Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 951: Stronger, you must win!


The hustle and bustle of Baizhang’s body seems to have become two big mountains, directly enclosing the entire halls and pavilions of Tianyuan. Among them, Lin Feng’s soul body glitters with golden luster, like a magic Buddha descending from the sky, full of The power of the Big Devil Buddha has changed the face of many people.

The 100-foot soul light and shadow of the killing is full of blood, and the blood-red body is like a magical emperor coming out of the blood. It is extremely terrible. The demonized eyes are twinkling with blood-colored beams, and a pair of blood-colored energy that wants to corrode everyone. The Dao Chengzi and others standing on the side could not help but step back.

This is the oppressive force of the momentum. This is the horror of the soul and the spirit. Apart from the realm of any body, the power of the soul is the standard for measuring the absolute strength of a person. The current strength of Lin Feng and the soul of the killing has exceeded. Anyone, including Daochengzi and others.

Two hundred feet of body, instantly open their demonized eyes, two golden scorpions seem to bring Buddha light, two blood-colored columns of light are like the magic dragon inside the blood sea, two horrible energy, in an instant Collided in high altitude.

Rumble, countless horrific sounds spread throughout the sky, most people can't even hear any other sounds, all of which are the sound of two energy collisions, scared the gods of the level of masters back thousands of steps.

Above the sky, only the blood and gold light and shadow are constantly galloping, and outside the space of collision, the two bodies are facing each other. At first glance, it is like two super strong people who constantly send their own 喽The soldiers went to confront, and the two hundred-footed souls and shadows did not move.

Lin Feng and the deceased deity are sitting on the ground. The two people are only a hundred miles away from each other. However, the light and shadow in the high sky seems to block a galaxy. No one can see each other, but the momentum of terror is Can collide together.

At this moment, the stars were summoned, and the stars in the night sky appeared in the sky of the blue sky. All the stars gathered in one direction, that is, there are countless blood seas on the soul of the soul.

Centered on the soul and shadow of the remnant soul, countless **** seas seem to be red, and all the stars are flashing with blood, and at first glance, the horror.

The densely colored blood stars rushed to Lin Feng's golden soul light and shadow at the fastest speed. The powerful energy split in each star, the stars melted into the blood, and the whole world became bloody. The world, the **** sea constantly hangs over the sky.

In the end, except for Lin Feng’s soul and light, there is still golden light, all of which are **** and even scary.

The ancestors and other people changed their faces and looked at the situation in front of them. It seemed that everything was going in the direction of the remuneration. Lin Feng was getting worse and worse, and the entire height was covered in blood.

Lei Gang and the Black Dragon King are also very dignified. Can Lin Feng lose the game like this? This is not necessarily too wrong?

Among these representatives, only the white-bearded old man of Taiqingmen always smiles and looks at the battle of Lin Feng and the soul of the killing. The smile on his face seems to indicate that he always trusts Lin Feng to win the final victory.

Lin Feng is close to his eyes, and he can see all the scenes above the sky. The soul and light have long been swallowed by the blood, and the horror energy of the blood sea is eating a little bit of his own golden light. See clearly.

However, for this situation, Lin Feng only wants to sneer, the compensation is too confident, and he wants to be eager to defeat, so it is obviously impossible to use such a thunderous situation.

"The eye of Jia Yan."

The ethereal sound floated throughout the sky, centered on Lin Feng's soul light and shadow, and the ethereal voice passed out. Then everyone saw his eyes wide and saw a golden red flame beam suddenly appearing in the forehead of the light and shadow.

Not only that, at the end of the flame beam, there was a flame-like single cymbal above the forehead, and the eyes flashed with a hot flame, and the burning fire suddenly expanded.

Very unfortunate, in the blood sea outside Lin Feng's soul light and shadow, it was almost burned by this fire shadow. The horrible flame burned on the soul of the soul, and the light and shadow of the blood was under the flame. As if to be grilled, everyone's face suddenly became solemn.

An impatient eye can be seen on the soul of the remuneration. These gaze are all from the young disciples who support the remuneration. They are very anxious and worried about the situation of the remuneration.

However, the fate of the face was dignified at the moment, and the deity did not suffer the slightest damage. However, his soul was under tremendous pressure. This kind of flame, he had never seen before, so he suddenly felt awkward.

"Differentiation of the soul." The remuneration was low, and suddenly the style of the painting changed suddenly. With the blood and soul light and shadow as the center, there were more than a dozen light and shadows on the sky, but the former soul body changed from a hundred feet to a few hundred meters.

More than a dozen lights and shadows shrouded Lin Feng's soul body, and the blood and light shadows of the flames of the flames finally disappeared, but more and more blood and light appeared in the sky, and finally gathered together, the same Baizhang soul drive , more vivid than before.

It seems that Lin Feng’s eyes of Jia Yan have baked all the souls of the souls, and the rest are all the essence.

"Lin Feng, thank you for helping me refine my dross." The paying deity opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng in front of him. He couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Lin Feng's eyes began to be heavy and complicated. The battle was not as simple as his own imagination. The soul battle was not easy to fight. This is not a combination of fists and feet. It is also impossible to use tricks and Taoism.

Soul attack, the test is how deep mutual spiritual power, so Lin Feng has decided, since it is a deep struggle for mental strength, then only a slap in the face, can reflect the blood and cruelty of the soul battle.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became golden. The power of the creation called for the resurrection of the spirit of the world. The soul drive of the world became more and more golden, just like a Buddha, the more the feeling of the sun shines. The stronger it is.

However, this time, Lin Feng thoroughly integrated the creation of the spirit and the soul. At this moment, the soul drive is his own creation and one of his own cards.

At this moment, all the non-reserved use is used, only for one purpose, that is to win!

Even if there is no **** smell in the battle, there is still a momentum of mutual strength. The rewards can’t be used to Lin Feng. When did the same Lin Feng see the remuneration?

At this moment, Lin Feng's soul drive is full of the power of holiness, and all this is because of the creation of the spirit, after the integration of the latter, the strength of the soul has surged several levels.

The killings opened their eyes and looked at Lin Feng’s firm eyes. He seemed to realize what Lin Feng was going to do, and suddenly his face changed.

"It seems that you are ready to fight?" The paycheck looked at Lin Feng, Shen Sheng asked.

Lin Feng faintly stunned but did not speak, but then closed his eyes, and the Baizhang drive on the sky trembled slightly, and with the shaking of the Baizhang drive, everyone felt it, as if the whole The world is shaking.

Countless people are getting more and more backwards. They dare not rely on the sky and even the sky. Even Lei Gang and Lei Ben have landed on the ground and found a relatively stable place to watch the battle.

At this moment, the momentum has solidified, and the atmosphere of the whole space has also solidified. Everything seems to have become a scene before the end of the day.

The face of the murder is ugly, and the Baizhang drive of Lin Feng is getting more and more trembled at this moment, but the energy of horror is getting more and more full. The killer knows that he is right. Lin Feng is really ready to collide with the soul.

The soul collision is directly equivalent to the hand-to-hand combat, but at the moment it is the mutual competition of the soul. It can be imagined that the direct impact of the soul, the destructive power generated is huge, and even left behind.

But at this moment, Lin Feng resolutely made such a decision and made a soul collision. Everyone followed Lin Feng’s move and his face turned pale to the extreme, as if Lin Feng wanted to target their souls.

"I admit that your soul is very strong, the soul of the Emperor's two souls, plus your excellent soul quality, so that your mental strength is not weaker than the three powerful powers of the Emperor."

"I also admit that your momentum is very fierce, and the soul is more like the World of Warcraft that is out of the **** sea."


Lin Feng’s deity opened his eyes and looked at the remuneration solemnly. His words were filled with confidence and domineering.

"But is stronger, you have to win!"


Lin Feng’s voice did not fall, and the whole high-altitude sounded a thunderous bang. All eyes were fixed in one place, that is, the soul of the soul-killing drive.

The blood-colored optical drive is facing a huge crisis and the soul hits.

Everyone's face is pale, and the face of the pay is also very gloomy.

At the beginning of the millennium, everyone mentioned the heart to the eyes of the blind, only Lin Feng's face is firm, even if this collision will suffer huge trauma, I recognize it!

Dao Chengzi sighed with a sigh of relief, and the unknowingly on the forehead had already produced a fine cold sweat, as if fighting was not killing himself.

The face of the empty ancestors has changed, and the heart can't help but tremble. It's crazy, it's terrible. Is Lin Feng still a human? The soul hits, the five strong powers of the Emperor do not dare to try a trick, but he is not afraid!

Heart, I don't know how many hearts are accelerating with the situation at the moment.

The murder was deep, and he knew that he had lost and lost to Lin Feng and lost to Lin Feng, who was not desperate.

"I lost!"

A bitter but bitter, unwilling voice was uploaded from the body.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face is unchanged, my heart is also a deep breath, I bet on it!

[Today's four chapters are updated, the time is now eight o'clock, twelve o'clock, two o'clock and four o'clock in the afternoon]

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