Peerless Martial God

Chapter 920: Disciple

"Wuhuang disciple, is it really a disciple of Wuhuang?" Lin Feng asked the stranger.

"Nominal disciples, but there are very few who can really teach the emperor. This is just an honor, but it has made countless people rush to compete for this glory and become a disciple of the Emperor. For countless people, it means glory. The Emperor Wu’s disciples have also been given a lot of privileges, and the more powerful the Emperor, the more people want to worship and become disciples.”

He said in a low voice, he used to be the great emperor, and he had the most right to speak. However, from his perspective and from the perspective of Lin Feng, of course, for those young people, becoming a disciple of the Emperor, perhaps the supreme glory, but For the emperor, these disciples are only a symbol of their status. At the same time, they are equivalent to those who are his own students. If there are excellent people among the disciples, they can get their guidance one or two, or even become a pro-pass. disciple.

"This is not a sect, a faction." Lin Feng murmured, the Emperor of the Emperor, is somewhat similar to some of the great men of the ancient times, has his own students, some people who have become famous, but for the Son of Heaven, the Emperor, this is tight Two words are enough to attract countless disciples, and the number of outstanding geniuses is endless, and it is constantly flowing. This is definitely a terrible force.

"Well?" The huge-eyed eyes stared at Lin Feng and glanced at it, revealing an unexpected look. This guy, looking very thorough, is actually plain, the disciples of the Emperor, is an incomparably huge force, by countless geniuses. The people were formed.

If the Emperor of the Emperor has something to do, a call will be made, and the disciples will be eagerly awaited.

The owner of the door saw the shocked look of the crowd. He was quite proud. He laughed and said to everyone: "If anyone doubts me, the middle-aged person of Tianwu can try to test the true and false of my voice. Of course, So far, just casual discussions, several Wuhuang disciples will never hurt your life."

"The people of Tianwu middle class." The crowd easily captured these words. These Wuhuang disciples, except one is the lowest Tianwu middle-order Tianwu four-level repair, the others are Tianwu Sanhe and Tianwu II. Re-environment, but the owner of the door, did not say that the Tianwu low-order, directly is the Xuancheng Tianwu middle class, apparently that the Tianwu low-order, does not match the warlords of the Emperor.

Many people are eager to try, how powerful the Wuhuang disciples are, they want to take a look, these people, but from the direction of the holy city of Zhongzhou, many people want to know where their gap is.

Some people are full of confidence and think that they are very good at repairing. If they can fight with the disciples of the Emperor, can they become disciples of the Emperor?

"I will try it." Sure enough, I saw someone stepping into the sky, volleying, and quickly descending on the high platform, floating down, not too chic.

This person who goes up is the cultivation of the three heavens of Tianwu, the same cultivation, the most measurable meaning, and whether there is a gap between himself and the disciples of the Emperor.

"Tianlin Gongzi, my cultivation is also Tianwu triple, please also condescend to enlighten me." This person's eyes fell on Tianlin son, this day Lin son is a happy man, and is a disciple of the Emperor, if it can with him The first battle should be very convincing.

"You shot it." Tianlin Gongzi said a faint voice, his eyes were proud and calm, and the area was three-dimensional, and he was equal to him. He was not qualified to fight him.

"Okay, offended." The figure of this person flickers and turns into a whirlwind of whistling. He understands the will of the wind, and he has four weights. It is quite powerful, so he has always been proud of it. The moving body is erratic and the trajectory is elusive.

"Good speed, good, I don't know how Tianlin Gongzi will deal with it." The crowd saw this person repaired quite powerfully, secretly said.

"Hey!" The crowd saw a terrible whirlpool storm suddenly behind Tianlin's son, releasing a terrible amount of suffocating pressure. The space around him whispered as if it had become distorted.


I saw a round of revolving storms coming out, and then I heard a loud bang, I saw a figure being directly blasted, the clothes were torn in the void, and the terrible storm power was still attached to him. The body seems to be able to tear him away at any time.

"You are still far away, you can't die." Tianlin's son indifferently spit out a voice, the storm attached to the other side disappeared, but the shocking martial arts still wandered behind Tianlin's son, a round of The storm made people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

"This is Wuhun?" Countless crowds were shocked and stared at the terrible storm. This is the Wuhun. Many of them found that with the improvement of cultivation, the power of Wuhun gradually became worse than before. They understand at the moment, it is not that the martial arts are not powerful, but their martial arts are too weak.

Tianlin’s proud eyes glanced at the crowd and seemed to be very satisfied with the performance of the people. He was a disciple of the Emperor of the Emperor, and he was tall and high. The people in front of him did not say Tianwu. Even if he respected Wu, he could not see a few, only to give these people the strongest. The power of the shock, they will know your horror, and thus fear you, Tianlin son, he is to achieve this effect.

"Oh." The owner of the Happy Gate is also very satisfied with the reaction of the crowd at the moment. He chuckled and looked at the crowd: "I don't know who else to try, it is best to be a middle-class person, here, but there are still a few The genius has never been shot."

At this moment, the owner of the door, once again stressed that the strongest person in the middle of Tianwu, Tianwu low-order, no fighting power.

"Okay, then I will try it." Another figure came out. I saw a strong person stepping on the high platform, his face was wild, and his body was filled with a terrible flame.

This person's cultivation, Tianwu Wuzhongjing!

"The five weapons of Tianwu are two higher than the three realms of Tianwu. Even if they are against the disciples of the Emperor Wu, they should be able to fight." The crowd said secretly.

The eyes of the man who came up fell on a young man with long black hair, and his robes were quite unusual. On one side was a flame robe, and on the other side was a frosty robe. It seemed hot and human. With the meaning of cold.

"You also practice the flames, you are." This day, Wu Wuqiang said to the youth.

The young brunette fluttered and spit out two words: "Hands."

"Okay." The man stepped on the footsteps, and the sound of a loud bang came out. In a moment, the flames raged, and the terrible burning power rushed out and burned toward the youth.

A faint wave of light emerged, enveloping the youth's body. This light wave has a golden flame, a transparent frost, blending together, and the fiercely ignited flame touches the light wave, which seems to be surrounded by the flame. The frost has been destroyed, and it is getting smaller and smaller, unable to form a terrible shackle, and may even be extinguished at any time.

"The fusion of the dual forces of ice and fire, you will not know how terrible he is." The youth faintly said, the golden flame slowly slammed toward the other side, and then the flame on the strong five-day power When they are together, the two flames are burning together, and it seems that they can’t help the people of Wuwu.

"The flame is not the most terrible, the real horrible flame is because of the power of frost."

The voice of the youth fell, and an extremely cold ice came to the other side. The soft flame of the cockroach seemed to be extremely terrible. He felt cold in the blink of an eye, as if to freeze, and the next In an instant, I felt a crazy flame roasting him, his skin cracking in the cracks, like the wrinkles of the earth.

"Ah..." The golden flame tingled every inch of skin, as if the thousands of needles were tied to the body, so that the Wuwu people screamed and screamed, and said: "No war."

Many people don't even figure out what is going on. Only he knows how terrible the youth is when they use the double will of ice and fire. It can make people's bodies crack out, and he can't bear it.

The youth's face is calm, the belief moves, the flame and the will of the ice disappear, his eyes are not fluctuating, as if doing a trivial matter, an ordinary Tianwu five-fold person in the district is not proud of it, it is nothing at all. The glory of things.

This time, the crowd was even more shocked. The disciples of the Emperor Wu’s disciples were terrible. In the same realm, I am afraid that no one can beat them. These people are more difficult to challenge.

Lin Feng’s eyes are flashing. These people beat the challengers with shocking means. What is it for, is it to be convincing, so that they can choose the leaders of the Wanzong Conference?

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