Peerless Martial God

Chapter 860: Lin Fengjun Wang


Just as Lin Feng Yukong had to step through the city gate, there was a figure that vacated and even intercepted Lin Feng’s body.

"The Imperial City is heavy and must not fly in." This person is wearing a red blood armor. It is a double realm of Xuanwujing. It should be a person who joins the red blood iron ride. Otherwise, Lin Feng may not be recognized.

At this moment, Qi Yun’s heart is tense. Although this person is as young as he is, but standing freely in the void, it gives people a feeling of unfathomable feeling. It seems that it is not a real power, but a suspension. I can feel that the young man with deep gaze in front of him is very powerful and can kill him with one shot.

However, he was a member of the Red Blood Iron Rider. On the day of joining the Red Blood Iron Rider, he swore that he would guard the glory of the Red Blood Iron Ride with blood. Yangzhou City is now the imperial city of Xueyueguo, the former king of Lin Feng. In the hometown, no one can enter the air, no one is allowed.

Lin Feng certainly won't blame the other person, but there is a smile on his face, but on the surface is a face that is calm, saying: "You are not my opponent, I can kill you as soon as I can, or let it go."

When he spoke, Lin Feng held up his palm, and a terrible real-powered force rolled over his palm. The horror to let Qiyun have a sense of suffocation.

Sure enough, as he guessed, this person is so strong that I am afraid that the strength is much more terrifying than the commander.

"Yangzhou City is the homeland of Lin Fengjun Wang. No one can walk through the air. If you want to go in, you will step on my body." The eyes outside the armor are tough, and the voice reveals a belief. Lin Feng, It is his belief that is the belief of Yangzhou City. He is a Yangzhou city man who grew up listening to Lin Feng’s deeds. Even though his age is probably similar to that of Lin Fengjun, Lin Feng’s fame is too early. At the age of sixteen Famous in Yangzhou City.

"Lin Fengjun Wang!"

The eyelids were slightly condensed, and Lin Feng sighed in the heart. I didn’t expect the parents to set up their own people who didn’t know the life and death of the king.

"A person who breaks into the magic, throws away everything, even does not know the person who lives and dies, what qualifications are called kings, match?" Lin Feng murmured.

However, his casual words made Qi Yun’s body have a strong sense of coldness. This person actually insulted his beliefs and insulted the king of Xueyue.

"Because of your sentence, even if you are very strong, I have to deal with you." Qi Yun spit out a sound, a footstep, a long shot assassination, this gun is overbearing, the power of the real yuan Wring the space.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, then reached out and buckled the rifle in his hand.

Qi Yun's fierce struggle, but found that the long gun does not move, let him use all the power, can not shake the long gun.

In the eyes flashed a horrified look, Qi Yun's eyes outside the armor stared at Lin Feng, the strength of this person, so scary.

Lin Feng's palm shook slightly, a terrible force trembled in Qiyun's tiger's mouth, let the long gun in his hand violently take off, and was immediately caught in the hands of the other party, so that his face could not help but ugly.

Disgrace, he was so humiliated as a member of the red **** iron ride.

"You see it clearly, this gun should be stabbed like this." Lin Feng's eyes showed a smile, then the long gun shook and sneaked out toward Qi Yun.

At the tip of the gun, it seems to reveal a terrible stream of light. This is speed, lightning fast, like a phantom.

"Hey!" The sound of a humming sound came out, and the tip of the gun quickly became a hegemony. It seemed to contain a terrible world. If the gun had not arrived, it would make you feel suffocated, as if he was already a dead person. In front of this gun, he did not have a little life, so Qi Yun’s eyes were closed.

Then suddenly the horrible general trend disappeared into the invisible, Qi Yun opened his eyes, only to see the gun tip stopped in front of him, steady as a mountain, not even shaking.


The head smashed open and collapsed directly. Qi Yun was soaked in sweat. This gun was completely beyond his imagination. He had never seen such a terrible shooting.

"Do you see it clearly?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Qi Yun nodded and shook his head. He seemed to understand and understand. Of course, he saw the gun clearly. However, he could not see through it.

"What is this shooting method?" Qi Yun asked Lin Feng.

"Without shooting, I don't know the gun at all." Lin Feng shook his head.

"You don't know the gun?" Qi Yun stared at Lin Feng, can't believe it.

"The martial arts skills are fixed, just to give you a method. If you can't comprehend the essence of him, you can't exert the power of martial arts. You can realize that you can make an ordinary martial art with terrible power, even without any martial arts. Feel free to move, take advantage of the natural world, a shot, and the world is shocked."

Lin Feng said faintly, Qi Yun seems to be in a meditation, still seems to understand and understand, with his current realm, of course, can not understand the mystery of Lin Feng's discourse, but Lin Feng believes that the shot and his words, can give him a guide In the direction, at least in a short time, his shooting method will certainly become stronger.

"Qi Yun." At this time, several people vacated their bodies, standing with Qi Yun, looking at Lin Feng with a bad eye.

Qi Yun woke up from the hustle and looked at Lin Feng. "Wait, what is your intention, why did you guide me to the shooting, and you actually insulted Lin Fengjun."

The other people heard Qi Yun’s gaze stagnation, all staring at Lin Feng, and the eyes were covered with cold awns. This person actually slandered Lin Fengjun.

Lin Feng, who is now a snowy king, may not have the prestige among the people. However, among the Xueyue troops led by the Red Blood Legion, he has absolutely supreme Junwei. He is the faith and deity of the Red Blood Legion.

The inextricable relationship between Lin Feng and the Red Blood Legion has now evolved into countless legends circulating in the snowy country.

"Dedicated guy." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. This person and the old self, there are some similarities.

"What happened?" At this time, there was a voice coming from a distance, and several people wearing red blood armor turned around and looked at the people. "Teaching, some people insult Lin Fengjun."

"Boom!" The man heard the words suddenly snarled in the real power, and even there was a killing in the air.

Several people in front of him let them go, let him see the appearance of the people who insulted Lin Fengjun, the former face is still so handsome, but the face is engraved with many traces of years, and the eyes are even more Deep stunned, the whole body is more unpredictable, and there seems to be a few silver and white hair.

This unified body trembled, and the scenes of the past re-entered into the mind. Once upon a time, Lin Feng took the Red Blood Legion to burn hundreds of thousands of troops in the Broken Blade City. Once upon a time, Lin Feng led their red blood iron ride. The general Liu was rescued under the imperial city.

Once upon a time, Lin Feng was rushed to the crown due to the death of General Liu, killing the blood of several countries and flowing into the river. After returning to the Imperial City, his relatives died and wounded, and he himself fell into a demon.

The scenes of the past reverberated in my mind. The true generals of the past were no longer there. Only the generals of Lei finally drunk, and he became the leader of today from a common sergeant.

Years are like songs, and the sea is sorrowful. Everything is already human and human. Fortunately, Heaven and Heaven cares, the snowy country generation Tianjiao Lin Feng, he came back and came back alive.

Qi Yun and others looked at their commanders for a while, and their commanders saw the young people in front of them, and they burst into tears and burst into tears. An iron-blooded soldier, a meticulous and solemn leader, was crying like a child at the moment. Let them all feel a little stunned.

They have not experienced the age of the bones, the battlefield where they have never experienced the blood flow into the river, and have not experienced the end of the blood donation to redden the sunset. How can they understand the tears of the current command, carrying them in their minds? More memory.

The real strength of the body holds the body, knees on the ground, tears still, the old commander shouted at the hoarse voice: "General!"


Qi Yun and other people’s eyes are all stagnation, generals, their commander calls this person a general, such a young general, Xueyueguo, only one person, Xueyuejun Wang-Lin Feng!

Ps: I took a day off today, continue to code words, and ask for support!

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