Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2008: Holy Spirit

Lin Feng took the autumn moon and took it back directly to the Tianci dynasty.

At this time, in the world of Wuhun, Qiuyue looked at the surrounding scenes and looked stiff. Then he looked at Lin Fengdao in front of him: "Where is this?"

"My world." Lin Feng calmly said.

"How are you going?" It was empty and surrounded by nothing.

"I know that you are not a sacred child, but a birthplace is born, so you are not a completely independent individual. I am affecting you by the emperor. You have a part of it. You can’t let go, I won’t let you go. Until the imprint of Emperor Huang on you is completely erased, the ruthless way is shattered, you are the real autumn moon heart."

Lin Feng said slowly, then he saw his palms waving toward the void, suddenly, in the void, the old days and the nine heavens, eighty-one palaces appeared, the highest place, a palace stood there, it was exactly what he used to live in. Palace.

I saw Lin Feng’s thoughts and volatility. In an instant, the immortal light of the gods went crazy and went to the other side, turning into a memory. On the palace, he and the figure of Qiuyue’s heart appeared there, relying on each other. Related information.

Lin Feng turned the direction and waved again. It was the courtyard where they lived shortly after they met. The mind was fluctuating, and the immortal memory of the gods continued to emerge. There was a record of Lin Feng’s every time he wanted to play the heart of the autumn moon. The scene of the war in the room, but Lin Feng seems to be defeated every time, the scene is constantly reappearing.

Turning again, Lin Feng waved again, the sky curtain hangs in the air, Lin Feng, dreams, autumn moon heart three horses and horses, the play in the water, the cave between the mountains, this is the small world of the emperor.

Also waved, Lin Feng swayed the Qiu family, Xuanyuan, and faced the wonders of Tianlong Shenbao.

As Lin Feng keeps waving, the scenes they get along with each other are constantly reappearing, hanging high in the air, wrapping the body of the autumn moon in the middle, no matter which direction her eyes look, there will be a familiar scene printed in my mind. In the middle, looking at it, Qiuyue’s heartless ruthlessness was shaken wildly, and her body shook slightly.

"This is a lover, but it is ruthless, and you want to smash the heart of the moon, let her forget the situation, I can as you wish." Lin Feng said slowly, the impact of the last wave In addition to the Guanghan Palace, Lin Feng was abandoned, and Qiuyue’s sword stabbed him. He saw the despair and pain in Lin Feng’s face. It was a kind of pain in the cone, and there was a tear in the corner of Qiuyue’s heart. Staying slowly.

"You are crying, you are still the heart of the moon, and you are emotionally annoyed." Lin Feng smiled softly, and slowly walked toward the heart of Qiuyue. Qiuyue looked at Lin Feng and seemed to forget the resistance until Lin Feng approached her. She held her directly in her arms, causing Qiuyue’s body to tremble, and the heart was shaken even more.

"Moon heart, I will accompany you every day." Lin Feng hands deep into the heart of Qiuyue's clothes, across her skin, tentacles cold, gentle movements.

"No..." Qiuyue’s heart ruthlessly bloomed, Lin Feng’s figure retreated, and this space was isolated from the outside world, and his footsteps went straight out, saying: “Moon heart, stick to the heart, You are you, not the emperor, the brand that left her on you, all erased, ruthless and ruthless."

The voice fell, Lin Feng's figure disappeared from this space, leaving only the sky behind the sky to record the bits and pieces of the two, Qiuyue looked at her, her body slowly sat on the ground, her eyes fell on two When people were familiar with each other, in the scene of hard-hitting in the room, the eyes gradually revealed a smile.

After Lin Feng walked out of this space, he left a few detached bodies, and he himself came to Xueyueguo, Qinglian, Lin Feng sat cross-legged, and entered the other side of the space, this is the ancient battlefield. Lin Feng looked at the fighting method of one of the saints. The fists he smashed seemed to be transformed into a sacred spirit, and he seized the power of heaven and earth. Every holy spirit has endless destructive power. The immortal power of the world is extinct.

"This is the magical attack of the Holy Spirit's creation of the gods. All the world is the only one, the Holy Spirit, the martial arts people, with their own power, condense the self of the Holy Spirit, and seize the power of heaven and earth, but combine and turn into an attack. Lin Feng murmured, the Holy Spirit created the sacred power created by the sacred prince of the Holy Spirit, condensed his lifelong martial arts, his understanding of the martial arts, in the eyes of the ancient sage, everything in the martial arts, They are all holy spirits, and they have life. You combine them to unite your own creation of the Holy Spirit, and the power of creation will have the supreme power. If you can condense the creation of the Holy Spirit and the creation of the heavens and the earth, The whole world of heaven and earth is controlled by you, and when you cultivate to the extreme, you can kill the heavens.

The ancient sacred kings are sacred, they have their own way to realize the ancient jing, and they have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Lin Feng stepped on the holy road and sat on the holy chair, not only saw the battle of the ancient lords, but also got The ancestors of the Holy Spirit dynasty made their missions and passed on the essence of the martial arts of their ancient saints.

"These ancient sacred characters are terrible." Lin Feng looked at the battle ahead, the battle of the All Saints, even if this battle is absolutely for the martial arts people, it is no wonder that the Holy Spirit dynasty, I am afraid any Emperor The powerful person in the environment knows that he has the memory of the All Saints battle, and he will give some thoughts.

Among the sacred sacred, there is a terrible sword repair, the sword of Kath, a sword smashed out, and the time seems to be regressing. Those supreme magical attacks are retreating. Only his sword is broken. Heaven, powerful to the point of swearing, all Saints are extremely jealous when facing his sword. From this ancient saint, it can be seen how terrible his sword is, a sword smashes, shakes the time, and travels through the years. This is the power beyond the avenue.

Lin Feng realized this battle of destroying the earth and destroying the earth. His eyes were filled with thoughts and thoughts. The Holy Spirit created the gods. If he wanted to condense the Holy Spirit, what kind of Holy Spirit should be.

The ancient sage of the ancestors of the Holy Spirit, with 33,000 small creations of the Holy Spirit and one hundred and thirty-seven great Holy Spirits, combined with the attack of Megatron, did not know how terrible it was.

"If I condense the Holy Spirit, I can start from the kendo, multi-law power, martial arts magic, the spirit of the sword, and the power of the sword, combined into a real kendo killing." Lin Feng whispered in the heart, in the past when the martial arts, The combination of the righteousness and the righteousness of the kendo is terrible and murderous. However, after entering the royal kingdom, different laws are difficult to integrate perfectly. This holy spirit seems to provide an opportunity for the kendo to allow him to bloom again.

From then on, the power of his various laws can be condensed out of the Holy Spirit, such as cursing the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Death, and then deriving from the Bible, transforming into the Holy Spirit, and combining it into a magical attack, will have terrible power. .

On these days, Lin Feng began a period of retreat and practiced the power of the supreme power of the Holy King.

However, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The genius confrontation has continued. Many people even came to the Tianci Emperor to find him Lin Feng’s battle. Lin Feng’s embarkation on the holy road to sit on the holy emperor’s chair has spread, and all the geniuses think. To see if this talented Lin Feng is as powerful as his talents, he wants to trample the characters with the potential of the King to make their prestige and pave their way.

At the same time, among the Holy Spirit dynasty, I saw only one elegant house. The gauze isolated the huge house with its fragrant incense into two sections. I saw a strong dynasty outside, facing the humanity inside: "You are The most suitable person, and believe that with your excellence, future generations who will be born for my ancient saints will also have the talent to shock the world."

"Roll." There was a cold voice inside, saying: "When I promised you in the past, I didn't promise this kind of thing, and immediately gave me away."

"Why are you here?" The imperial strongman still refused to give up, looked at the graceful figure inside, and slowly said: "This person is extremely talented, he set foot on the holy road of my Holy Spirit, and sat on it. The Holy King's chair, his talent, the Holy Spirit dynasty, has never been done for countless years, and he looks handsome, decisive, and tenacious, is a rare good man, defeated the seal in the Central City of the Holy City. The character of the king, Ji Yun, is favored by the ancient saints. For such a character, many women have no chance to think. He will become the existence of the ancient saint. You are not a disgrace to you as a woman."

"I let you roll." The cold sound is colder and there is no emotion.

"Let's think about it again. After a while, I will come and ask you for the answer. I look forward to the birth of Lin Feng and you." The man said, slowly walking towards the outside, but at this time the curtain The figure in the curtain suddenly trembled and said: "Wait!"

"Why, have you changed your mind?" asked the Holy Spirit.

"What do you mean by his name?" The voice inside has emotional fluctuations, but it is still cold.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng of the Central War King's College in the Holy City." The old man said.

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