Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2476: Fight for leaders

Tianxuecheng is the place where the scattered alliances meet.

On this day, Tianxuecheng is very lively, and there are many strong people coming and going, and they all come together in the same place. It seems that there is a very important gathering.

In the void, there was a young man strolling around. The young man dressed in a sloppy dress seemed to be a bit old, but he couldn’t hide the supernatural temperament that came out of him. It seemed to be extraordinary. This youth is a strong man of the Holy Land.

"Great snow." The young man reached out and a snow fluttered in his palm. Then there was a strange wind suddenly appearing around him. It seemed that the space was stagnant for a moment, the snow did not move, and the young man smiled and walked again. Out, for many years, he himself did not know how many years he had spent.

The time of Jiuyi is five hundred years. However, in these years, where he has been, he has his own world. The time flow rate there is different from that of Jiuyi. It is much faster than Jiuyi. Today, there are thousands. Year; of course, his tens of thousands of avatars, as well as some powerful avatars, but they have all entered the Ganges time, where they have experienced various kinds of time flow, even now, there are still many outside The incarnation was also felt in the time of the Ganges.

"The demon, now, I seem to be able to appreciate your thoughts." The young man laughed, and the heart whispered. Before, he thought that the demon might be at the same level as the temple, but now he does not think so. In the past few years, Fengming has created three lives. No one knows who the three are, how many lives are born in the three generations, and how many kinds of strengths have been practiced by the three generations. The strength of the magical demon may be above the temple.

In a short time, the youth came to a place with many people. At first glance, those figures were very powerful, and the emperor was a weak, sacred place, and there were many.

Although Jiuyi is the strongest force and high in the temple, however, the number of scattered repairs and the strong people who come out of the world are amazing. It is not comparable to the temple. Once they gather together, they will erupt. A terrible force comes, of course, on the premise that there is a strong fighting presence that can shake them. At the same time, they can shake the high-level figures of the temple and confront them. Otherwise, they will be vulnerable.

"The two have already decided, do you want to do this?" There is a voice coming out. These strong people are divided into three camps at a glance. One of the camps is mainly a person wearing a Tsing Yi gown. The other camp, which is dominated by the overbearing figure that stands like that of heaven and earth, is the Zizhu, and the magical emperor.

In the last camp, there is no absolute core. However, this camp is the most powerful camp.

"I said that people who are willing to follow me and set up a chaotic alliance will come." I only heard the faint voice of the Holy Emperor, and many people used to follow him. Now, he officially established the League of Heaven.

"My Zizhu League, you are also welcome, perhaps one day, Zizhu League, will be renamed Zizhu Temple." Just listen to Zizhu standing there, calmly said, making many people tremble, it is because of the magic of the Holy Spirit and Zizhu reached a consensus, and each set up a force, which led to the division of the three camps. The third largest camp was the strongest because they had not made a decision.

"Since all of you want to have a dream of hegemony, then we, we can also achieve a great power independently." I only listened to a strong man in the third camp and said, suddenly attracted many people's reconciliation, apparently he also followed. For so many years, they have worked hard in Jiuyi, and they all have their own roots. Every unconstrained strongman has developed his own power. However, the appeal of the magical holy emperor and the purple bamboo is the strongest.

"Who are you leading?" Zizhu smiles indifferently, making those people look condensed, right, who is leading, among them, the largest number of unconstrained strongmen, a total of seven.

"The lord was trapped in the tomb of the gods for tens of thousands of years. It is a domain of supreme. This force, how do I lead?" I heard only one person said, and suddenly six other unsupervised strong people looked at him, another person Not convinced: "Old guy, don't forget, I am also one of the supreme, why do you lead."

Lin Feng over the sky heard the conversation between the two people slightly strange. It turned out that the two supremes who came out of the tomb of the gods also gathered here. Obviously, they were unwilling to be lonely. Indeed, if the big brother and the big brother of Sauron did not meet him, Will not go to the Temple of Destiny, then it is likely to become a member of these scattered forces now, after all, this turbulent alliance of the Temple of the Flames of the Nine Flames destroys the Temple of the Soul to give everyone a vigilance, no alliance, and may be enslaved by the Temple, or Erasing, this is the general trend, unless they set up a force comparable to the temple.

"Hey, why are you two, not me." Another high-powered person in black is screaming, and the seven Supreme Supreme figures are not convinced.

"Since all the disputes are not as good as this leader's seat, let me do it." At this time, only heard a hearty voice, people turned their eyes, and then they saw only the front of the hall, there is a figure Sitting there, holding hands, looking at the fun with great interest.

A sharp eye rushed toward the man, many people secretly concealed this man's courage, the seven undocumented characters arguing here, wanting the leader's third force, the devil and the purple bamboo They did not intervene, he actually wanted to come in and become dominant.

However, there are also many people who are frowning. The realm of this person is vague and they cannot be seen through. I don’t know how to do it.

"You think, how?" This young man’s slightly sinister smile seems to be a bit contemptuous. Although he looks young, the crowd knows that the world cannot judge the age by appearance. Perhaps this is also an old monster-level character. .

"Hello, you are a big voice, who are you?" Just listen to an indifferent person who asked indifferently.

"Heavenly punishment, on behalf of the day to punish." Lin Feng naturally did not use the deity, in fact, no one can now see that he is Lin Feng, even the unscrupulous strong.

"The name of a good arrogant." The people are secretive, and they are punished, and they are punished on behalf of the heavens.

"Why do you want to be our leader." The man once again spoke and stared at Lin Feng. The seven most supreme characters obviously wanted to dominate the party and they would not join the camp of Zizhu and Mou Shengdi. Otherwise, It is enough to have Chaosian League and Zizhu League directly.

"If I am a leader, I will take the name, and I will be punished. When the temple is destroyed, the penalty will be the punishment of the temple, and the punishment will be imposed. What do you think?" Lin Feng stood up and looked at the seven supreme characters, laughing. Road: "Why do you want to be the supreme, you try, don't you know!"

"A good manic tone, I will try first, are you qualified to stand here and talk." I saw an unconstrained strongman standing up, suddenly, a terrible breath permeated the air, this moment, The whole piece of void seems to freeze and solidify between the sudden.

"Can't move!" Many people trembled, and they found that their body could not move. This level of strength is terrible. I don't know which kind of inferior strong. The great source of strength.

The perfection of the greatness of the original source of power, step into the unconstrained, the origin of the fusion will change, the attack often no longer contains the fusion of the two lines of the original atmosphere, you can not even feel, integration, will be a qualitative change.

Just as the light flow rate changes at the same time, you can not feel the existence of time, nor feel the existence of fast or slow, only a wonderful feeling, as if something has changed.

"Hey!" The unscrupulous strong man disappeared in the same place, only to see him slap out and slap directly into the void. In an instant, there is an infinite piece of flutter between the heavens and the earth, Lin Feng looks like a The stiffness, the complexion suddenly changed, and the power of the decomposition fell on the body, extremely terrible.

“There are super-strong characters in the no-goal level.”

Under the gaze of the crowd, Lin Feng's body was directly disintegrated, which made it impossible for the people to sigh. This person really did not know how to live and die.

However, soon their eyes re-solidified, only to see that the debris seems to be reorganized, the next moment, Lin Feng's figure once again appeared there, with a smile on the unconventional strong, holding hands.

The unconstrained strongman suddenly solidified, staring at Lin Feng, said: "What source of integration, can you create such a holy magic?"

"You guess!" Lin Feng smiled. "The attack just didn't seem to be enough. Go ahead!"

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