Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1148: Pit

Lin Feng Yu Jian galloped for a while and then stopped, glanced around and looked around, all around the figure, but this area does not seem to see the Temple of Destiny.

On the foot of the sword, Lin Feng Yu Jian went, and soon, he appeared in front of the day of Wu Liuzhong's body, the sunset bowed, the other's body locked, the man's look was stiff, his face instantly became pale, Lin Feng pedaled the celestial sword, carrying the celestial painting, holding the sunset bow, even if only the Tianwu five-fold repair, but when the sunset bows bow, it has the power to swallow the world, Tianwu six heavy people instantly feel the soul They are shuddering and can’t stop an arrow.

"Life, hand over, I will not kill you!" Lin Feng indifferently spit out a voice, the other party's defeated life points all contributed, did not enter Lin Feng's eyebrows, but for this moment has two blue color vertical stripes As for Lin Feng, there are no feelings in this area.

After winning the fate, Jian Xiaoyu was empty, and Lin Feng’s body instantly disappeared in place.

"***, the blue color of life even robbed Laozi more than 100 life." The man saw Lin Feng left a sip, very depressed, people who have never seen such a pit, more than one hundred lives must grab, but That **** will not be so robbed of more than 200,000 life. This is too embarrassing!

Soon, Lin Feng appeared in front of another person. This man was repaired as Tianwu Qigong. However, when Lin Feng’s bow arrow was opened, he silently robbed himself of two thousand fates and sacrificed it. Became all of Lin Feng.

Just like the previous one, Lin Feng left immediately and robbed the rest of the area. The same scene was repeated repeatedly. The people in this area were screaming, too idiotic, never seen such a robbery, pedaling, carrying Fang Tian paintings, hand-in-hand bow, this is not a heart-breaking person!

Soon, the land of Fangyuan was robbed by Lin Feng, down to Tianwu triple and heavy, up to Tianwu seven heavy, there is no Lin Feng does not grab, only Tianwu eight heavy people he will consider.

At this time, there was a figure who felt that there were people around, and then flashed past, four or five figures met, but when they found that the other person’s eyebrows were faint and empty, they could not help but shouted: "You 姥姥of!"

As for the object of their embarrassment, of course, Lin Feng, they will be robbed of these people, except for those who have just robbed their bastards. After all, there is no war, there is a fate, what to do, and a secret curse Lin Feng.

"Boom!" At this time, a loud bang came out, and the body of the crowd shook a little and looked up. Then the crowd saw a shadow over the city of destiny. It was a figure. The horror of the eyebrows of the eyebrows, the two vertical stripes of green, and the five green imprints mean that he has 250,000 fate points, which is terrible.

Moreover, this person seems to be a powerful saint with a piece of Fangtian painting, and in his hand, a striking bow and arrow string opens, and the radiant light makes people feel glaring. It turns out that this is actually the image of Lin Feng. .

At this moment, the people in the city of destiny have collapsed. Someone has plundered more than 200,000 fate points, robbers, and his cultivation is not strong. It seems that he only relies on the power of the holy device. That bow and arrow should be a very horrible saint.

"Someone is deliberately damaging this person!" The crowd understood after coming down, and the city of destiny was omnipotent. Some people spent huge costs, letting Lin Feng’s image appear above the city of destiny, so that everyone Seeing the fate points of Lin Feng and his powerful saints, he was able to drive to Lin Feng through the Temple of Destiny, plundering his life and the holy device.

Therefore, the area that was swept by Lin Feng, everyone after a moment of indulging, immediately roared: "You also have today!"

They thought in their minds that this **** would have been robbed and robbed more, and made a lot of anger, and finally someone thought of a coup, using this means to harm him.

At this point, the dream raised his head and saw the influence of the void, and then the clothes fluttered and flickered in the direction of the Temple of Destiny.

Xue Baiyao, Feng Qi and others saw this influence, and hesitated a little, and then went to the direction of the Temple of Destiny.

At this moment, I don't know how many people are flickering and moving to the Temple of Destiny. I must intercept him before Lin Feng enters the Temple of Destiny. More than 200,000 points of life are a horrible number.

Even the eyebrows have a cyan vertical pattern, and I see that Lin Feng has squatted, and then yelled at the void: "*** is even faster than the emperor's robbery!"

At this time, the initiators, Longteng and Guzhen, they appeared outside a temple of destiny, watching the image of Lin Feng in the void revealing a sneer look, this time, see Lin Feng can not live.

At this time, Lin Feng, after just madly sweeping the area, already has more than 270,000 life points, but he is still somewhat unsatisfied, so the sweep is not fast enough, of course, because he has taken millions The fate of the point will be so thought, if other people know that his idea will be mad, more than 200,000 life points, you can do too many things, even too small, too slow.

When Lin Feng saw the moment of the sky image, he first squatted, and then flashed through the road, and the image was the scene when he just fought with the dragon. How could he not know who did it? Long Teng and Gu Yu, actually thought of this method, to set him to death.

"Hey!" The emptiness of the sky, Lin Feng's body appeared in front of a figure, it is clear that the other party is transmitted through the Temple of Destiny.

After the other party saw Lin Feng, the look was first, and then the greedy light flashed in the eyes, which was really a cyan color, and more than the image.

"Get it!" This person's footsteps, the speed is extremely fast, the horrible killing of the forest will cover Lin Feng, only to kill Lin Fengyi in the first time, to capture the fate of Lin Feng, so that others can not Come here by means of transmission, then this horrible fate point belongs to him.

"Hey!" I saw the sword at the foot of Lin Feng suddenly assassinated. If lightning, the horrible sword would seem to pierce the world.

"Give me away!" The man roared, the void burst, and the overbearing power blocked the attack of the sword. However, his body was a stiff next time, only Lin Feng held the sunset bow and shot with one arrow. And the fire will make his eyes red.

"Boom!" The arrow swallowed his body in an instant. Under the power of terror, the man's body burst, not only failed to capture Lin Feng's life, but his life is also attributed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is indifferent to face, this person is only a heavenly and seven-heavy realm, but he also wants to covet his life and find death.



Lin Feng’s body week, there are two figures appearing, one person Tianwu seven heavy, one person Tianwu eight.

Looking at the two eyes, Lin Feng was ready to start, but seeing the space is a tremor, not far from the front, and one more person, Tianwu eight.

"Go!" Lin Feng thought of a move, Tianji sword returned to his feet, and suddenly went empty, and if lightning, the few people who appeared did not react and found Lin Feng to go, crazy pursuit of the past.

"Long Teng, Gu Yu!" Lin Feng mouth spit out two names, his face is cold, he understands what situation he will face at the moment, endless pursuit, how many strong people in the city of destiny, after seeing his image There will be countless people chasing through the Temple of Destiny, but just a short moment ago, there are already four people. The reason why the latter person did not arrive is because they have not yet reached the Temple of Destiny.

Therefore, Lin Feng wants to understand that there is no moment to stay at all, and the direct sword will go away. If he does not leave, he will definitely be killed by a horrible strong man. When he wants to leave, he will not be able to go.

"Hey!" Another person appeared in front of Lin Feng, apparently transmitted, but this person just appeared and saw a sly sword mangman directly assassinated, but did not have time to react, the flying sword directly stabbed Broke his head, wipe him out, life is attributed to Lin Feng, poor, even Lin Feng people have not seen clearly killed!

Ps: There are still two days to start preparing for the manuscript. I don't want to be a single digit. I hope I won't be blasted!

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