Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 884: After the end!


Fa Xuan smiled very happy, but his face was full of smiles. He wanted to count Lin Feng more than once, but the strength of Lin Feng was too strong, and now there are so many half-step gods who don’t know where to come from. Hey, he can only move first.

But today, he can finally tell himself very seriously that Lin Feng has been calculated by him. With Lin Feng’s strength after being poisoned, he himself is enough to deal with it. After a period of time, Lin Feng was handed over to the Sunlight Empire. Then everything can be restarted.

"Hey, Lin Feng, Lin Feng, sometimes arrogant will lead to death." Fa Xuan grinned and glared at Lin Feng, who had been stunned on the table. The smile on his face was full of such ridicule and drama.

"Now, the French Blue Empire is mine, haha." The law was excited when he thought of this. He carefully walked every step. After Lin Feng discovered his secret with the Sunshine Empire, he began to calculate new schemes. Until now, he finally succeeded.

"Fa, do you think you have won? Oh, joke, the final victory can only be my law, haha." The law prophesied the sky and roared. Suddenly it became terrible. Both eyes became blood red, and the body seemed to be like a myriad of heads. It was terrible.

"I don't know if I win or not," I only know that you, the law, will not succeed!".

Silent, dead silence.

The law of the moment was still excited and screaming in the sky, as if even the roar could not express his excitement, but the sudden cold drink made Fa Xuan’s face instantly pale and terrified. He turned and looked at his eyes. Lin Feng, who was already unaware of when he had stood up, was looking at him with a smile.

The law is full of horror, and at the same time, it has deep shocking eyes. He can't imagine why Lin Feng has been poisoned and woke up.

"You, you, how is it possible?" Fa Xuan retired a few steps, almost he fell to the ground, he really can't understand, why Lin Feng will wake up, why Lin Feng will be fine, this is the most powerful poison in the world, don't It is said that Lin Feng, even the Emperor of Kunlun, such as the Emperor of the Emperor, did not hide.

Lin Feng’s faint face looked at the law in front of her eyes. At the beginning, Lin Feng’s heart was indeed a bit lucky. I really wanted to give the law a chance to live. After all, he was not easy. The situation in childhood was really bitter, but unfortunately. However, the law propaganda does not seem to know how to converge, but instead wants to kill himself, in exchange for the position of the king.

"I wanted to give you a chance, but now it seems that there is no need, maybe you die, it is a good thing." Lin Feng was very abruptly drinking, and the tone was no longer as soft and dull as before. The tone of the moment was a bit firm and a little angry.

At the moment, the French propaganda is still thinking about calculating himself. It can be said that the crime is extremely sinful. If it wasn’t for the most tragic poison that it had been in earlier, so that it would not invade the poison, I am afraid it is really difficult to escape the calculation of the past law. .

Therefore, Lin Feng’s attitude towards Fa Xuan has undergone a tremendous transformation, only one word, kill!

When the law announced that Lin Feng woke up, he already knew that he had no chance. After all, the calculations were probably all gone. Lin Feng was not dead. The most crucial part of this strategy failed. All are lost.

"Oh, Lin Feng, you won, huh, huh." There was a desperate and tragic laugh on Fa Xuan’s face. His eyes were dark and indifferent. In a sudden, Fa Xuan clenched his fists and rushed to Lin Feng without warning. He wanted to pass such a sneak attack. Killed Lin Feng.

He still did not give up the ridiculous illusion of killing Lin Feng. He still wanted to get the position of the king of the French Blue Empire. Therefore, the law was struggling and doing the last bit of hard work. He wanted to kill Lin Feng.

Unfortunately, for this level of strong, Lin Feng, whether it is a sneak attack or a normal battle, can be neglected, so when the law announced his fists and rushed to the door, Lin Feng kicked out. A strong foot kicked the law out directly, and before he was close, he had collapsed a hall.

The bombardment, the body of Xuan Xuan’s body slammed into it, and the whole hall collapsed in an instant. The figure of the martyrdom of the law also fell to the ground, coughing a few times, and blood had flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Feng walked slowly to the front of Fa Xuan’s body. He did not give the law a chance to escape or calculate the next half. He stepped directly on the chest of Fa Xuan’s chest and forced the chest to forcefully, and suddenly heard the sound of the slap from above. The sternum is broken, and the huge pedaling force directly smashes the heart of Fa Xuan.

A slamming sound, from the heart, a blood rushing out, but also exudes hot blood, and the law has long been smashed, and I can't say what I want to say.

Lin Feng's mental attack, a loud bang, the remnant of the French propaganda was directly killed, no longer any harm.

Lin Feng lifted his foot from Fa Xuan's body, his chest was bright red and his sternum had already collapsed. There was also a pair of eyes that could not be seen, as if they were all around, it felt terrible and disgusting.

Lin Feng never looked at the way after the death of the law, and left the Prince Hall.

An hour later, the entire palace was boiling, the three emperors were killed, the heart was crushed, the sternum was broken, and the whole look was very embarrassing, but no one dared to spread the discussion, because it was already half a Hours ago, the Lord has warned everyone that this is the end of the matter.

In the Qiankun Hall, Faye stood respectfully in front of Lin Feng. The reason why he could become the king of the country was that he had a direct relationship with Lin Feng. Even his life was saved by Lin Feng, because if the law became the king of the country, It is inevitable that he will be the first to open this prince.

So since Lin Feng wants to be a burly country, then it doesn't matter. As long as he can live and be a lord on the surface, this is what he is most satisfied with.

"Fa Xuan has already helped you solve it. The rest of the law and seal, you decide it yourself. Afterwards, although Fah was established as a prince of the auxiliary government, it is also a scourge. You should also solve it. Only the law of the elders, you must pay attention to it. he".

Lin Feng looked at the law, and told the latter how to do it a little bit, and the law was a singular look. No matter what Lin Feng said, he would not hesitate to do it.

As for when this relationship can be changed, the Fa has also thought about it, unless one day, all the elders of the French Blue Empire will reach the half-step realm of the Emperor, or his strength will be far beyond Lin Feng, but this opportunity is simply It is impossible to achieve.

The French Blue Empire has only been separated from Lin Feng by half a hand, and this half hand is his law. Even if Lin Feng wants an empire, he can reach out and save it, but Lin Feng does not want to be cast aside by thousands of people, so Only put him in this embarrassment.

The things of the French Blue Empire are here, and the later things Lin Feng also handed over to the law to deal with himself, he will not intervene, but the law is the elders here, everything is still the same.

Lin Feng walked out of Qiankun Temple, and there was a person in front of him, or a woman, a very beautiful woman, a long blue dress with two slender white legs and red feet. , floating in the air.

"Dragon Blue?" Lin Feng looked at the woman in front of her, suddenly a bit strange, but after a day, Long Laner found himself.

The shyness on the face of Long Laner has disappeared. However, there is a lot of pure smile on his face. Lin Feng did not even find out that the two dragons on the head of the dragon blue loosed, the pink dragon The corner is very cute, if you don't look carefully, think it is a card This is the charm of the dragon girl, Lin Feng is so many women in the harem, there are snow and exquisite, there are Tang secluded pure classical beauty, there are also females. This jade body is a plant, and there are girls like Qingfeng, but there is no dragon girl.

It’s just that Lin Feng’s heart is very pure at this moment. There is no such thing as to let Dragon Blue’s income be in the arms, just to appreciate it.

"Lin Feng Gongzi, the ancestors have something to look for you." Long Laner’s sweet smile, the shallow dimples in the corners of the mouth, more charming, coupled with a sunny smile, Lin Feng was a little surprised, this is the one that I have seen before, the dragon blue that trades with my own body child?

"My ancestors are looking for me, is there anything else?" Lin Feng was full of surprises, and at the same time, there was a slight worry in his heart, because he was afraid of his ancestors’ remorse for the French Blue Empire. After all, he was the ancestors of the Legalists. Fa Kunlun is his grandson.

The grandson was killed, and the ancestors were really not angry? This makes Lin Feng very confused and always feels awkward.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing for the ancestors to find you, let's go, fast."

Long Laner looked at the cautious and restrained look of Lin Feng's face. It was a sweet laugh. The shallow dimples appeared at the corner of her mouth. She took the initiative to reach out and took Lin Feng's hand, and then she followed. The previous 'eccentric' road, a little bit into the ancestral ocean world.

Lin Feng is a bit wrong, Long Laner actually took the initiative to take his hand?

[The third one will be updated around 9:30, everyone understands that military training is too tired, 呜呜]

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