Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 652: Suddenly changed, beat Feng Feng...

"I am the oldest younger brother, the brother of Xuanyuan Mo Huang, you said which one I am?" The white man looked at Lin Feng with a smile and smiled.

"Zhou Zechen? You are Zhi Zechen, the five disciples of the ancestors, Zhi Zechen?" Lin Feng listened to the words of the man in white, and suddenly understood, he couldn’t help but scream, watching Lin Zechen, Lin Feng at the moment. There were some ups and downs in my heart. I thought that there were no apprentices in the scattered countries, but I finally saw one today.

The ancestors once said to himself that he has several proud apprentices who have broken the imprisonment and came to the Kingdom of God. The big apprentice 沧明世, the second disciple, Mo, the third disciple, Dong Guowo, the fourth apprentice, the old And the fifth apprentice, Zhi Zechen, except for the old man, all of these four people left the land of God and came to the Kingdom of God.

Today, I have a chance to see it. Zhi Zechen is in front of his own eyes, but it is not what the ancestors said. They are all the peaks of the Emperor. Now the supporter has become the next god.

"How, don't believe it?" Zhi Zechen's face showed a touch of smile. Looking at Lin Feng, there was a touch of friendliness in his eyes. No matter who he is, as long as it comes from Shenlu, it will attract the favor of Zhi Zechen. After all, there are not many people from home.

"I am just curious, how do you know me?" Lin Feng shook his head, then looked up and looked at Zhi Zechen. He just wondered how the latter recognized himself. Is he related to the empty ancestors?

Lin Feng’s doubts did not last long, and Zhi Zechen answered.

"From the teacher and the time brother, Xu Qian and his brother left Shenlu, I got the news, and I got a little guy named Lin Feng who came to the Kingdom of God. Master respected me to take care of you, but now it looks...". Zhi Zechen looked at Lin Feng, and finally couldn't help but laugh out loudly and laughed loudly: "I see you mix well, it seems that I don't need my care."

"The brothers are heavy, I am only a younger generation, and I have come here to practice." Lin Feng shook his head, not too much to support, but very modest.

Zhi Zechen’s inexplicable laugh came out, and his smile was a little weird. Lin Feng didn’t understand what his smile was hiding, Lin Feng did not ask.

"Well, seeing that you are growing so fast, I am relieved. I heard that you are still the master of Shenlu?"

"Yes, it's better than Xuanyuan, and I heard that you and Xuanyuan guy have some contradictions?"

"What kind of contradiction is it? Is he selfish? After you use it, you will get rid of you? Haha, nothing, nothing, I just ask."

"I heard that you won the championship for Bianzhai and got the first place in the loose country. It’s a good boy. I have the style of the year. When I came to the country, I won the championship for Dazhai. From then on. I have been staying here since then."

"Haha, don't say it, don't say it, I have a lot of words."

Lin Feng’s face was stunned and looked at this supporter. The latter’s words seemed to be a bit too much, and this character was too bold. It’s not found yesterday when drinking together. Today’s understanding of Zhi Zechen, this person The words are not as general.

I don’t know how long I’ve been talking. Lin Feng only feels a little pain in his head. Zhi Zechen is not too tired. He talks tirelessly about the old past that he came to the country. It’s like a person who has been shackled for many years, suddenly With an opportunity, he confided all the words he wanted to say.

After half an hour, the house was quiet, and Zhi Zechen left. Lin Feng took a deep breath and looked at the direction of Zhi Zechen’s departure. He began to doubt whether the empty ancestor would take him because of Zhi Zechen’s mouth. Drive out of the land and let him come to the eternal kingdom.

It didn't take long for Yan Tianjiao to come back, but there was one more person beside her. This is a middle-aged man who has a restrained atmosphere on his body, but it is like a well-kept knife. If you are not careful, you will be sharp and murderous.

The middle-aged man was not tall, and he was very simple to wear. He followed the words of Tian Tian, ​​and finally went to the hall where Lin Feng was.

"Lin Gongzi, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Yan Tianjiao took a few steps and walked into the room to apologize to Lin Feng. At this time, Tian Tianjiao had some women's charming and enchanting, and there were fewer heroes.

"Nothing, I don't care." Lin Feng smiled lightly and nodded to Yan Tianjiao. Then he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. From the latter, Lin Feng felt less than a little bit of breath, but the more he felt, the more dangerous Lin Feng felt. .

Suddenly, Yan Tianjiao’s face changed greatly. She only felt a gust of wind passing by her. Her father had left the place and appeared in front of Lin Feng. There was almost no hesitation and a slap in the face. Lin Feng flew out.

Lin Feng licked her mouth and only felt that half of her face had to be smashed. Lin Feng wanted to control the direction of the downside as much as possible, but the strength of the other side was too strong, and Lin Feng could not control the body at all. In the end, it could only be a heavy cockroach. On the wall, the wall was smashed directly, and the entire hall was almost slammed.

"Father, what are you doing?" Yan Tianjiao's face changed greatly, and his face looked angry at the middle-aged man. Then he ran to Lin Feng and picked up Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng had not got up yet, and there was a storm in front of him. A blurred figure appeared in front of her eyes, and Lin Feng felt that the sternum had to be broken.

Hey, there was a deafening sound outside the hall. Lin Feng was shot by a middle-aged man, and he was smashed in the courtyard a few kilometers away. He directly smashed the courtyard. Lin Feng felt that the bones would be broken. It’s hard to bear.

Lin Feng couldn't understand why the head of the scattered country was going to abuse himself like this, but Lin Feng was angry, and he was beaten by a baffling, and Lin Feng was completely angry.

"Even if I can't beat you, I won't be afraid of you." Lin Feng made a roar of the sky, and the two eyes became blood red, and the magic of the body appeared out, as if everyone felt a magical demon.

Lin Feng stepped out and used the greatest strength of his life to squat to the man's chest. However, it was a bit wrong that the man did not escape, but instead actively extended his chest and let Lin Feng’s horrible and overbearing fists bang. Above.

Booming, the horrible crackle of the king’s chest, if you don’t listen carefully, you will think that the sternum of the king is broken, but the real result...

The head of the scattered country raised his head, indifference and ridiculously squinted at Lin Feng, one hand poked out, clinging to Lin Feng's double fists, and then forced to throw, Lin Feng was directly thrown out, heavy squatting On a palace, the palace was instantly smashed by Lin Feng, and fell to the ground along with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng coughed, and the flashing blood redness in the eyes disappeared. Lin Feng wanted to stand up, but the pain of the broken bones and the pain from the limbs made Lin Feng awkward and almost fell to the ground again.

The head of the scattered country looked indifferently at Lin Feng, who fell to the ground, and coldly yelled at the surrounding: "Where is the national religion?"



The voice just fell, from the darkness is the two lower-level gods of the state religion, are old man, but they still respectfully obey the king.

Yan Tianjiao’s father, the head of the country, looked at Lin Feng coldly, then looked at the two old men and shouted: “Put him into the dungeon, lock him with iron and gold, lock him up, no my order, no Let him go out."

"Follow the order."

The command of the lord is the sacred purpose in the eyes of the state religion. The two old men ignored the petition of the gods and went to Lin Feng's body. The two men lifted Lin Feng, and they flew in the direction of the dungeon.

Yan Tianjiao's face changed a lot, she was a little confused, why was she still good before, and she talked with her father well, but when his father saw Lin Feng, he suddenly changed his face?

"Father, you...".


However, what Yan Tianjiao did not think was that she had just questioned her voice, but she was stunned by the head of the country. The mouth was very clear, and the half-face of Yan Tianjiao felt numb, even no longer. pain.

In the eyes of Yan Tianjiao, the tears of humiliation are oozing, and the sinister eyes of the country are squinting and leaving.

The head of the country looked at the direction of Yan Tianjiao's departure, and his face showed a trace of complexity and helplessness. In the end, he could only sigh: "Don't blame the father, the father must do this, otherwise, the scattered country will be shattered."

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, who have you offended someone, even let the three top gods unite and force me to lock you up?"

The head of the country looked at the direction in which Lin Feng was escorted and left. The face is a bit complicated.

Suddenly, he saw the white figure appearing behind him. He knew that Zhi Zechen had come out.

"What do you want to say?" The head of the country looked at Zhi Zechen with no expression, and the tone was a little impatient.

Zhi Zechen’s face also showed a cold look, and he screamed: “Why are you doing this to Lin Feng, don’t you know, he...”.

"I know, I know that he is the most proud younger generation of the ancestors, and I know that he is the body of chaos, but I must do this."

"Give me a reason." Zhi Zechen looked at the king of the country coldly and shouted.

The atmosphere suddenly silenced, and the face of the king of the country was also dignified, and Zhi Zechen did not say anything again. The two men were opposite each other.

For a long time, the lord sighed and said faintly: "Have you seen the three top gods unite and bully a younger generation?"



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