Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1744: Feng Wang Dian

Although Lin Feng has stepped into his own courtyard, but naturally can feel the closeness of Qin Wu and others, stepping out, Lin Feng looks at the figure coming from the void, and nodded slightly to several people.

"Lin Feng." Qin Wu and other figures landed on the ground, facing Lin Fengdao: "Single is to arrange the three of you in this courtyard?"

"Well." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"This is a bit too good." Qin Wu saw Lin Feng nodded, his eyes flashed a sigh of anger, in this continuous courtyard, but many of them were vacant, and one person and so on actually took this assessment and cited The new entrance to the college will arrange Lin Feng in this most remote corner, and there are still three people in one house.

"When he took the war king order, he was asked to give an account." Yantai said indignantly, but he saw Qin Wu slightly shaking his head: "They who have taken the newcomers have already got the war kings, but they deliberately refused to give them. I am afraid it is to threaten you."

"What?" The audience was even more angry when they heard this: "Do you threaten us? Do you dare not give it."

Lin Feng’s brow was also slightly wrinkled and asked: “Is there any restriction on the college?”

"The college is very relaxed about the management of ordinary students. It can even be said to be a laissez-faire attitude. Let yourself be tempered. Although it is a college, it is a martial world with cruel battles, and sometimes even more red and bare. Because there is no concept in the competition of the college, no recognition of identity, only recognition of strength, of course, if some of the great forces of the Central City of the Holy City, still can take some advantages in the college, just like you encountered Like Princess Yuwen, you should be able to understand this."

Qin Wu said to a few people: "The new student assessment is very frequent. Once every three months, the college elders will hand over the matter to some powerful martial schools in the college to take charge, and then step down, this time is responsible for Ji The door, in the end, fell on Yu Wenhou's body, which is equivalent to giving it to them for treatment. Therefore, the war king order is also controlled by them."

"Oh, no big deal." The big pests are not good.

"That can't be done. The War King is a necessity of the War King College. If you don't want to, you can't even step into the War King Academy from the outside, as well as the War King Hall and the Land of the King's Palace. You need the War King to enter. Missing." Qin Wu slowly said: "You first came to drive, I am afraid that I am still not familiar with the War King College. I will take you around the college and introduce you to the War King College."

"So, thank you." Lin Feng nodded to Qin Wu, Jimen was strong in War King College, and Yu Wenhou and Shan Meng and others seemed to be Jimen people, Qin Wu can help them, see Qin Wu is a derogatory person, and he can't accommodate the act of a villain.

"No, if it is not to admire your strength, I am too lazy to take care of this business." Qin Wu is also refreshing, said with a smile.

I saw that at this time, another figure came in, and the target seemed to be where Lin Feng and others were.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed a strange color. He first came to see him. He didn’t know anyone at War King’s College. This person seems to be looking for them. I don’t know who it is.

"A few of you are the new students?" The eyes of the people swept to Lin Feng and others. They looked proud and looked like a sneer in their eyes.

"Yes, what do you think of." Step Blue Mountain looked up at the void, and asked indifferently.

"Single let me tell you that he is inconvenienced to come. If you want to fight the king, you can go to the place where he lives, and come to see you." The man left a voice, then flickered away, but made Lin Feng and others The gaze is condensed, and the cold glare flickers. It seems that as Qin Wu said, it is clear that it is deliberate not to give the war king order to them.

"There is no need to be angry, and the people of Jimen have acted in the War King College. This kind of thing is not the first time. When Jimen was responsible for the assessment, similar things happened, even if you Going to the war, I am afraid that the other party will not hand it over to you." Qin Wu said coldly, it seems that this Jimen really is so, to give the new entrance to the college students to Ma Wei.

"In this war king college, can you kill people?" Lin Feng suddenly spit out a voice, making Qin Wu look a stiff, eyes look at Lin Feng, the scorpion flashed a touch of color, I did not expect Lin Feng mouth suddenly Out of this sentence, it seems that Lin Feng is not a good guy.

"War King College does not bind the college students, let alone, but there are still some rules, the college students, can not arbitrarily kill the same disciple, if there is a real killing of the enemy can not be resolved, you can fight the king, also called the birth and death deed, can The battle of life and death, otherwise, the law enforcement will never be light." Qin Wu responded: "It is a college, or it must be different from the outside world, otherwise if the life and death are free, the college will be chaotic, let your talent I am arrogant, I am looking for someone who is better than you, and it is not wrong to kill you. In that case, some of the great powers of the Central City of the Holy City will be even more rampant."

"Yeah." Lin Feng can understand that the college does not talk about the door, but some of the great forces of the Central City of the Holy City have been passed down for countless years. Presumably, the four colleges have some outstanding people in their power, that Yu Wenhou and Yu Wenjing, Isn't that a good example?

"Let's talk while walking." Qin Wu figure vacated, suddenly Lin Feng and others have followed.

"Do not allow killing, fighting must be unavoidable." Step Blue Mountain asked.

"Of course, if it is not allowed to fight, then it is called the War King College, as long as it is not dead or not, how can it be done." Qin Wu smiled and said: "In this way, even some powerful people want to oppress the new entry students. If you take care of it, the martial arts practice will change. Who knows that others will not surpass you, of course, the fact that such a strong person oppresses the weak is still happening."

At this time, Lin Feng in the emptiness sees more and more figures, and the Warlord College, which has been passed down for countless years, has never been lacking in the strong for generations and generations. Lin Feng found that there was a desert in the courtyard where he lived, but with Qin Wu took them to the center of the city, and it seems that people are getting more and more.

"Do you see the empty hall in front of you?" Qin Wu pointed to a horror hall in front of the cloud, revealing a touch of smile.

"Good and majestic." The platform was amazed. The hall was swung up and inserted into the land of heaven and earth. It was majestic and magnificent, like a holy place.

"That is the War King Hall. This is one of the places where the Warlord College students must come often. It is necessary to enter the War King Order. Moreover, the ordinary War King Order can only enter the first floor of the War King Hall. As for this. There is something in the Warlord's Hall. Presumably, you should also guess that the martial arts exercises, the magical techniques, the martial arts, the sacred lines, the techniques of the refining, etc., are all in all areas, of course, want to get good. Things need to go to the top of the War King Hall."

"My Jiuding Town’s atmospheric power is cultivated from the War King Hall."

"Is it the magical power that you used to deal with me?" Step Blue Mountain asked.

"Yes." Qin Wu nodded.

"The first few layers." Zu Yan, who has been cherishing the words, also spoke. He naturally also played against Qin Wu. The atmosphere of Jiuding Town is very terrifying. It has infinite power and suppresses the heavens. I don't know this war king temple. The first few layers have these treasures.

"The ninth floor." Qin Wu opened the road.

"The ninth floor?" Zu Yan's brow slightly picks: "You just said that you have an ordinary warlord, you can only step into the War King Hall, stay on the first floor of the War King Hall, then you want to step on the ninth floor. What conditions do you need?"

"I will take you to a place, and you will understand." Qin Wu laughed and said nothing, then the figure continued to step forward. Although Lin Feng and others had doubts, they did not continue to ask more questions. Flashing, Lin Feng found that they had arrived at the edge of the city at the moment. In front of them, there was a curtain of water. The pure water dripping down the mountain and descending into the pool on the ground.

At the top of the cave house, there is a line of writing like water, and the golden brilliance is swaying in the water.

"Fang Wang Dian." Lin Feng and others looked at the three big characters, flashing a sharp edge in the eyelids.

Feng Wang, Lin Feng is no longer familiar with these two words. Just three days before attending the War King College assessment, he and Jun Moxi went to Tianshen College and witnessed the Cheng Chengfeng King.

For the college students, Feng Wang means strong, meaning no glory; and Feng Wang, for the college, also means glory, and the people who seal the king are likely to be famous forever.

There are occasionally one or two figures walking inside and outside the King's Palace. It is obviously free to enter and exit. Qin Wu stepped out and walked inside: "Come with me."

Penetrating the water curtain, Lin Feng enters the palace of the King of the cave, and sees that it is like water. The pure brilliance is reflected in the cave, which is crystal clear and clear.

On the three sides of the wall in the Palace of the Kings, there are many handwritings.

"War King, proud king, Tianyuan Wang, idol king..." Lin Feng and others glanced at those handwritings. They were all an ancient king of the War King College. Below, they carved their deeds. The top is The king of war, the introduction of his life is very simple, to create the War King College; proud king proud of the world, unruly, once into the dragon to drive the demon dragon, Megatron world ... and so on, have been seen in the War King College The king of the king.

"You should have heard of the king?" Qin Wu said to the crowd.

"Well, I have witnessed the smashing of the king, and on the king's platform, there are stone tablets and deeds of the people who are the king of the gods." Lin Feng responded.

"The same is true of the War King College. The people above are the people who once sealed the king at the War King College. If they are silent, they will not be placed on this wall. Only later will there be great achievements. People can only engrave into the sky for the future generations to admire." Qin Wu said calmly, but his heart is slightly rippled, and paying tribute to the ancestors' deeds is always heart-rending.

"The four great colleges of the Central City of the Holy City have cultivated countless talents for the Qing Dynasty. From generation to generation, many of them are silent after going out, but there are also many people who are arrogant, and those who seal the king have greater achievements, as long as they do not die. At least one of them is a great person, even a famous one."

Qin Wu’s voice reveals a respectful tribute to the college. In the Qing Dynasty, only the three main cities of the Holy City, such as the Holy City, have a college, and the four major colleges of the Central City of Zhongzhou have countless years and countless generations. It is impossible to imagine how many strong people have come out, so the four colleges also have a sacred glory in the holy city of Central China!

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