Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 934: Lord!

A sudden collision of bones and irons made many people shudder, especially Lin Feng himself couldn't help but go over his head. In addition to the shock, only the shock of the sword of the ancestors was left. It is so terrible.

If the weapon can be cut into iron, then the sword of the ancestors in the hand can cut the flesh and blood of the gods, it is not difficult, and if the strength is stronger, then the old slave I am afraid that the arm has been cut off by myself.

All this is not a problem, but Lin Feng finally took the effort to avoid the tragedy. After all, the other is the old slave of Tiandaoyuan, and the strength is strong, he has been humiliated twice, and abused the old slave twice, then ten days The previous hatred is also reported as half.

As for the other half, it is to kill the old slaves forever, but Lin Feng is not ready to kill him now. When he has the ability to compete with the five strong powers of the gods, kill him again.

Lin Feng waved his left hand and took back the sword of the ancestors. When he looked at the old slaves, he had already lost his initial anger and conviction, and no longer offered any conditions.

Lin Feng looked at the old slave, the old slave looked down and almost cut off the arm still flowing blood, the white bones exposed to make people feel horrified, and at the same time avoid Lin Feng's embarrassment.

The three elders of the elders are an expression from beginning to end. They are not surprised by Lin Feng’s embarrassment and hegemony. In their eyes, Lin Feng has long been the master of Tiandaoyuan, so no matter what the master does, It is the blessing of Tiandaoyuan.

"Old slaves, still want to play?" Lin Feng looked cold and heavy, looking at the old slave in front of the sound of a drink, but my heart did not hold too much hope.

The old slave looked at Lin Feng and was silent. He didn't lie on this time, but he didn't choose to answer. As long as he didn't answer, he didn't agree to Lin Feng's men.

Lin Feng is too lazy to care about these things with the old slaves. It is no longer a problem to be the master of Tiandaoyuan. The recognition of the three elders of the elders has already explained everything, and the seven big guards all support it. This is the final result. No results, so he was completely quiet.

"Please go back to the court." The three elders in the elders stood in front of Lin Feng with their fists in front of their faces. The three white-haired old men respected a yellow-haired boy so much that they looked a little dazzling, but if they saw two battles today, it is estimated that I don't think so.

Lin Feng is fully qualified to become the owner of Tiandaoyuan. It is not for anything else. The super-metamorphic talent has already conquered everyone. The Emperor has dealt with the Emperor triple and won!

"Three seniors please." Lin Feng can't live by the owner, especially the other party is the strongest of the three gods, so Lin Feng said that he is very respectful.

"Lord, don't be polite with our three old bones. We have waited for so many years, after four masters, but every master has failed and died, and our hearts are completely desperate."

"It is hidden in this evil city. Until you appear in the evil city, the three of us will pay attention to you, but we did not expect that you are really the master of our choice."

"The so-called incompetence is not a book. Since you are the master of the empty ancestors, we are also in the middle of you, then you are our Lord. Since it is the Lord of Heavenly Court, how can you and your subordinates be polite?"

"So, please the Lord." Dao Chengzi was a preaching state, but he did not preach the tone of teaching. He still performed extremely devoutly. Lin Feng did not have any anger or anger.

Nodded, Lin Feng was no longer obsessed with this little thing, that is, after taking a step down the high platform, Lin Feng walked in the gate of Tiandaoyuan.

The three elders walked behind Lin Feng, and then six of the seven guardians. The old slave was still standing on the high platform. He simply treated the wound and then looked up and looked at Lin Feng and the complex look. The back of the three elders’ messages, the mood increased.

"A million years of hard work, now broken, Lin Feng, I am not swearing with you!". The old slave clenched his fist, and the squeaky sound of the bean was extremely scary. His face was white, his eyes were blood red, and there was no anger.

I thought that his old slave had contributed a million years to Tiandaoyuan and served for a million years. However, in the end, he was replaced by such a deceased, and the super-powerful of the five gods of the gods became the laughing stock in the eyes of countless people. A jealous old slave.

The seven law-abiding laws are now completely gone. No one cares about himself, including the empty ancestors and the Tianyuan gods. It can be said that it is falling apart and it is a nightmare.

"The old slaves are so unwilling, oh, people are embarrassed."

Suddenly, the voice of sneer came from behind the old slave. It seemed that it was humiliating and it seemed to be mocking. In short, the old slave heard it very uncomfortable.

The old slave turned around, but the old slave was strange. There was no one behind the high platform. Only the pedestrians standing under the high platform stood still, but they have already turned and left. It can be said that the high platform is apart from the old slaves. Only pedestrians crossing the road.

The old slave is very different. He is the five strongest of the gods. He did not even feel the sudden coming of this sudden voice.

"You don't have to find it, the old slaves, I only left a glimpse of spirituality here, but I didn't come. I just want to tell the old slaves that the Tiandaoyuan does not welcome you. Lin Feng does not welcome you, but I am empire and ancient. The bones are always ready to welcome you."

"I am Chu Chunqiu, also known as Chu Li. It is the inheritor of the Lambian Empire. It is also the young patriarch of the ancient bones. What we lack is the strong and powerful you, and I hope that you can preside over our opinions."

"Not much to say, I welcome you at any time. The invitation token is in the teahouse outside Wuli, and you can find the teahouse owner."


The old slave listened to Chu Chunqiu’s words, his face was as gloomy as ever, and there was not much heart or desire. The old slave was not a three-year-old child, nor a mentally unsettled person. He lived for millions of years and he knew that there was no such thing. For a free lunch, you have to pay for the discount.

He knows this truth, and he is not willing to leave Tiandaoyuan in this way. The one-year-old bureau can only be realized by the master. The former master of the four masters has failed. This time he does not want to fail. .

However, Lin Feng’s hegemony is not so well manipulated, and the old slave feels the pressure deeply.

But he won't give up. Even if Lin Feng is in awesome, he still has to control Lin Feng, and finally he will reach the goal of the princes. What he has to do is to dominate the entire Tiandao Court, for the upcoming crisis or opportunity. Whether he can get the most.

The old slave silently thought, and silently walked down the high platform, and finally walked into the gate of Tiandaoyuan and disappeared into the center of the crowd.

A dramatic battle ended with the disappearance of the old slaves.

At the moment, the lobby of Tiandaoyuan is very lively.

Lin Feng was asked by three elders to come to the high position in the lobby. The three elders were on the left and the right. The first elder of the Daozi was standing behind Lin Feng, and Lin Feng felt uncomfortable. .

Suddenly there are three more powerful four-powered gods. This is a situation that has never happened before.

Look at the following, the seven guardians in addition to the law to win the elders, the remaining six people are all respectfully standing on the ground, from left to right empty ancestor to Dao Ling, after the seven guards, standing some ordinary elders still There are quintessential disciples.

This is the general body of Tiandaoyuan. Apart from the old slaves, almost everyone in Tiandaoyuan is here. Of course, there are many ordinary disciples all over the entire Xicheng City.

"On the Lord, please arrange for us to move towards the future clan." Dao Chengzi stood behind Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng adapts to the environment here, and understands that as the duty and obligation of the owner of Tiandaoyuan, then naturally, there is no need for too much hypocrisy and politeness.

Lin Feng nodded, then stood up and walked down from the high position. The three elders wanted to stay behind and were stopped by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked down the high platform, stood in front of the seven big guards, and stood in front of all the elders and the elite disciples. Everyone looked at Lin Feng with a kind of gaze, that is respect.

Perhaps Lin Feng should thank the old slaves. If this is not the battle, many disciples and elders are still skeptical about Lin Feng, and after this battle, all doubts have become worship.

The Emperor of God did not say that he was the three gods of the Emperor. Even the one-class **** of the same level of battle, the victory and defeat are both difficult and difficult to say. It can be said that Lin Feng’s hegemony, everyone saw it.

Lin Feng felt a little embarrassed ~ ~ suddenly looked at by so many people with the eyes of worship, of course, soon adapted.

"Hello everyone, I am Lin Feng, you may not be familiar with me, or even do not know."

"But this does not prevent me from standing here. I have seen my approval from everyone's eyes. I am very happy. This shows that my master has not let everyone down."

"Since I have not let you down, I will not do it in the future. I will not make a clear plan and direction for Tiandaoyuan for the time being, because the situation on this continent is still unclear, and I cannot prematurely define it."

"Especially, there are so many powerful gods in Tiandaoyuan, and they are not able to be exposed casually, so you are still low-key like the past."

"Do you know?" Lin Feng said here, his eyes were very solemn and very dignified and looked at everyone in front of him.

"Follow the Lord's Order."

It was said that everyone answered in unison, and the atmosphere in the entire lobby was instantly serious.


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