Peerless Martial God

Chapter 55: Silent sword

"Forget it." Lin Feng did not want to think more, it seems that Liu Fei is very high in this group of people, and his identity is not ordinary.

"I don't have strong power, I can only rely on myself." Looking at the back of the crowd, Lin Feng's eyes are firm. When he returns, he is going to participate in the internal gate of Zongmen and step into the inner door.

In the immediate vicinity of the mountain, the heads of the two shoushan disciples were very low. The two men were the ones who were taught the last time they intercepted Lin Feng.

Yunhaizong is still full of the atmosphere of cultivation. Everyone is hard-working and eager to be strong. Especially after the annual customs, the Zongmen will have a big ratio. In this big comparison, some powerful foreign disciples can Entering the inner door and becoming a true Yunhai sect.

Moreover, I heard that some talented inner-door disciples can also directly accept some assessments. As long as the assessment passes, they can become the core disciples of Yunhaizong, and their glory is extremely high.

We must know that Yunhai Zong is a powerful force in Xueyue State. The core disciples who are out of it are definitely high-ranking young people. They can be respected everywhere, like the small city of Yangzhou City, even if the city owner sees it. The core disciples of Yunhaizong must be treated with courtesy.

This is also the reason why most of the Lin family, including the elders of the elders, want to let Lin Badao take the upper position. Once Lin Biao gains power, he will become the core disciple of Yu Yuezong. For Lin, it is a kind of glory, Guangzong Yaozu, if Lin芊 Achievements are higher, and in the future there may be opportunities to become the elders of the 皓月宗. In that case, the Lin family can follow the glory.

Unfortunately, the appearance of Lin Feng makes the Lin family's people are now suffering.

Back to the sect of Lin Zong, the servant dust on his body was cleaned up and replaced with a set of costumes of Yunhaizong disciples. He walked out of his own door and went to the Star Court.

When the strength reaches the realm of Lingwu, he needs higher and deeper exercises and martial arts in order to exert a stronger force.

"North old." Into the Star Court, Lin Feng saw that the North is the same as before, sitting in a lazy way, as if it is a coveted old man.

However, Lin Feng had the privilege of seeing the old spirit of the old man. Naturally, this is only the old side of the North. If you don’t see it, Lin Feng can hardly believe that the same person’s temperament will have such a big difference.

North old lazy eyes flashed a radiance, looked up, and a rare smile revealed: "Come back."

"Well, I will choose the exercises and martial arts." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Go to the second floor." North old faint road.

"Thank you, the old man, troubled the old man to help the time." Lin Feng came to the second floor, but Yunhaizong has rules, as long as the people of Lingwu and the inner disciples can go to the second floor, and, in the absence of becoming the inner door Before the disciple, even if he had the strength of Lingwu, he still could only stay on the second floor for a fragrant time, which means that he must choose the martial arts that suit him.

A musk time is too short for the selection of martial arts skills. There are so many kinds of martial arts martial arts in the Star Court. It is so easy to choose powerful and suitable for yourself, but the rules are rules, no one dares to destroy, so Yunhaizong people don't want to be inner disciples. In this case, they can stay free on the second floor for a long time to find the most suitable martial arts.

"No, as long as you don't go to the third floor, how long do you want to stay for a long time." North old faint road.

Lin Feng stunned, and then a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, there are back doors wherever you can go.

"Thank you for being old."

Lin Feng is also welcome, step into the Star Court, and then head toward the second floor ladder.

"Bad boy, if you are not worried about your realm can't keep up, don't talk about the second floor, the third floor will just go up." North old looked at Lin Feng's figure and smiled, whispering in his heart: "The bell and the drum, the eight drums Ming, you broke the silence of Yunhaizong’s history, and the district’s stars will not let you in and out.”

Bei Lao thinks this way, but many foreign disciples of Yun Haizong don’t think so. Seeing Lin Feng wearing the costumes of the outside disciples, he just stepped on the ladder leading to the second floor of the Star Court, and could not help but make the first floor of the Star Court. Many people have a slight gaze.

"Who is this guy, how dare you set foot on the second floor?"

"I don't know, it's obviously a foreign disciple. Isn't he capable of having a spiritual warrior?"

The eyes of a group of people flashed their eyes and looked good. Not only can the martial arts practice speed increase, but they can also climb the high realm. They can also make Wu Xiu have more powerful combat power, while the high-grade martial arts can directly Show the advantages in the battle, who do not want to have.

The exercises and martial arts are divided into celestial, prefecture, Xuanji and Huang from high to low. Each level is divided into three levels. The first floor of the Star Court is a yellow martial art. On the second floor, there is a higher level of martial arts skills, which is extremely powerful.

The second floor of the Star Court is quieter than the first floor, and there are fewer people. They are quietly looking for their favorite martial arts.

At this point, one person near the stairs of the corridor saw Lin Feng coming up, and his eyes flashed a disdainful look, and he ignored it.

"The number of exercises and martial arts here is slightly less than that of the first floor." Lin Feng glanced at the second floor. No matter the skill and martial arts, the higher the grade, the more precious it is. The more difficult it is to get it, the martial arts ratio here. The first floor is also taken for granted.

"First pick a practice." Lin Feng found the bookshelf where the exercises were located, and then began to read them.

"Pure Yuan Gong, Xuan-class Chinese product practice method, condensed and swallowed into the body of heaven and earth, turned into pure power, can make flesh and blood re-enrichment, meridian expansion, training to the highest level, can form a strong and pure real element ""

"Note: This method is suitable for any martial arts owner to cultivate, can not directly improve the combat power, and the difficulty of cultivation is very large, it needs to step by step to enrich the blood of the bones and muscles, to strengthen domestic demand, the talent is insufficient, not only can not make the cultivation speed faster, but instead The repair was dragged down."

This is Lin Feng’s hand flipping through a martial art, and there are predecessors’ gaze on it, so that the younger generation can choose.

"It's you." Lin Feng sneaked a sigh, as if he did not see the reminder on the annotations, directly put away the exercises, and chose the exercises that few people would practice.

Lin Feng did not even look at other exercises at a glance. He had a lifetime of experience. Lin Feng and even the foundation are important. The martial art is like building a tall building. If the foundation is not strong, it is likely to fall into ruin. On the contrary, the foundation is stable. I can't move without any storms.

This pure Yuan Gong seems to be nothing, but in Lin Feng's view it is not, this is really good practice.

"The following should be selected a few sets of martial arts." Lin Feng went to the place where he chose martial arts, and kept reading it.

"The dead wood refers."


"The cold ice palm."

Lin Feng flipped through and continually let go, and did not find the martial arts that satisfied him.

"The eight wild palms, the subordinates of the lower grades, trained to the highest level of the palm of the eight earthquakes, sweeping Liuhe, the sky is palm print, nowhere to hide."

At this point, Lin Feng saw a set of palms and the steps were slightly stopped.

"This set." Lin Feng put away the eight wild palms, but did not leave, with his talent to cultivate a set of martial arts can not be used for too long, he needs two sets of martial arts to assist the battle.

Looking for some time, Lin Feng saw a set of martial arts called Silent Swordsman. The attack was extremely powerful. It was the mysterious martial arts of Xuanji. However, the requirements were extremely high, and the owner of the sword must be enlightened. Requires a very talented generation, can understand a little sword, it is best to be able to do the sword without desire, no heart and no heart.

This harsh condition is enough to wipe out the illusions of too many people.

"It's you." Lin Feng's eyes flashed a trace of excitement. This silence sword seems to be prepared for him. The sword, he has already learned, and should be more than a trace, as for no desire, no heart, no heart, Isn't this the state when he untied the first heavy of the celestial martial arts?

This martial art seems to be born for him.

As for the so-called sword martial arts owner who can cultivate, it is directly ignored by Lin Feng, joke, the sword martial arts owner must know the sword better than him!

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