Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2061: Fight again

"The Emperor!" The people around him saw that the body of the great emperor was torn apart, and his eyes were stiff and there. They thought that this man’s combat power would be very powerful, even if the Ji’s emperor could Victory will also be very fierce. This will be a wonderful showdown. However, they did not think that fighting will be so violent.

The strong men of Ji’s family were all stunned, watching the big man’s characters being torn into pieces, they couldn’t believe their eyes, the kind of attack...

Lin Feng was not prepared to give them time to think, only to see the black robe rolling, his body stepping out, suddenly a strong family look pale, burst into a burst: "Go."

"Hey!" Lin Feng stepped out step by step, his body as a horrible black arrow, directly shot at the man, the dark fists swept out, the bang banged, his body burst and shattered, and it was too late to take a step. That speed is too fast.

The other Jijiaqiang people only felt the end of the world, and each one was pale as paper, the speed... no one could escape.

The crowd only saw a black phantom flashing in the void, each boxing and blasting out, will inevitably crush a strong person, soon, in the space, only Lin Feng is still standing there, under the fight The veil floated slightly, but the crowd felt a cold chill. In this short moment, the strong man of Ji Jialai was killed and left alone.

I saw Lin Feng’s figure fluttering, and then stood on the crushed restaurant. He said calmly: “I will wait for the third day in the place where the emperor asks. If Ji Ji does not come to war, seal the king. The name is simply deprived directly, and the word of the king is shameful."

After all, Lin Feng took the lead and stepped out. When he left, he seemed to flash in the direction of the emperor's question. He even wanted to be there to fight with Ji Yun.

"This guy killed so many strong people in the Ji family and even had to fight against Ji Yun, so crazy." The crowd trembled and shimmered, and also flickered in the direction of the place where the emperor asked. This person was so invited. If Ji Ji is not out, what is the face?

"I think this person may be a genius figure who has been submerged by a powerful force. This is only going out. So I asked the battler directly, and I chose the place to be in the place where the emperor asked. This is to want to become famous. Qingyun went straight up and stepped directly into the forefront of the emperor."

"Once he beats Ji Yun, it is the second person in the Imperial League. I don't know how the Ji family will deal with it, whether it is directly against him, or let Ji Ji come out to fight."

The crowd talked a lot, and the news quickly spread to the central city of the holy city. The first place to arrive was the ancient holy family Jijia of the holy city.

The place where the emperor asked, not asking for the day, naturally did not ask the platform, but this empty area, until the people's palace, the horizon is wide, Lin Feng sits in the position of asking the Tao, calm, quiet waiting He believes that everything that happens in the restaurant will soon spread. There will be no small fluctuations in the state of the Holy City. He will have to look at it. Under this situation, Ji can not come out.

Someone came with Lin Feng, and his body shape was distributed around him. He was very quiet waiting, Ji Jia, how to deal with it.

In the direction of the People's Palace, there is a line of fluttering, flashing, and several of them are particularly eye-catching.

"Yu Donglai, Fengshentian is the genius of these previous generations of the Emperor. They are getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid that in the next few years, Chu Chunqiu and Ji Lun will also be separated from the Emperor and enter the emperor. The situation is over." The crowd saw the hearts of these people in the dark, the road of martial arts, the genius came forth in large numbers, and the waves pushed forward.

This is a martial art world that never lacks genius. The black robe figure sitting there calmly is another rising figure.

In the distance, there was another figure rolling in. This man was also wearing a black robe, which gave a feeling of yin and coldness. It was a ghost.

"It’s a ghost. In the past, the emperor asked, the ghosts were defeated in a row, and they left directly. Now, finally, they have appeared again."

"It seems that he also heard that someone wants to fight Ji Ji, and this came out. Now it has been a long time since the emperor asked. These people have finally come out again, and Shi Yunfeng has come." The crowd looked at another position. I saw the stone man Shi Yunfeng coming.

"I didn't expect that there was such a big movement. The news was really fast. Of course, this is also because of the name of Ji Yun. If this person is not challenged by Ji Yun, I am afraid that there will be no such influence." The person said that, very quickly, the location of the empty list that was quite empty on weekdays became extraordinarily lively.

"The people of Ji family arrived, but Ji Wei did not come." At this time, I saw only a distant place, a figure fluttering, and it was a person of Ji family. There were several powerful people in the realm of the Great Emperor, and the atmosphere was strong. Looking at Lin Feng, his face is cold.

"Is you killing my family?" I saw the strong man of a great emperor staring at Lin Feng indifferently.

"When Ji Yin defeated me, it would be fine to kill me. If you are now shooting, the face of Ji's family will not have to be asked again." Lin Feng said coldly, making the strong look of those Ji family solidified. The eyes inadvertently glanced at the people around, this thing made such a big movement, if these powerful characters directly shot Lin Feng, Ji Jia, indeed shame, no face.

"You want to die, my family can not fulfill you." I saw the strong man's mouth of the Ji family said, their figure flashed, and in the distance behind them, there was a figure coming from each step. One step, the void seems to have a horrible airflow rolling toward the front, like a gust of wind, the momentum is boundless, the horrible emperor is pervasive, as if to crush the world.

This is the strongest person in the realm of the great emperor. This person has sharp eyes and no arrogance. It seems to be able to pierce people's eyes, and the majesty of his eyes, the horror to the extreme, seems to collapse the void.

Come, Ji Wei!

Ji Yun, the emperor.

"Ji Yu broke through to the realm of the Great Emperor. It is no wonder that those of the Ji family are so confident that the black robe is looking for death."

"Fang Wang Ji, into the emperor, the strength has been enhanced several times, and the black robe people have a strong fighting horror, but after all, it is the upper realm, it must be dead, it is impossible to defeat Ji Yun."

The crowd was quite shocked, and Ji Yun finally entered the emperor's realm. It was the same as the two great talents of the Central City in the original city, and finally entered the realm of the great emperor.

A character who has entered the realm of the Emperor, even if he enters the emperor's territory, will have a terrible fighting power. It is a martial artist who can fight. This is the common thought of all people.

After all, Ji Wangxi, the college seals the king, even when he is still in the royal emperor, there are few rivals, Chu Chunqiu and Lin Feng are metamorphosis geniuses, but Ji Wei stepped into the emperor, even Chu Chunqiu and Lin Feng, I am afraid it is difficult to fight him again.

In the emperor's realm, Ji Yun declared his strong return. He wants to wash away the shame of the two defeats in the past, and the characters of the kings are all talented. At least they can all reach the peak of the heavenly emperor.

Finally, step by step, Ji Yun came to Lin Feng, looking indifferent, looking down at the sky, looking at the green robe covered Lin Feng, said coldly: "I entered the emperor, I should not shoot you, but you kill me Ji Jiaqiang, but damn, read that you are killing them with strength, you are self-destructive."

Ji Yun’s voice was calm, and he seemed to give Lin Feng a chance to live a life.

However, at this time, I saw only the head under the black yarn slightly lifted up, like a pair of dark pupils piercing the space, directly colliding with Ji Yun's gaze.

Ji Yun, the realm of the Emperor, it is no wonder so mad.

"You have been in the realm of Emperor Huangfeng, and have been defeated by the Central Emperor. Nowadays, the Emperor's realm, dare to be so mad, your memory is really not very good." Lin Feng's calm voice spit out, it seems to be a bit hoarse, pervasive The irony of the Zig's strong brows wrinkled, this person is really a big word.

The crowd also showed a strange look. This person saw that Ji Yun entered the realm of the Great Emperor, but he was still so arrogant. Did he have such strong self-confidence and dared to fight with the singer of the Great Emperor.

The murder of Ji Yun was filled out, and Lin Feng’s words were his life’s shame.

"In the future, I will wash the shame of Lin Feng's life. But today, let's destroy you first." Ji Wei said faintly, and then I saw Lin Feng's body slowly standing up, carrying his head and looking at Ji Yun.

"Hey!" Ji Yun stepped out of the footsteps. In an instant, Diwei suppressed the world. The horrible collapse force seemed to burst directly on Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng stood still so calmly and looked at him.

"A strong body, just now Ji Yun has launched a collapse attack, and his body has not shaken a little."

Ji Xiao snorted, and then his palm crossed. In an instant, the collapsed Qinglong opened up the ancient road and directly exploded on Lin Feng. It was almost an instant attack. This is the power of the Emperor, the palm of his hand crossed, and the magical powers descended. .

However, I saw that the man in the black robe raised his fist, the space power tore the void, and directly blew it out, the ancient road was broken, and the body of the dragon was bursting. This scene made the eyes of the crowd solidify again there. This attack power, good. It’s horrible, and it’s as easy as a gesture.

"Not bad." Ji Wei said coldly, and then the palm of his hand continued to cross in the void, a road to the Qinglong ancient road to open up, the collapse of the intellectual turmoil, crazy to Lin Feng.

However, I saw Lin Feng’s fists continually breaking through the air. The ancient road was constantly broken, and the green dragon was continually torn apart. Both of them were equally relaxed, and they all contained terrible power.

Finally, Ji Wei stopped shooting and looked at the figure under the sky to reveal a sense of appreciation. "This is the first battle I entered into the Great Empire. Although I am not familiar with it, it is a bit of a force. It’s hard to get rid of it, but unfortunately, today is destined to fall."

After all, the emperor’s body was madly crushed down, and the airflow seemed to be blasting.

Lin Feng's look gradually became colder, the killing began to permeate, and the eyes under the veil became cold and boundless, and the faint road said: "I haven't worked hard yet!"

PS: WeChat public number: jingwuhen888.

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