Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2086: Wood dust news

Lin Feng and others came to a temple. The Emperor of the Spirit received the people personally. They looked at Lin Feng and smiled. "Lin Feng, are these young people, are you friends?"

"They all came from War King College, and even a lot of them walked with me from a small world. They are the best brothers." Lin Feng introduced to the Emperor of the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit smiled and nodded. "Your brothers, all extraordinary, I am afraid that for a few more years, it will be enough for the generation of the Emperor Wu, and lead the way."

"This is nature. They will all stand at the peak of the martial arts and overlook the world." Lin Feng said calmly, there is a sense of unshakable self-confidence in the speech, confidence in himself, and confidence in Hou Qinglin, the disciples of the Tiantai Genius, and then the Bible, there are a variety of ancient scriptures, as long as their own mentality is tough enough, can not achieve a peerless martial way, the only shortcoming is that if their body and blood can be modified, they will be more It's perfect.

In the past, on the Holy Path, Hou Qinglin and Jian Bian had already tried the Holy Path. On the first two floors, when they tested the Holy Body and the Holy Blood, they took a lot of pressure. On the contrary, their will Tough but without any problems, and his Lin Feng, the annihilation of the magic and the demon disintegration * are very suitable for his cultivation, so the body and flesh and blood have no problems, tempered to an excellent degree, but these two magical powers are not It must be suitable for them to cultivate.

When the Emperor of the Spirit heard Lin Feng’s words, he showed a smile. In the heart, this guy was frivolous enough. However, he did have such qualifications. When the demon domain was less than thirteen, no one was shocked. Their demon spirit was strong and their eyes were Sharp seems to be able to penetrate people, but Lin Feng is not afraid, the war demon seven will repel, after the ancient St. sneak attack can not succeed, coupled with his sage talent, Ling Shenghuang absolutely believe that as long as Lin Feng does not die, set foot The martial arts peak is sooner or later.

"It’s both Lin Feng brothers, please take a seat.” Ling Shenghuang said with a smile, then nodded to the person beside him, let him prepare for the banquet, and everyone also sat down, and then only listened to the Holy Spirit. : "Lin Feng, nowadays, the heavens and the sacred capitals will meet, and the demon domain will return strongly when it is here. Do you know why?"

"There is still insider inside?" Lin Feng said differently.

"It is time to set the time right now. Maybe the demon domain is not only for the sacred sacred capital, but even for the Jiuyi meeting." The emperor said calmly, making Lin Feng's pupil shrink slightly.

"The Jiuyi Continent is divided into nine blocks, namely Shenque, Qinglan, Bixi, Tanjung, Jingyu, Yuxi, Yi, Zijing, and Taiyu. Each of the nine continents is vast and endless. There are very few exchanges between the mainland, because there are only two ways to go to other continents. One is to test the battlefield through Xianguo, to go directly to other continents when you return, and the second is to pass through the space tunnel. The characters can also pass the trial of the fairy kingdom, and the people of the emperor have only the second method. Therefore, on the nine continents of each party, few people know the news of other continents."

The Emperor of the Spirit said calmly, even if he lived for so many years, he only went to other continents once.

"Is there any difference in the cultivation of the nine martial arts people?" Lin Feng asked the Emperor of the Spirit.

"Wudao is one way, the same way is the same, there is no difference in the big realm. However, the means of cultivation naturally differs. I heard that Tanjung, the means of alchemy of the martial arts has reached the sky, the strongest to the extreme, the land of the sword, the sword There are many Taoist martial arts in the mainland, each with its own characteristics. The Shenzhou continent, which is located in the middle of the nine continents, gathers the essence of all parties. The hundred schools of thought contend, it is the strongest glimpse of the nine continents. Many of the top figures like you will be willing. Go to the gods and see the world."

"The meeting between the nine meetings, where did they meet, and by whom?" Lin Feng asked again, he also heard about the location of the nine continents, the heavens and the earth are eight, the nine continents have eight directions, each continent is on one side, God The mainland is dominated by the center, which means that only the gods of the mainland are bordered by another eight continents, while the other continents are only bordering three continents, including the gods.

"The nine-year meeting meets once every 100 years and is convened by the temples. The location is on the mainland of the gods. This time, it should be the temple of destiny. For more than a thousand years, the meeting of Jiuyi has once again turned to the temple of destiny. I don’t know this fate. The direction of the wheel will be rotated.” The Holy Spirit said slowly, hearing the Temple of Destiny, Lin Feng’s heart was moving, and he and the Temple of Destiny seemed to have a real relationship.

"The Temple of Destiny called for the meeting of Jiuyi. Is it for the Jiu-Zhu mainland to collect people?" Hou Qinglin, who also had an impression of the Temple of Destiny, could not help but ask.

"Well, if we are valued by the Temple of Destiny, we will be able to enter the top of the pyramid of the martial art world, the temple." The Holy Spirit nodded slightly, the temples recruited the doormen, or the young strong kings were met by them, they would be cultivated, or Only on the big stage of the meeting in Jiuyi.

Therefore, all the people who walk out of the temple are in a state of detachment. Just like the family in the ancient capital of Tianyuan, they have a transcendental status in the Qing Dynasty, because in the Hejia, there are disciples of the Temple of Destiny, and it is said that because of the gods It is the mainland closest to the temple. Therefore, above the mainland, there are many family members of the temple, all of which are transcendental forces. It is precisely because of this that the mainland of the gods is extremely detached and is the strongest continent.

"So, the demon domain has produced more than thirteen demon, ready to set foot on the gods of the mainland." Lin Feng whispered, the spiritual emperor nodded: "They should be deliberately to catch up with the nine-year meeting, and our green continent The potential contenders of Jiuyi First Jun, I am afraid that they all want to go to the most glorious stage of the Nine Miles. If there is no end, he will also go, so the heavenly sacred palace, hope that the blood will leave behind, so that if there is no It’s absolutely out of the way, and it’s not going to be a future generation.”

Lin Feng heard this smile, but did not expect that there was such a reason for the innocent drama Yi Tianjiao, but the meeting of Jiuyi, the top talents of the nine continents will go, you can see the powerful strength of the infinite, but also Not necessarily able to come back safely, this stage is too big, nine, the strongest group of peerless enchanting, will gather on the same continent.

"My Holy Spirit dynasty is dying today. I am afraid that no one can set foot on the stage. Lin Feng, this opportunity, you have to grasp, the meeting of Jiuyi is not only the way to find the disciples of the Temple of God in the Temple of Destiny. Similarly, the top figures can still get the sky. The reward of the spirit. "The Emperor of the Spirit is open to Lin Feng. Now Lin Feng’s strength is still some distance from Wuhuang Peak. When Lin Feng hits the level of Wuhuang Peak, who can imagine how much Lin Feng’s combat power will be, even today Lin Feng still can't bloom the most dazzling glory in the meeting of Jiuyi, but he can continue to grow in the realm of Wuhuang.

Lin Feng was indulged for a moment, did not speak, and the gods met the mainland and met in Jiuyi. He naturally cannot miss this opportunity.

At this point, Lin Feng looked at Hou Qinglin and found that the two brothers bowed their heads and said nothing.

"The two brothers, the three brothers and the sorcerer come out this time collectively. The criminal war and the prajna are also coming. Is it really just a history?" Lin Feng flashed a touch of color in his eyes. If it is experienced, it should not be so neat.

"Two brothers, is there anything happening?" Lin Feng asked.

Hou Qinglin looked slightly condensed, looked up, looked at Lin Feng, and then looked at the spirit of the Holy Emperor, the spirit of the Holy Emperor's heart fretting, then smiled: "I temporarily shunned, if there is anything I need to help the Holy Spirit, you It’s Lin Feng’s brother, even though I’m looking for me.”

After all, the Emperor of the Spirit left the side, and Lin Feng was more sure that they might have something to look at themselves.

"Two brothers, what is it?" Lin Feng asked again.

Hou Qinglin looked up and looked at Lin Feng, spit out the gas, said: "Lin Feng, we have the news of the master."

"Master brother." Lin Feng's look flashed a glimpse of the edge, asked: "Where is the master?"

"I didn't want to tell you this early, but since I was ready to go to the gods, I bluntly said that when I came out of a small world, the master and the emperor had a soul connection, and they had both sides. Soul jade, and some time ago, the master and his soul jade, there was a crack." Hou Qinglin's voice is low, so Lin Feng's heart also sinks, the face suddenly becomes a little pale, hands tight Buckle.

“Is there any broken?” Lin Feng asked.

"No, this is a strange thing. There is a spider-like crack in the jade slip, but it is not broken. It can be seen that the master's experience is very bad now, and the emperor's master has got a soul message from the master. Hou Qinglin's face is also stiff, his teeth are biting, and he said: "He told the Emperor of the Emperor, if there is an afterlife, he will be a brother, and the gods will bury his bones for him. Don't worry about this life, never want to avenge him. If you encounter a Tiantai disciple, never mention it."

"The master went to the gods and the mainland." Lin Feng looks stiff, if it is good in the Qinglan continent, but the gods are completely strange to the mainland, and where to find people, and listen to the message of the master, it is clearly a terrible enemy. Otherwise, it will not say that you should never want to take revenge and never mention this matter. However, there is such an enemy. Why is the soul of the master brother only cracked, but it is completely broken and fallen?

"Well, I don't know how the masters used to go. I want to go to the search for the emperor. I was persuaded by us. Later, we took advantage of the emperor's respect, and asked the college to see the master, and ran out."

"Two brothers, how can you glare at me like this kind of thing." Lin Feng snorted and was angry. This is the first time he was angry with Hou Qinglin. If he had to go to the gods, would they not intend to tell himself? ?

"Lin Feng, you and the ten old immortals and the Xue people have an agreement, and the dream is also pregnant when they leave. The second brother wants to stare at you, just bring the brothers to see here, if we come What happened to the gods in the mainland, at least you will avenge us, after all, your talent is the best of the teachers and brothers."

If the evil sighed, he said, "But since you are also planning to go to the gods, you will be there, let's go together."

The anger of Lin Feng’s heart subsided, and the heart was slightly bloody, watching the brothers nodded heavily: “Tiantai disciples, with you!”

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