Peerless Martial God

Chapter 824: The dragon will hunt down

The East China Sea Dragon Palace, above the blue waves, there is a figure draped in a robes, faintly standing in the East China Sea, the waves of water flowing under the wind, swaying a piece of scorpion.

In his body, standing many people, all wearing robes of different colors, majestic and magnificent, they stand on the East China Sea, as if to set the water above the East China Sea.

What is even more shocking is that the position of the three members of the Aojin Dragon King, the four dragon kings of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, is the same as that of the three dragon kings, the three masters, and the lowest among these people. The bit, everyone else, is the dragon and the owner of the Donghai Dragon Palace in the middle, the dragon master.

The jade emperor was obtained by the people. After the dragon master got the news, he appeared. In his realm, the most eager one is the emperor. One day he will break the embarrassment and become the mainland emperor, the dry domain, when the arrogant, and the jade emperor The treasure is the device of the emperor. Among them, it must be accompanied by a sturdy emperor, which can make him feel the power of the emperor, and may be helpful to him.

Although he is the dragon master, but the emperor, he also has no chance to see. In the eyes of the emperor, under the emperor, all beings are ants.

Of course, when the former Emperor was not a king, it was an exception. At the time of the demon, the Emperor, he would smash the emperor and shock the nine.

"Aoki, the four dragons, are they all arranged?" The dragon's gaze fell on the body of Aoki Dragon King, letting Aoki Dragon King body condense, slightly squatting, respectful: "禀龙主,四Dalong will have gone to look for Lin Feng, and he is bound to catch him."

"Yeah." Dragon Lord nodded slightly, and then said: "Remember, the things of the Dragon King treasure, do not say anything, all people who know, let them shut up, and you, do not go out and chase Lin Feng personally, otherwise Will cause doubts."

"I understand." Aoki Dragon King and others responded with respectful respect. Of course, they can understand the meaning of the dragon master. The more they are at these critical moments, the more they must be able to remain calm. They must keep the secret for Lin Feng. The treasures, only those who are in the East China Sea Dragon Palace will compete for it. They must not let other major forces in the dry area know. Otherwise, it will be a hurricane, and they will be even more difficult. They may have been caught by others. .

Therefore, the East China Sea Dragon Palace, intends to be as low-key as possible, publicize Lin Feng in the eyes of others, dare to marry his Donghai Dragon Palace strong, so he sent people to chase, so that, without the attention of other major forces, then Lin Feng, they can not escape their Palm.

As for whether they can win Lin Feng, they did not worry at all. The four dragons are the strongest people who have sat down with the four dragon kings, and they even went out with the mounts of the four dragon kings. Even if there are powerful monsters around, it is impossible to escape the palms of the four dragons.


Lin Feng, who fled, did not dare to publicize. He knew that the East China Sea Dragon Palace had already laid countless eyeliners in the East China Sea Empire. Therefore, he did not even fly in the air. He had been striding on the ground, and he continued to flicker with the will of the wind. The territory of the East China Sea empire flickered away, the speed is extremely fast, and there is no limit to a pause. It is too dangerous in the sphere of influence of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

After half a day, Lin Feng walked out of the East China Sea Empire and entered the vast jungle outside the East China Sea Empire. He still did not dare to stop and continued to move forward.

"Oh..." Far away, the snoring of a monster, revealing a tremulous breath, Lin Feng, who was marching in the jungle, was stagnation, and his face was slightly ugly.

Fast running, Lin Feng hides into a thick bush, burying his whole person inside, converging breath, and even holding his breath, only the dark scorpion blooms with a fascinating luster. The surrounding world turned into a dark gray world, which came into the mind.

"Oh..." a squeaking sound came, and the sound of the screaming sound continued, and all the bushes not far from the front were torn apart. A scorpion-like monster, like a dragon, slowly descended from the void, spitting out the cold in the mouth. Breath, and on this enchanting back, still sitting in a figure wearing a robes, you will know that it is the people of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"The ghost is not scattered." Lin Feng snorted, his eyes revealing the breath of incomparable cold, it seems that this enchanting genie or the strong man on the back can also find him through the breath.

In Lin Feng's perception, the figure wearing a robes holds a dragon gun and slowly walks in the direction he is in, letting Lin Feng's body suddenly tighten and prepare for everything.

He didn't dare to use the Jade Emperor's Palace, unless he could ensure that he could leave the other party and not let others see it. Otherwise, it would be a more terrible disaster. If he really has no way, he can only re-enter the road. .

"Oh..." A distant sound came out, letting the strong man's body suddenly turn around, and then the body swooped in the direction, and it was almost unbelievable, and the wind and the wind could not pass him.

The monster looked at the depths of the bushes, and then followed the strong footsteps. Lin Feng’s body quietly receded, and then flashed up in a crazy way. It seems that the other person can feel him. The breath of the body, but not very prepared, can only determine the general orientation, so it will be attracted by a little whisper.

The rushing Lin Feng quickly stepped out of the jungle and reached a boulevard. There seemed to be a small town in front of him. On the way to the town, there was a wedding carriage team that seemed to be the bride's team.

"Hmmm?" At this time, Lin Feng's gaze casts a distant void, where there is a black dot gradually getting closer, and it is also a enchanting and a figure wearing a robes, so that Lin Feng's eyes are fierce. The contraction has been made.

"Aroma!" Lin Feng's eyes glanced at the soft car, and then stepped into the foot, the body turned into a whirlwind, the will of the wind was released, as if there was a strange wind blowing, so that those who pull the car slightly blocked When I lived in the eyes, the curtain of the soft car was shaken by the wind, and then the strange wind disappeared again. The crowd was stunned and continued to move forward.

"It’s a weird wind." Many people snorted and didn’t realize anything. At the moment, in the soft sedan, in addition to the delicate bride, there was another figure, Lin Feng.

Covering the bride's mouth, Lin Feng said: "Don't make a noise, I borrowed for a moment."

The delicate girl nodded slightly, and Lin Feng just released her hand and looked at the beautiful girl in front of her. It was quite strange.

The woman's eyes are agile, with a little bit of pure meaning. Although it is a big wedding day, there is no smile in the beauty, but with a few tears, I don't know if it is because I don't want to be loved ones.

The girl looked at Lin Feng, did not speak, a faint fragrance from her body, people feel quite comfortable, Lin Feng just smelled this fragrance, I hope to cover up the breath of my body, not to be detected by the other side.

"All stop me." A cold drink came from the outside, let Lin Feng feel tight, and suddenly closed his breath.

The girl glanced at Lin Feng, and the beauty flashed. It seems that if she realized something, she understood something.

A flustered voice came out. Outside, the dragon in the robes stared at the soft sedan, slowly moving forward, feeling the indifference of his body, no one dared to stop him.

The dragon will walk to the front of the soft car, slamming the curtain open and looking inside. I saw a girl with a thick festive dress who is curious about him, and her curious eyes seem to be a bit simple. And nervous.

Putting the curtain down, the dragon will turn back indifferently, walk to the enchanting, the body vacates, and goes away in the distance. It disappeared into the distant sky without a moment.

"You come out." After the dragon left, the girl was slightly ruddy, and immediately behind her thick red robes, a figure was drilled out from inside, Lin Feng.

"Thank you." Lin Feng is also quite a bit embarrassed, but in a hurry, he has no other way, he will be discovered by the dragon, he may be nine dead, only to get the next policy.

Lin Feng got up and was about to leave, but she was stopped by the girl.

"You have offended the people of the East China Sea Dragon Palace and dared to go out."

Lin Feng looked back at the girl and said: "You know Donghai Dragon Palace!"

"Of course, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is the hegemon of the East China Sea Empire. It is powerful and powerful by the surrounding forces." The girl seems to be in the East Sea Dragon King, but her tone is a strange feeling.

Ps; There is one more, I must not fall asleep today!

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