Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 896: Dream, soul poisoning!


The evil tomb was staring at a few people who were accepted by Lin Feng into the world of Wuhun. A little bit of fear and fear was born in the heart. The hostages were gone. What did he use to threaten Lin Feng?

"The things that are mixed, even the tricks that use the sound of the East to hit the West." The evil tomb roared, he could not wait to kill Yan Emperor, this seemingly old man, but his heart is a lot of ideas, no wonder from being caught to the present, a few women Always calm and scary, the original Yan Di has long thought of this trick.

"I should have killed your woman and son for the first time!" The evil tomb is regrettable, and now I am afraid that I will not be able to regret it anymore. This time I will not say that I have to kill a few women. I am afraid that it will be the turn of Lin Feng to kill him.

Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb coldly, his eyes full of killing, no dreams and other people's concerns, this time the evil tomb has only one dead way, but Lin Feng is still holding a thumbs up for Yandi's daring. I even thought of choosing a self-destructive way to threaten the evil tomb.

Perhaps the self-destruction of the Shenzun level will not cause much harm to the Emperor, but it will always make the evil tomb have a hint of jealousy and concern, and will inevitably avoid or drive away Yan Emperor, then his own chance to save is also Appeared.

Lin Feng thanked Emperor Yan, because of this way, she saved her woman and son.

"The evil tomb, do you think there is still a chance to say such a thing?" Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb in a cold, and the murder in his eyes was firm, and he would kill the evil tomb.

The face of the evil tomb is extremely gloomy. He never imagined that he had a hostage. He would still be in such a situation. He knows the strength of Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng now breaks through the half-step Shendi level, Lin Feng’s strength cannot be used. Measured by the realm.

The evil tomb deeply knows the horror and terrible of Lin Feng, so now he has little confidence to be able to leave here alive.

I don’t need to worry about life and death in the past. Because I have a soul bead, I can resurrect myself. However, after the soul beads have been used once, it is impossible to use the second time. I think Lin Feng has already known this, so It is impossible to ignore Lin Feng.

The complex mood, some fearful feelings, all at this moment are filled in the heart of the evil tomb, so that he does not know how to be good.

"The evil tomb, do it yourself, I will leave you a whole body!". When Lin Feng saw the tomb of the evil and did not speak, he sighed and sighed a sigh of relief. He was also the patriarch of the ancient evil family. Before he died, he left a face for the evil tomb.

However, after listening to Lin Feng’s words, the evil tomb became very embarrassing and couldn’t help but roar and roared: “I am half-stepped by the Emperor and dare to say this to Laozi? You really thought that you won yourself. What?"

The evil tomb confessed Lin Feng's horror, but couldn't stand Lin Feng's high-spirited attitude and despised his tone. He said that he was also a super-powerful god. The half-step **** of Lin Feng dared to be himself. Speaking like this, I am simply looking for death.

But the evil tomb is clear, for others it may be looking for death, but for Lin Feng, it may really be provocation.

The evil tomb is angry, but Lin Feng does not care about this.

"Do you think that you still have a chance?" Lin Feng faintly sighed, and then a wave of his left hand, a corpse demon appeared in the air, purple skin revealing a meridian meridian, sharp fangs The heart is shaking.

More importantly, this is a corpse of a half-step god.

The corpse demon stood in the air above the sky, staring blankly at the evil tomb. The evil tomb had a hint of luck in his heart. He saw the sudden appearance of the corpse, and his face was pale.

"Half-step **** Emperor?" The evil tomb of the evil tomb is whispering, and his face is gloomy.

"Do you think that you still have hope?" Lin Feng taunted and looked at the evil tomb, faintly asked.

The evil tomb bite his teeth tightly, and he is not willing to roar and yells: "It’s nothing more than two and a half steps of the Emperor. Laozi is a god, you dare... this, is this?"

The words of the rotten tomb of the evil tomb have just been said to be half, and the face has become pale again. I saw two more dead bodies in front of Lin Feng’s body, which is also the strongest of the half-step gods.

"How? Four and a half steps of the Emperor to deal with you, how?" Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb of the evil tomb, the smile is getting brighter.

"If the four are not enough, how about the eight and a half steps of the Emperor?" Lin Feng left his hand and waved, and four corpse demons appeared in the air, and wrapped the evil tomb inside.

At the moment, the evil tomb was short-circuited. He could only look at the half-step gods who appeared in front of him. In addition, he could only feel his heart shaking.

Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb, and there was a slap in the corner of his mouth. He continued: "If eight are not enough, 16 is enough?"

"Twenty-six are not enough, then thirty-two? Sixty-four?" Lin Feng waved a hand, sixty-four corpse demons all stood in the air, all the fangs rushed to the evil tomb.

In addition to the shock of the young face of the evil tomb, there is only despair. His back is soaked with sweat. He can never show what happened to Lin Feng’s departure in the middle of the year. Why did he have this? More than half of the gods.

Suddenly, he only felt that the corpse people in front of him were so familiar, as if they had seen it yesterday.

"This, this is, the corpse of the corpse? God!".

The evil tomb has widened his eyes, his face completely reveals the color of despair, but he is desperate, still feeling shocked for this corpse demon army, he never thought that one day he could see the appearance of the corpse army. The last time I saw it, it was still when he was seven years old.

"Lin Feng, are you actually controlling the Corps of the Devil?"

The evil tomb looked up and looked at Lin Feng with a shocked look. The desperate heart completely gave up the desire for life, but it was a pity that the young skin that he had just plasticized would die again soon.

Lin Feng brows slightly, and looks at the evil tomb in surprise, but it will soon be relieved. The patriarch of the ancient evil family, at least fired for more than 100,000 years, the evil tomb knows the things of the corpse, and it should be even the same year. The ancient evils have greatly declined, and this corpse may not be unrelated.

"Lin Feng, you won, you won, haha!".

"But I am dead, your wife is still not good, haha!"

Suddenly, the evil tomb laughed out, and the smile was extremely mad, the arms were open, and the whole person floated in the air, and the momentum of the body became more and more impetuous and expanded.

Lin Feng’s face suddenly changed. He had already guessed what the evil tomb would do. Lin Feng had no time to think. All the corpse people in the left hand were all collected, and at the same time, the explosion of the rumble was uploaded from the body of the evil tomb. Come out, flesh and blood, the energy of horror is running through the whole sky.

Lin Feng just took up the corpse of the corpse, and the whole person was shocked by this horrible shock wave. He snorted, and even Lin Feng, who spit a few mouthfuls of blood, fell out and fell heavily on the ground, throwing a hundred meters deep. Giant pit.

"Cough and cough." Lin Feng squatted on the chest that was hit, and only felt that breathing was difficult. There was no chance to react at the moment. The evil tomb used all the power to blew himself. No one could escape, plus the Emperor’s heavy repair, he The self-destructive destructive power reaches thousands of miles.

It is not easy for Lin Feng to avoid it. No one would think that the evil tomb would blew himself.

No, there is almost no building left around, leaving only the broken walls and dust splashes, and nothing else.

Lin Feng jumped out of the deep pit, and the outside was covered with a trace of blood. The whole sky seemed to float with fog, and the air was filled with blood.

Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb that had not been left by the slag. He couldn’t help but feel awkward. The patriarch of the ancient evil family chose the most arrogant method to die. Although he did not kill himself, he was forced to die. The effect is actually the same.

Lin Feng sighed deeply, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. First, he did not let the evil tomb hurt his own relatives. The second point completely solved this ill-health problem, and he did not need to worry about the revenge of the evil tomb in the future.

Lin Feng did not rest, but one of them entered the world of Wuhun.

Under the ancient trees of life, the dense leaves will cover a few people, Yandi sits on the ground, Lin covers his face and looks worried about his dreams. As for the fire dance, the green phoenix and the wild girl are kept in the dream. By the side.

Lin Feng's figure appeared on the old tree Lin Feng jumped directly from the tree and walked quickly to the side of a few women.

"What happened to the dream?" Lin Feng looked anxiously at the dream of fainting, and I was worried about it. When I was just released by the evil tomb, Lin Feng had already discovered that the dream was in a coma.

"People, don't worry, don't worry, I will tell you."

Lin Feng asked the words, but no one answered himself. The whole ancient tree fell into a short silence. Finally, the young woman volunteered to walk out and took Lin Feng’s hand and walked aside.

The wild woman turned back and squinted at the coma on the ground, her face was extremely complicated.

The more she is like this, the more worried Lin Feng’s heart is.

"What happened in the end, say ah?" Lin Feng was anxious and couldn't help but ask the girl.

The face of the wild woman showed a trace of complexity, and then Shen Sheng said: "Dream sister, maybe, may be poisoned by the soul."

"What? What do you say? Soul poisoning?"

The voice of the absurd woman has not fallen. Lin Feng’s whole person has been blown up. The imposing manner is extremely terrifying. The wild girl is scared. She is the first time she sees Lin Fengfa’s anger, and she has some taste in her heart. Lin Feng The feelings of dreams are really not comparable to those of their midway wife.

Of course, she only has some taste, but she is not embarrassed. Instead, she is envious of her dreams. She is also grateful that she has married such a serious and sincere person.

It’s just that, no matter who you are, you can’t stand it.

Dream, soul poisoning!

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