So it is a month to pass.

Everyone in the wood dust waited anxiously, Lin Shutian and the fire dance, Ye Chen and the ancestors of the two War Kings colleges, all waiting in the early chamber, waiting for Lin Feng to break through.

The banging bangs vibrate the entire rooftop up and down There is a trembling feeling in a thousand miles.

Everyone stared at the door and looked at the door of the Chamber of Secrets. The glittering golden glow inside, a little dissipated, Lin Feng and Jessin walked side by side.

Lin Shutian and the fire dance looked at Lin Feng's eyes, calmly with a hint of confidence and calmness, long hair floating, black robes swaying, coming out of the secret room, like a demon god.

Because of his strange looks, Jessell is not consistent with everyone. The golden curls and blue eyes are a bit special, but no one dares to look at his eyes, because his eyes are like thunder, and they can kill people invisible.

"The Emperor is six heavy."

"The Emperor is five heavy."

[Tudor is here to bless everyone Happy New Year, all the best, I hope that all the brothers and sisters in the new year, the business is smooth, love is sweet, family happiness, I wish you all auspicious Year of the Monkey]



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