Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2392: miracle

The vast expanse of the sky, spread in front of the crowd, so that everyone is trembled, and above the void, I saw a statue of a strolling into the void, under the light of the stars, like a light spot, suspended in it, Shocked by the relics that appeared.

Many people are skeptical that the entire tomb of the gods is a vast relic? So what is happening at the moment is the ancient relics of the starry sky. If the merits of this accumulation are not the domain of the stars, but the other fields, what kind of relics will appear? The tomb of the gods can be turned into nine, showing the appearance of nine relics.

How was this ruin formed?

The gods, as if everything, can only be explained by the gods, only the masters of the world, the gods who can create the world have these powers, so this is called the relic of God.

"Hey, hehe..." After the crowd was shocked, I saw a figure breaking through the sky, and they rushed into the ruins. Since this is the handwriting of the gods, it means that there will be opportunities, they need opportunities.

"The merits accumulated in the domain of the stars make the relics of the stars and spirits appear, and everyone is wrapped in. Then, the people in the domain of the stars do not seem to have any advantage. However, many people who choose to enter from the Temple of Starry are good at the stars. Power, maybe, they can get more benefits in the miracle of the stars." Lin Feng secretly said, then his figure also slowly vacated, strolling toward the vast expanse of stars.

"It's spectacular, beautiful." Lin Feng's body gradually came to the endless void, and he looked as if there were stars in the air. He felt too spectacular. The star seemed to be close at hand, but it seemed to be far away from him.

"Stars, this world, what is the star." Lin Feng suddenly trembled in his heart, in a previous life, a star, if it is suitable for survival, it can be a world, then what is the star of this world?

He flicked toward the moment of the stars, the star closest to him, he wanted to see if the stars in the miracle could be touched, but he found that he couldn’t get to the stars, he only saw that The pattern above the stars, above, has many cities and people, they are active in that world, as if it is an independent world.

The picture was switched to a child. He was practicing in a mansion. His father and mother guarded him. He watched him practice, day after day, very warm, until one day, in the sky above the mansion, suddenly there was a suspension. The figure was hidden by his parents. When he came out, he found the body of the land. Among them, the body of his father and mother, this is not a warm story, but very cruel.

"What does this star record mean?" Lin Feng said secretly, and then his body continued to walk toward the void. In a short time, he came to another star, and there was a picture there. On the scroll, there is also a main perspective. This is a child with many monsters, a child, and a leader in this tribe. He is very talented, has been pampered, walked out of the tribe, became strong, and then The story is very complete, but it is also very short. I don't know what will happen later.

Many of these scrolls seem to be on every star, and the stars in this starry sky are counted in hundreds of millions. I don’t know how many, Lin Feng looks at it, and continues along the starry road. high.

"I can't go up." At this time, there was a voice coming out of the stars in the sky. I saw that one person seemed to be obstructed by the invisible power. There was no way to go up again. He could not go up.

“Hmmm?” Lin Feng had some doubts. The figure continued to rise. No problem, he could still take off. At this moment, there are already people who are much higher than the height he arrived. Even some strong people, he can hardly see it. I don't know how far I went.

"Hello." At this time, Lin Feng saw a person laughing and coming over to him, his eyes could not help but turn slightly, his look indifferent.

"This star is so weird, how about we go together to explore?" I saw this person smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"No interest." Lin Feng spit out a voice, showing a bit of coldness.

"That's a pity." This person feels a little regret.

"Ice seal!" A sudden, a frozen force directly fell on Lin Feng's body, the sound of the sound came out, the space was directly sealed by ice, a huge glacier appeared in the void, the man sneered sweep Lin Feng glanced at him: "I don't know how to lift."

When the voice fell, his body rushed toward Lin Feng, and the palm of his hand turned over. An ice-cold mountain rushed to Lin Feng in an instant. How heavy a mountain is, if it is in the middle of the forest, it is enough to kill.

"Hey!" The clear sound came out. The man saw Lin Feng's dark pupils glare and spit out a word: "Slow!"

The voice fell, as if the whole piece of void was shrouded in a strange meaning.

Slow, the whole space, slowed down, and the attack on Lin Feng, slow and swallowing, Lin Feng can easily escape, the strong body's body movement, also slowed down, the face is extremely ugly.

"Kill!" Millions of deaths incarnate in hell, swallowed the other side in an instant, the other side is slowed down, can not resist Lin Feng **** fingering, one pointed out that **** like death is roaring.

Lin Feng's figure flashed, his palm fell on the other's head, and the other's head was buckled. The force of life penetrated into the other's body, leaving the other person a life.

"Why do you shoot for me because of merit?" Lin Feng asked coldly.

"Let me let me go, I tell you."

"Death." Lin Feng squats cold, strong sense of death, that person's look changed: "Hello, practice is not easy, why do you want to kill, I am also for merit, just now, I can not go up, and many people can, I I think because the merits are not enough, so I can't go up, oh, forgive me."

The man was still left alive by Lin Feng, and he was reluctant to die. As he said, it is not easy to practice, and it is even harder to practice in the saints. I don’t know how much I have experienced.

"Kill!" Lin Feng flashed the murderous eye, took the other side's merits, and then released his hand, suddenly the man's body fell toward the sky, it is a holy body, but now in the eyes of Lin Feng, not worth mentioning.

"If you want to go up, you still need enough merits to support it. If you don't accumulate it, you can let the individual cause the relics to appear. It is still useful. When the relics of the gods appear, it is useful." Lin Feng whispered in his heart and looked up. Above the Scorpio, now, there is no barrier between people and people, all in the stars, they find that after the merits are not enough, I am afraid that the killing will be more intense.

The endless starry sky is like a starry sky. As Lin Feng goes up the sky, he finds that the ancient road has gradually narrowed. Of course, this is relative. This change looks up from below and looks at it at a glance. This is an ancient road built by endless stars.

"Three uncles, you see there..." Lin Feng is not far away, Jushenyan points to the sky, facing the giant **** Kuishan Road next to him.

"I saw it, like a pattern, a starry sky, as if weaved into a pattern, the top is the head." The giant **** Kuishan opened the way, making Lin Feng's look condensed, he did not look carefully, now I heard When the giant **** Kuishan said, he suddenly found that the endless stars really woven into a pattern, above, is a huge incomparable head, facing them, as if it is a huge, comparable star-shaped monster head .

"The cow, a huge monster, it is the head of the demon cow." Lin Feng's heart is dark, and the head of the demon is facing them, the eyes are also two huge stars, the mouth, It seems to be a starry sky, too big, too big to imagine.

"Tale, the **** who created my giant gods, his sitting monster, is a cow demon." Giant **** Kuishan said, making the three people next to him tremble.

"Three uncles, you said, the gods who created this relic of the gods will be our ancestors?" The giant gods fluctuated in the heart. Did they really find the remains of the ancestors?

"I didn't say that. This is just an ancient legend that has been circulated in my giant gods. Our ancestors used to be just ordinary Taoist children. They have been humiliated for the powerful martial arts cultivators. Later, the ancestors worked hard and stepped into the martial arts road. The practice is getting stronger and stronger, but he has deep feelings with his ox. He has been practicing with his ox. Later, the ox has become a fairy and can be transformed, but he still follows his master until he stands in the world. After that, we created our giant protoss, so our giant protoss are huge and powerful, like cows."

The giant **** Kuishan slowly said that the giant gods and other people were very surprised, said: "We have such legends in the giant gods, I have not heard of them."

"It's been a long time. Whether we are descendants of the gods can't be verified, let alone this is a ridiculous legend. Therefore, the people of our giant Protoss mentioned less and less to future generations. "The giant **** Kui Shan Road.

"Let's go and see." Several people continued to face up and came under the old cow. At this time, two eye-catching beams pierced the void, and the eyes of the shining people could not be opened. The heart of the mountain trembled fiercely, eyes, that is the eyes.

"The miracle is really a miracle." Someone screamed, and the heart was so excited, this starry old cow was actually alive!

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