Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1051: Killing

With a roar, the demon dragon returned to Lin Feng's body, and the power of the void dissipated invisible, and the violent space gradually returned to calm.

However, at this moment, the heart of Qiuyue is not calm. How can the demon dragon and Lin Feng have the demon dragon soul, and the power of the bloodline is absolutely the blood of the demon dragon, and it is very pure!

What is even more shocking is that the demon dragon martial arts appearing directly directly devours the martial arts and people of others and can swallow the soul!

Qiuyue’s heart was silent for a while, but soon the volatility of the heart was recovered. Lin Feng’s shock to her has been more than once and twice, and now she is even used to it.

"How do I feel a little unusual about this demon dragon Wushen? What kind of dragon is it!" Qiu Yuexin asked with some doubts.

"My martial arts is a Kowloon grazing beast. It has the power to swallow. It is not a real demon dragon. Later, the body experienced the dragon blood quenching and transformation, and the martial arts mutated and evolved, and it became the present martial art." Lin Feng responded. Let Qiuyue look slightly condensed. So, Lin Feng experienced the baptism of dragon blood, which caused the martial arts to be mutated.

"You... don't tell me that you have a shadow martial arts now!" Qiuyue looked at Lin Feng, and asked weakly.

Lin Feng's shallow smile, his thoughts moved, his body turned into a shadow, disappeared in front of the heart of Qiuyue, and there was no shadow and invisible, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Qiuyue opened his mouth, and sure enough, she thought of the silver-winged Wuhun used by Lin Feng on that day to guess this point. I did not expect that it would really be able to devour the martial arts for my own use. This is too horrible.

Suddenly, Qiuyue felt only a stiff body, and then his face was blushing and extremely attractive.

"You bastard, you don't let go and try again." Qiuyue heart bites his teeth, she was actually hugged and hugged, except for the Lin Feng who can still have someone.

"I try, try." Lin Feng trembled, then his figure appeared again in front of the heart of the autumn moon, this shadow Wushu really strange, so wonderful, close to the beauty without effort... No wonder those killers Known as the Shadow Hunter, if their strength is stronger and this horrible shadow Wuhun, the devastating power will be amazing.

"Take me to try!" Qiuyue heart bite, like a smile and stare at Lin Feng.

"The beauty is like jade, and I can't help myself." Lin Fengxiao smiled.

"Your courage is getting bigger and bigger." Qiuyue scorned Lin Feng and asked: "The Kowloon Heavenly Beast has a body of Kowloon. You will not tell me that you can devour nine kinds of martial arts, all for their own use. , melt into you alone!"

Lin Feng sinks into the air, and then his mind is moving, silver light, and the night will be illuminated.

Shrugging, Lin Feng smiled and said: "The silver wing martial arts are still there, it seems that you said that if I use each dragon to devour the martial arts, you can get nine different martial arts."

After the heart of Qiuyue heard it, the heart twitched slightly, Jiuwu soul, what is this concept, too horrible.

The hands of the martial arts are rare and few. After all, the strong inheritance is a kind of blood force, very pure, born a kind of martial arts, unless the mutation gives birth to a twin martial arts, and both martial arts are very The powerful people are even rare. In the eight wilderness, she has only heard of a few metamorphosis guys who have twin martial arts, and the two martial arts are very powerful, their fighting power is terrible!

Lin Feng, if he can devour nine powerful martial arts and integrate him into his own body, what terrible things will happen, Qiuyuexin can't imagine it, this is too exciting.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Feng’s strength should be strong enough to engulf the more powerful Wuhun power.

"Lin Feng, clean will be repaired for improvement, when the martial arts of Xuanyuan ruined the sky." Qiuyue suddenly thought of something, said with a smile.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed. He hasn’t seen the martial arts of Xuanyuan’s ruin. Listening to the meaning of Qiuyue’s heart seems to be very powerful.

"What kind of martial arts is Xuanyuan breaking?" Lin Feng asked.

"The martial arts unique to Xuanyuan's blood, Xuanyuan Wuhun, the martial arts are ever-changing, very powerful, and the power of his martial arts itself is strong, if you can swallow it on your own body, it will be even more powerful." Slowly said: "But you must first upgrade the strength, then you can swallow the more enchanting Wuhun for your own use."

Lin Feng nodded, it was true, but the improvement of strength was not a thing of the past. He was eager to become stronger than anyone. He did not forget that he could not make the dream re-appeared as a human medicine. It is also the reason why he really wants to become a disciple of the Emperor. If he is ranked high, he may have the opportunity to see the Emperor Wu, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang. They must know where to get the kind of remedy, and even indicate a way. give him.

Moreover, Mu Chen Hou Qinglin and others are also well-informed, and they may also know.

"Continue to move, we strive to go out in the shortest possible time." Lin Feng said slowly, Qiuyue heart nodded slightly, this test, if it can go out more than 81 people, then the Emperor of the Emperor Wu, it is probably the earliest Eighty-one people on the rooftop, they should naturally fight for time.


The dim space, silent, a beautiful figure sitting cross-legged, seems to be practicing, the elegant white clothes spilled on the ground, extremely beautiful, people can not help but want to get close.

At this time, not far away, a figure stared at the beautiful figure indifferently, and there was a glimpse of evil light in the eyelids. Even dare to sit and practice in such a quiet place in the killing place. Isn't that looking for death?

"There was still such a beautiful appearance, hehe." The shadow of this figure climbed up, completely converging his breath, quietly moving toward the phantom of white, as his footsteps approached, the beautiful figure still did not have a little bit The reaction made the light of greed and evil in his eyes stronger, and in this sinful land, any sinful thing can be done.

"The luck is really good!" The man wanted to rush out when he was close to the beautiful figure. However, at the same time, a white light bloomed beside him, and the danger came to the extreme, which made his face change dramatically. At this moment, it was too late to escape. The sly light flashed away. He only felt a pain in his throat, and then his voice could not be sent out. He lay down softly.

At this moment, he realized that it was not his luck, and that it was a death trap and a hunter's death trap.

"Dark... Shadow... Hunter!" The incomparable hoarse voice was the last voice of his death. He also believed that he died in the hands of the Shadow Hunter.

The white phantom stood up and nodded slightly in the darkness, and then flew away. This beautiful figure is naturally the heart of the autumn moon. At this moment, her face has recovered the frosty cold, and they will not deliberately kill. Others, but those who want to hunt them, they will naturally not let go.

In this land of killings, there are too many people who want to kill them. Killing is performed in different places in this trial place. Every scene is so similar. Everyone wants to hunt others, but without exception. All were anti-hunted, or Lin Feng sealed the throat with a sword, or Lin Feng sealed the opponent with the power of the magic, and then killed by Qiuyue.

In just one day, Lin Feng has already hunted 35 people, and Qiuyue has hunted fifty-two people. These people are people who want to kill them, the land of trials, and the real land of killing.

Moreover, this kind of killing will never stop, and it will continue to be staged in this space. In order to survive, for the sake of strong strength, do whatever it takes!

Some people have speculated that many former Wuhuangs have joined forces to create this sinful killing space. Some people think that killing, life and death can quickly make a person tough and indifferent, making the martial arts more powerful; others think that those On the way to becoming the Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor was dyed with a lot of bones. They understood that if they wanted to be the top, they had to step on the bones of countless people.

Maybe, there are several reasons, all exist!

In a twinkling of an eye, half a day has passed, and Lin Feng’s forty people have all hunted, and Qiuyuexin has hunted 69 people. The last person will be able to walk out of this trial land. They are not willing to Stay in this cold-blooded world again!

Ps: The next seven days, at least five every day, today's first day, ask for strength!

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