Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1751: Assassin

"Deed!" Xi Yan did not think that Lin Feng dared to make a living and debt, not a life and death deed, even if he beat Lin Feng, at most he could only abuse Lin Feng, even if he wanted to kill Lin Feng to make a life and death, Lin Feng new person, he is diving The 18th seat of the Wang Bangren list, Lin Feng can also be rejected by the imperial, no one will say anything.

However, Lin Feng not only invited him to go to the top of the king's list, but also to make a living.

Xi Xi this time is not so confident, in the momentum, it seems to be weaker, a newcomer who just stepped into the War King College, dare to make a life and death deed for him, if not stupid, then it must have extraordinary strength.

I saw that Lin Feng’s pupils were deep and deep, and it seemed that people’s eyes could sink into it. When they came to the War King College, they couldn’t stand still, and the troubles would follow. It’s irritating. If it’s been like this, it’s a bit more powerful. If you are not playing, then you should be embarrassed. If you want to come to him, it is best to think about it again.

"What are you waiting for?" Lin Feng said quietly, causing the sly eyes to tremble, and then the palms swung down, the emptiness trembled, the same word blasted, and Lin Feng's denotation intertwined, making the surrounding people The pupils contracted slightly, and the birth and death covenant died.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you." Xi Yan has a sigh of anger, like the sun, reversing his body shape and directly killing him.

In an instant, Lin Feng only felt wrapped in a terrorist force, making his body feel extremely uncomfortable, and his body was shaken indiscriminately.

"What is the power of this law?" Lin Feng's heart trembled, and the law power came out. However, Lin Feng felt that his own rules were slightly confusing. It seemed that there was a faint feeling of turmoil, and the power of the other side seemed to be able to make him The law is turbulent.

"Boom!" A horrible storm fist knocked down from the terrible wasteland, and slammed over the top of Lin Feng’s head, breaking the world and breaking everything, making Lin Feng’s law a turbulent The punch is still coming.

"There is no way to kill the boxing." The crowd stares at the night, this boxing method is overbearing, the power is terrible, the law of turbulence makes the law disorderly unable to condense, oppressing the body, making your body blood seem retrograde, a little can bring you He punched and killed, and Xi Xi, he completely integrated his own law power into the smashing of the law, making the power even more terrifying, and even his own laws can not be felt, only the meaning of destroying the law.

Xi Xi, this person seems to be harmless to humans and animals, like a white sergeant, but the storm is very fierce when attacking, and many people who fight with him are killed by one blow.

"Peeling!" Xi Xia grabbed the palm of his hand, and suddenly a terrorist force fell on Lin Feng, to completely ruin his law, deprive him of the power of law, so that Lin Feng could not cohesive.

"This Lin Feng is looking for death, but still does not move." The crowd only saw Lin Feng still standing in the same place, could not help but tremble in the heart, this power to rid the magic boxing and the deprivation of the law, known as close invincible, indiscriminate deprivation How is your rule, how to fight, even if you become a human being, you can't have a law attack, you will die.

Even Jingkang showed a strange color, this Lin Feng, set a life and death deed, is it really to die?

"Lin Feng is over." The crowd saw the body of Lin Feng, who had already been in the evening. The pupils shrank slightly, and the top of the list of the leader of the list of the kings, the close-knit battle, Xi Xi was called the second person, only Jingkang, ranking in front of him, At such a close distance, Lin Feng's law is indiscriminately deprived. In addition to Jingshou, even the top ten people in the list of the top kings, in such a close distance with Xi Xi, I am afraid there is also the power of life.

It seems that Lin Feng does not understand Xi Xi, there will be today's tragedy.

At this time, in the horrible storm, the terrible wasteland almost buried Lin Feng's body, and the corner of his mouth was with a cold murder. In his eyes, Lin Feng was already a dead man.

"Peeling!" The deprivation of horror wants to strip the law. At the same time, the tyrannical savage boxing attack and the Lin Feng body is wrapped.

"Peeling?" Lin Feng's pupils are indifferent, and they don't have to flash. They don't have to flash. The power of the vast expanse of the sky is bursting out like a nine-day dark demon. It is intertwined with the horror thunder and lightning law, and the body is entwined in a twinkling of an instant. This scene makes the evening face pale and pale, and the face changes greatly. What is going on?

The law of chaos and deprivation did not deprive Lin Feng of the law? With his control of the two forces, such a close distance, even if Lin Feng's law is already sevenfold and eight, he is deprived. However, at this time, Lin Feng easily gathered the horrible power of terror.

Close attack? With Lin Feng’s sturdy body, multi-line rules, genius robbery, and demon ruling, he will be afraid of each other’s collision?

"The robbery sword is one." Lin Feng screamed, the darkness of the ruined swordsman suddenly came out, nine robbers returned to one, turned into a magical stream, the moment and the opponent's fist bang, crazy burst, the demon ruling with all kinds of power The bombardment came out, and it was like a broken bamboo. Lin Feng’s whole person penetrated into the sky like an arrow.

The bodies of the two men are too close at this moment, and they are instantly coming. Only a horrible magic light penetrates through the power of the wilderness. Then, in the void, the two figures collide, and the horrible atmosphere seems to be like In an instant, nothing disappeared, and everything disappeared.

"What happened?" Everyone stared at the two still figures in the void. Who wins and loses?

Lin Feng, how did you just gather such a powerful attack?

"Why?" In the evening, a low-pitched voice spit out into Lin Feng’s eardrum. He now does not know why he is defeating. Ming Lin is a deadly game. Why can he condense so powerful laws of various disciplines? His chaos and deprivation have no effect?

"My law is not subject to this world of checks and balances, and belongs to me alone." A voice floated directly into Xi's mind, and then the terrorist forces burst open in his body, only to see Lin Feng's figure drifting away, and the bangs rolled. The sound came out, and the body burst, and the law dissipated and disappeared from heaven and earth.

"Xi, dead." The crowd saw that this scene only felt a little unreal. The night of the 18th seat of the Qianwang list was killed by Lin Feng. Even, they did not understand where the sunset was, why they would lose. I am afraid that I don’t understand myself at night, so he asked why before he died.

What is the answer given by Lin Feng?

Why is this battle the end?

I am afraid that only Lin Feng and the dead Xia know why. His chaos and deprivation are made up of the power of this heaven and earth law. They are not direct attacks, but for the martial arts, they are more terrible than direct attacks. More toxic, chaotically stripping your rules, how do you gather strength to fight? The martial arts people play the attack, and the law is the most.

However, Lin Feng is precisely the natural enemy of this kind of power. The alternative law is not subject to checks and balances.

Jingshou’s hands are still in the sleeves, and there is a trace of interesting look in his eyes. This newcomer has already set two on the list of potential kings. Lin Feng, instead of taking the position of Xi Xi, became the leader of the list. Eighteenth seat.

At this time, Lin Feng only felt that there was a tremor in the eyebrows. It was the tremor of the war king. Lin Feng discovered that the word on the war king’s order became a cross, the king of war, the promotion, and the promotion to the tenth. Level warfare.

"Fast reaction speed." Lin Feng was surprised. The battle was just over. Someone changed the level of the mother warlord, which made his eyebrows and kings rank the ranks. This reaction is too terrible. Wang College has a huge secret control system, which is like an empire and is constantly operating.

Lin Feng looked up at the people around him. He didn't say a word. The death of Xi Xi has already shown his attitude. If he is looking for trouble, he will be ready to make a living.

"Happy." The face of the Taiwanese face is bright, it seems that he is also looking for a person with a lower ranking to challenge the next day, otherwise, Lin Feng's war king order is ten, and he is only one level, it is a bit chilly.

Lin Feng was like a wind. He came to Jinghun and smiled at him. "Thank you for taking the road."

Jingkang looked at Lin Feng, smiled and sly, facing Lin Fengdao: "Do you mind leaving a mark on your voice jade?"

"Of course I don't mind." Lin Feng smiled and took out the jade brief, and then Jingkang left his sacred thoughts and said: "There may be opportunities to contact in the future."

After finishing Jingkeng, he flickered away. At the end of the day, Lin Feng did not see his palms and killing hands.

"Lin Feng, this person is the assassin Jingshou, the second seat of the list of the leader of the king, it is said that the shot will kill, very dangerous." Yantai looked at the figure of the departure, muttered.

"It's really different. The hands are not even visible." Lin Feng smiled and said, how strong will the strength of the second seat of the leader?

Such a person, in the realm of the next emperor, should have been hard to find an adversary. As for some ordinary lower emperors outside the world, I am afraid he can easily sweep the killing.

"I am going to the Warlord Temple to walk. You should not accept the life and death deeds of others easily. Newcomers, do not accept or shame." Lin Feng said with a smile, then went to the Warlord Palace, the War King Hall is inclusive, those magical The skills can be tyrannical, you can go find a magical power that fits the rules of his fusion.

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