Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2237: Battle against the Emperor

In the world of Wuhun, Lin Feng looked at the void and his mind gradually calmed down. "I can't break through the emperor's realm. It's because I don't have enough realm, I don't know enough, I shouldn't be so impatient, I should change my mind, and I can find a breakthrough. Just as I step into the realm of the Emperor, the time is up, I realize it, and naturally break through. ""

Lin Feng whispered in his heart, and his heart was getting quieter.

Buddhism and Taoism, to become a peerless ancient Buddha, you need to experience eight bitterness, sentiment, and thoroughness in life. Struggling in the eight bitter reincarnation, until you fully understand, you can cultivate a positive result, establish a Buddha into the earth, have the supreme power of Buddhism, and create a Dharma. Du Zhongsheng, he Lin Feng, why not.

His path, can not refer to others, just take his own path.

In the Temple of Destiny, where the archives of the Star Hall are stored, Lin Feng’s body avatar slowly puts down the file in his hand and looks at the prophet. He looks calm and takes a deep breath. “Teacher, I understand how to do it.”

"Well, I understand it." The prophet saw that Lin Feng gradually became open-minded, and a smile appeared in his eyes. He said: "Your realm is different from other people. You can't be an emperor. Maybe, you will come out with a different way. ""

Lin Feng looked down and looked at the prophet and nodded deeply.

In the Yongyue City, in the mountains of the Wicked Forest, where the forest where Lin Feng is located, there are still a number of swordsmen who are strong in the swords. The swordsman is constantly tearing the mountains below, as if to The entire mountain range was completely flattened.

The powerful sword repair of the Heavenly Emperor is still there, and the footsteps of a sword, proudly in the void, the eyes are still glanced in the sky, Lin Feng's breath suddenly disappeared from here, absolutely hidden where the breath is hidden, even Turn over the entire mountain range and find him.

At this time, the strong eyes of the emperor’s eyes suddenly looked toward somewhere, only in the cracks somewhere in the distance, there was a sigh of breath in the sudden, random, his eyes suddenly shot A horrible sword light, the man, appeared.

"It's so good to hide." The crowd turned their eyes and looked at Lin Feng. This guy must be able to hide the treasures on his body. Otherwise, it would not be possible to hide such perfection.

As a result of the steps, the terrible sword began to wreak havoc in the scorpio, murderous, do not know how terrible.

"Is it that you killed me a lot of swordsmen?" The strong man of the emperor's day looked at the place where Lin Feng stood, indifferent.

Lin Feng did not respond, but glanced at the sword repair around the Great Emperor in the void. "The sword of your sword is too weak. The people of the Great Empire are not my opponents. I will give you the opportunity now. Fight with me, how?"

"A good arrogant guy." The people heard Lin Feng’s words trembled in their hearts, too arrogant, and dared to say that they had to fight alone with the mighty existence of the realm of the Emperor. As for the sword repair of the Great Emperor, he was directly ignored by him. presumptuous.

On that day, Jian Zong Jian Xiu of the emperor also stared at Lin Feng with great interest. He was so arrogant, so arrogant, he was the first time he encountered it. He wanted to compete with the Emperor of Heaven.

I saw him wave his hand. Suddenly, the great emperors around Lin Feng scattered one by one, and opened the distance, leaving enough space. At the same time, the emperor stepped out and went to Lin Feng. The slow opening said: "You have killed one of the five great emperors in Jianzong by your own strength. I will give you the opportunity to repair and fall in my sword."

Lin Feng, the atmosphere, the law of the earth and the magic of the magical power madly spread out, he wants to try, the sword of the realm of the heavens, the level of combat power can reach, so that he can also estimate, after Even if he does not enter the emperor's realm, in the realm of the emperor's realm, the combat power, to which level, whether one day, can be like the strong against the great emperor, killing the emperor.

The person in front of him is the sword of the realm of the Emperor. The attack is strong. If he can compete with him, it means having the capital of the Emperor of Heaven. Lin Feng faces this kind of character and dare not have the slightest intention. Therefore, he first thought of it. Not an attack, but a defense.

The power of the law of magic and the law of the earth is not intended to be the best defense.

"The law is good, but do you think that this will be able to resist my attack?" The character of the emperor on that day looked at the law of Lin Feng's body, and said coldly.

"It seems that you have dealt with me in the realm of the Emperor of Heaven. It seems that I still feel very proud." Lin Feng sneaked a sigh of relief, and suddenly made the other party look slightly condensed, but immediately relieved, revealing a touch of smile: "Yes, to Heavenly Emperor The situation against your district Wuhuang is really not an absolute face, but I will still kill you without mercy, you, are you ready?"

"Get out." Lin Feng said quietly.

On that day, the strong man of the emperor nodded slightly. Suddenly, the void seemed to growl. The whole air of the Emperor and the Emperor turned into a huge ancient sword. It was terrible, and the strong man of the emperor stood there. Did not move, as if, heaven and earth roar freely.

The endless stream of clouds gathered on the top of the sky into a horrible sword, and Lin Feng was locked in an instant, which made Lin Feng feel a strong crisis, as if this giant sword locked his body and locked his soul. It is terrible to be able to penetrate the flesh and erase the soul.

"The soul of the emperor is integrated into the heavens and the earth. This person has been cultivated to the realm of the heavenly emperor. A thought makes the soul merge with the heavens and the earth. It seems that the world is locked in Lin Feng. In fact, it is the spirit of the other party. This giant sword has the power of locking."

Lin Feng thought secretly, the whole piece of Tianzhu seems to be turned into a sword shape, and suddenly smashed the past toward Lin Feng, the power, as if it could not be stopped.

The eyes suddenly condensed, Lin Feng's palm trembled fiercely, suddenly hit the ancient characters, nine characters entangled, suddenly like the heaven and earth resonance, his breath, with the heavens and the earth, with endless power, a sword of madness assassination, However, it was useless. All the terrible giant swords that had been assassinated were torn apart and could not resist.

"Kill!" A force that suppresses everything seems to come from the wild, and it is smashed in the entangled ancient characters. It is a sacred punch, endless, and constantly squatting in the giant sword. Still a terrible power oppressed, Jianwei did not diminish, Lin Feng's sword was rolling and moving, his long hair was as straight as a sword.

"Good!" Lin Feng's heart trembled, and the fists were still madly attacking. Finally, the sword stopped in front of his body and finally shattered under the punch. The terrible hurricane made Lin Feng's The footsteps continued three steps back.

Looking at the Emperor of the day, Lin Feng really felt the fighting power of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth. It is indeed far from the characters of the realm of the Great, and the attack power is much stronger.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. In the void, the infinite swordsman is gathering and getting more and more terrible. On that day, there are many swords suspended in abruptness. The swords of each sword are so terrible.

"Oh." The strong man of the realm of the day snorted, and the giant sword above the Scorpio was killed at the same time, all of which went to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's body is like a madness, as if it has been turned into an endless wild, endless ancient sacred fist, turned into a million shadows, will be able to pierce the hole in the sky.

"Oh." On that day, the Emperor of the Emperor saw such an attack. Lin Feng was able to resist it. He couldn't help but look colder and colder. The palm of his hand stroked from the sky and the vertical trace of a straight sword appeared. A line of heaven.

Lin Feng certainly noticed that the punches he had smashed were destroyed in a flash or directly penetrated. The straight vertical and horizontal directly broke the holy punch and attacked Lin Feng’s head, even though Lin Feng had a terrible The physical defense, but he still has no doubt that if he is hit, his head will be penetrated in a flash.

"Don't I face the characters in the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, really do not have any countervailing power?" Lin Feng said in his heart, in fact, he did not have the power to counter the power of the realm of the Heavenly Emperor, but the Emperor he faced at the moment is itself an attack. The powerful Jianzong sword repair is absolutely unmatched by the ordinary Emperor. Even if it is the same as the Emperor of Heaven, the gap can be great.

Gathering the sword of the Holy Spirit, Lin Feng took out a terrible sword, and finally collided with the vertical line in the void, and cut it off. However, the sword of the emperor’s hand continued to cross the void, The straight light of the road kept spilling, as if the tyrannical magical attack was just a matter of thought.

In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, many tyrannical powers of sacred power can be formed by the spirits of the heavens and the earth, and the communication of the heavens and the earth. It takes only a short moment, and the attack is even more dangerous, giving people a great threat.

The law of Lin Feng turned into the law of the void. The whole person seemed to be shrouded in the emptiness of the light, as if he was in the illusory light curtain, constantly flashing and changing direction, before he could avoid the vertical light that was killed.

The people around the realm of the great emperor looked calm and calm. They didn't mean to shoot a little. They knew that the horrible characters of the Emperor of Heaven were all aware of it. Lin Feng is simply a mortal situation. It is absolutely impossible to escape!

At this time, the Emperor's strong man in the middle of the day, flashed a sly look, then his figure disappeared from the place, and suddenly became a light, a palm hit the front, this At the moment, countless Daoli sword beams are like the blossoming of a beautiful sword flower, and the sun's rays are scattered on the earth, wrapping the whole piece of void in it, and no direction can be avoided.

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