Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2300: Hunting

The holy city of Zhongzhou, Jijia, the winners and other ancient saints are prosperous. Even though they have had a lot of trouble because of Lin Feng, now they are still standing on the main city of the sky, and there is very little power. Inciting their status.

However, under the glamour of this appearance, the interior of several ancient saints is under a lot of pressure. For example, the winner, Xiao Dance, one person, makes him a winner, some dogs and cats are restless, often harass, and chase them. The genius character wins.

Nowadays, the strength has already entered the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, and the strength is tyrannical. However, in the face of Xiao Dancena of the Holy Land, there is still no proud capital.

Of course, the winner has also chased many times for Xiao Wutian, but a character of the Holy Land is not so easy to kill. Therefore, Xiao Wutian is always alive and will never tire of the assassination of winning. Even a few times almost succeeded, but fortunately their winners are extremely strict with the protection.

Ji family, also have their troubles, if it is about who and Lin Feng hate the deepest, not his Ji family, from Ji Wuzhe, this hate began to intensify, more and more intense, until later You are dead and alive, and their Ji family even sent the strong to go to the other main city to catch Lin Feng.

This hatred, in the past, Ji family did not look at it, but over time, every time, attention to Lin Feng's Ji family will get some news of Lin Feng, they gradually, have Fear, until Lin Feng won the first seat of the Jiuyi meeting and became a disciple of the Temple of Destiny, the heart of Ji’s family was thoroughly raised, and his family Ji finally lost the news of Lin Feng, and they could no longer be contacted. Even losing the qualification to contact that level, can only pray that Lin Feng will die outside. However, the sculpture of the War King College stands there, and it will never fall, as if telling them that Ji Jia, Lin Feng, will come back sooner or later.

On this day, in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Jijia army, suddenly there were many strangers. These people were not from the holy city of Zhongcheng, as if they appeared overnight, but because they walked in the endless crowd, they did not Attracting the attention of others, but the power of the entire Ji family has all fallen into their eyeliner.

At the moment, in a restaurant, there are several figures on top of a certain seat. They sit together and chat casually.

"The family of the Ji family, so is this, is this the ancient saint, one of the strongest forces in the main city of heaven?" At this time, on the table, one person said, his eyes looked at another A table, where there are several young people from the Ji family, who are bragging about how the Ji family is, he just made a satirical voice.

The voice just fell, and the young gaze of the Ji family suddenly looked over here, and the glory flashed through the cold, saying: "Who is the lord, dare to insult the family?"

The person who spoke just wore a black robe, only to see him at the moment looking up at the other side, indifferent: "Insult, how?"

Suddenly, the restaurant has become quiet. Here, some people dare to say that they insulted the Ji family. How is this, this is undoubtedly the most direct provocation, provoking the Ji family.

Several of the Ji family stood up and slowly walked forward, showing a cold breath on them, which was terrible.

"Your Majesty, apologize." One person said coldly, his voice was biting.

"Who do you want to kneel down?" The black robes of the sitting man looked up slightly, and there was a faint magic light flashing in the eyes, which was terrible, and even the young man of Ji’s family felt When they arrived at a chill, and a few people sitting beside the black robe youth, they never even looked up.

"If you don't leave, I don't know how to die even if you die." The people of Ji family will retreat at this moment, they all oppressed forward, breathless, at this time, the young people sitting there At the same time, they looked up and there was a terrible death cold in their eyes. At this moment, the youth of the Ji family only felt that they had the illusion of dying.

"Death!" Several people spit out the sound of the cold at the same time. At this moment, the meaning of death swayed and pressed toward the other side. The youths of the Ji family were instantly ruined, and their bodies released an extremely powerful atmosphere. The battle seemed to erupt in an instant.

"Hey!" The wind rushed past, and the black robe youth shot like a lightning. At the same time, several people’s death rules poured out together, and the bang banged out. The head of a Jijia young strongman burst and died directly on the spot. The black robe youth, if nothing happened, sat back to its original position.

Suddenly there was a cold atmosphere in this restaurant, very cold, from the cold of death.

A cover, the young strong man of Ji family was killed, here is the site of Ji family.

The other young people of Ji’s family were stunned, and then they all had murderous release, but at the same time, the black robes who were sitting all stood up and took a step forward. Their figures moved at the same time. Phantom.

"Kill." The sound of the cold sounds in the restaurant. Soon, there are several bodies in this restaurant, all of them are Ji family. Even if they are many people, they are still lying softly on the ground, only There was another person who did not fight in the back. He seemed to be in the cold wind and his body shivered.

Dead, all killed, one is not left.

The young man looked up at the black robe characters, and then he quickly flicked away, as if he was afraid that the other party would kill him. However, he obviously overestimated himself. No one went to chase him, let him leave. go with.

"These people are so bold." The crowd's heart trembled a little. What are these black robes? Not only are the strengths terrible, they can easily kill the Jiyuan's martial artists in the same realm. Moreover, there is no difference to Ji. The fear of the home.

"If they don't leave, I am afraid that the Ji family will soon have a strong person to avenge." The people in the restaurant said, but these black robes did not realize that it was dangerous. They still sat still. As if, don't care at all.

As the crowd expected, it didn't take a long time, Ji family, the strong man of the emperor came, and directly smashed the whole restaurant from the sky, and the eyes instantly locked the black robes. The murderous release is released, and the road to collapse is raging and sweeping across the heavens and the earth.

"Who are you, say." The character of the emperor locked in the black robe, and asked coldly. However, at this moment, the black robe looked up slightly and looked toward the void. Then they lowered their heads. Continue to silence, it seems, too lazy to bother each other.

"Looking for death." The character of the emperor screamed, and then he saw his footsteps stepping down from the sky, but at this moment, I saw it on the other table, and suddenly, a figure rushed up. If lightning is fast, it will collapse directly into the void.

"The fist of the Great Collapse." The Ji Jiaqiang violently screamed, but I saw a dark magical fist punching through everything, the road to collapse must be smashed, Raytheon roared, the magic road Leiguang broke everything, in an instant, that Ji Jiaqiang The person was shrouded by the magical thunder and lightning, and seemed to be screaming. Then he banged and his fist fell on his body, causing his body to collapse into smash and instantly die.

This scene made the crowd's pupils solidify again. I saw that the murderer's body landed and returned to his position. It was very quiet, as if it had just been done, not worth mentioning.

"Is this the place of Ji's jurisdiction?" The crowd is speechless. These people are very courageous, but the crowd understands that now, things are not over yet. Ji family did not expect the other party to have a strong situation. However, the next time the Ji Jiaqiang arrives, it is not that simple.

Their thoughts have just been born, in the distance, the terrible breath is rolling out, and they are coming to the side. Only in the void, there is a strong line of people, the atmosphere is full, the emperor is filled, the strongest is the ultimate, Ji family, the strong The collective came and killed.

Only in a short moment, they came to the vicinity, but at this time, in the place of the sky, there was a figure in the Turkic sky, a terrible madness raging, making the Jijia’s strongman’s footsteps Suddenly stopped, and screamed: "Who is here?"

"Hey!" The wings that cover the sky will cover the sky, and the crowd will not see where the strong people of the Ji family are. They are all obscured. Immediately, the group of monsters rags and rushes into it, making the heart of the crowd. I kept beating.

"Ah..." The screams broke through the void, and continued, **** rain continued to scatter from the gap, until finally, when the monsters were separated, the strongest of the Ji family disappeared from the sky. There is no trace.

This scene made everyone feel trembled. The strong people of Ji family had not had time to release their strength, and they were wiped clean. Suddenly, the crowd gave birth to an inexplicable chill. They found that This is not an accident at all. These are the ones that have been planned. They are killing the family of Jijia!

Thinking of this possibility, the heart of the crowd is beating ordinary, the crowd, to hunt the ancient saints, Ji family.

Moreover, there is a group of terrible monsters, who is it, standing behind the scenes, controlling this terrible **** baptism!

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