Peerless Martial God

Chapter 922: God is like a mountain

"They are the disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor, the pride of the heavens, can be the leader's expectations, what is your identity, even if you can fight more than the level, how and what is the qualification and the Emperor of the Emperor. / / Update the fastest 78xs / /" The owner of the happy door screamed, cold and overbearing, Lin Feng in front of him did not know how to be good, really want to die?

"The identity of the disciples of the Emperor Wu is from your mouth, and there is no relationship between the disciples of the Emperor and the cadres. The Xiaoyao Gate is mainly deliberately becoming a behind-the-scenes leader, and it does not have to be so expensive." Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Shut up." The owner of the happy door screamed, and the horror of the horror contained a sacred attack, and the bang banged, and Lin Feng was screaming and screaming.


A roll of anger and screaming out, the vastness of the gods and the power of the mountains and the tsunami, turned into an invisible wave of incomparable tyrants, rushing toward the door of the door.

"Hey, hehe..." There is a huge wave of terrible waves in the space, as if it is going to be overwhelming, the world is changing, this terrible invisible wave is crazy, killing the doorkeeper.

“Well?” The crowd’s eyes trembled fiercely, and some people even wanted to take the shots of the masters.

Who is this hands-on?

You don't have to look for it. I saw a vacant emptiness and a high altitude. It was an old man. At this moment, he was sharp and arrogant. He stood proudly in the void, as if he was like a mountain. He was a terrible sigh of relief. The door owner shot.

The main face of the happy door sinks and feels the power of the vast god. His heart is extremely shocking. The power of this person's **** is extremely terrible. When he has such a terrible power, he does not know.

"Kill!" An angry drink, in front of the crowd, the doorkeeper can retreat, a road of Huaguang blooms, his gods turn into a terrible palm print, pounce on the old man in the void.

"God is like a mountain!" The old man stepped in a footstep, and screamed with anger. Wan Mang Mang bloomed in the void, and there was no limit to it. In the void, there was a golden mountain, vast and embarrassing, and the suppression suppressed everything.

"Boom, rumbling!" God thought like a mountain, suppressing everything, those palm prints were instantly shattered, and the main body of the door was trembled, but the endless golden light finally merged, and it became a golden mountain, as if it were with the sky. Incoming, can not be invaded, to destroy everything.

The crowd was trembled, and the eyes stared at the golden mountain of the gods, and the terrible gods were powerful, and they suppressed everything, as if the heavens and the earth were left with only this golden mountain.

Not to mention the crowds, even the ancestral princes of the Duanmu prince, the ruthless lord, and the dragon lord also have a look of glory, a terrible sacred power, the old man they have never seen, not even heard Who is so powerful in the dry field, is this person a foreign person?

"Good." Lin Feng trembled in his heart, did not expect the teacher's strength is so terrible, the owner of the door must be suppressed.

The strange eyes flashed, and he also looked at the void, and the huge scorpion showed its true color. The old man’s cultivation was not as good as the owner of the door, but the power of the gods was vast, the gods were powerful, and the attack of God was enough to suppress the masters. .

However, I saw that the main face of the Happy Gate was ugly, and I saw the Jinshan suppression, and roared: "Kill!"

When the voice fell, countless huge boundless prints turned into a mountain wall, and it was like a huge palm. It was necessary to shoot all the people and crush them.


The speed of the gods is fast, and the ancient mountains and the ancient mountains collide with the palm of the huge mountain wall. The golden mountain is still moving, and it still stands, but the mountain wall is trembled, and the head of the owner is slightly shaken.

"Kill!" The old man screamed and screamed, and the golden body of the ancient mountain gods re-emerged, and the heavens and the earth made a rumbling sound. The huge mountain wall was shaken back and forth, and the footsteps of the owner of the door were also retreated by the town. pale.

When the mind is moving, the mind is retracted, and the whole person seems to be drunk, and the robe of his body is screaming, and he must suppress the other god’s thoughts with strong force.

"Hey!" The old man snorted, and this voice trembled directly into the eardrum of the crowd, letting their heart beat, and then the golden body of the ancient mountain gods turned into endless golden mans, becoming a vast and endless thriving power, pouring into the old man's In the eyebrows, disappeared.

"The doorkeeper of the Happy Gate, what is this identity, but insulted my disciples, the real prestige, when my disciples are very bullied?"

The old man stared at the owner who was still in the limelight, and spit out a voice indifferently, letting the crowd tremble, his disciple?

The eyes of everyone fell on Lin Feng above the high platform. It turned out that this person is his disciple. It is no wonder that he is going to be in the first place. However, the strength of this old man is terrible. Even the owner of the door is moved, and the power of God is suppressed. Gate owner.

These two masters and apprentices, the disciples are more challenging, claiming to be leaders, the old man is overbearing, and the war is not far away.

The main face of the happy door is extremely ugly. The person who bullied a younger generation has a bit of a deceptive taste. Now, the teacher who was insulted by him came forward and suppressed him. This is undoubtedly hitting his face and screaming at the door. Become a person who only knows to insult the younger generation, and he is suppressed and incompetent when dealing with the masters of others.

"It seems that you are old-fashioned?" The owner of the door is staring at the old man, said coldly.

"Don't give the old man a button, this 10,000-piece conference is not your meeting. You are free to find a few people to say that they are disciples of the Emperor, so they are the leaders, they are assisted, and my disciples are not weaker than them, you It’s going to be oppressive. You are a fool who comes to Wanzong. Can you let your palms play?”

The old man looked at the owner of the door, said coldly: "If this is really a meeting of the Wanzong, don't ask a few of you to have the final say here. Whoever becomes a leader is not something you can decide, fair competition, everyone has Opportunity, you can serve the public, or this 10,000 conferences, do not have to convene, want everyone to become your tool?" Do not jump words.

The space was silent for a while, but the old man’s words were bold, but he also said a lot of people’s voices. It seems to be coming back to the end. This 10,000-dollar conference is dominated by several people on the high platform. What they say is what they say, others have no words. Right, Lin Feng will be suppressed when he speaks out. It is not fair to pick a leader in this 10,000-strong conference.

"I want to hear, what is the fairness in your mouth?" asked the owner of the door.

"If you want the talents of future generations to decide the leaders, it is better than their talents. If you want to be a leader with strong powers, you will fight for all the strong. If you need so many leaders, you only need One is enough, who is the strongest, who is the leader, and a fierce battle once, you can definitely be convinced."

The old man said indifferently, and immediately looked at the crowd: "Do you say what I said?"

"Yes, you must choose a leader and fight for one."

"It's true, who is the most powerful, is the leader."

"War, fight!"

After a moment of silence, some people suddenly spoke. Even if they were out of control, countless people were screaming and fighting. The old man’s words are undoubtedly following their wishes. The battles of these top powers are absolutely shocking. Maybe they are still The martial arts have helped.

"Do you fight with me?" The owner of the door is staring at the old man, the path of indifference.

"Whoever wants to be this leader will have to fight, not fight, just give up, and when the leader chooses, he must be absolutely obedient." The old man sneered, these people want to control the many powerful people of the entire Wanzong Conference so easily. How can it be so simple, he would like to see, those who want to dominate the Wanzong Assembly, war or not?

These people are the giant figures of a sect of the sect. If they are fighting, I am afraid that they will not be able to afford to lose. They must do their best to fight. At that time, they have seen it.

If they don't fight to give up the leader, it's even more fun.

The dragon master, Duanmu prince and others all stared at the old man with gaze. This person did not know where they came from, but actually destroyed their plans.

"Since several seniors called on the Wanzong Assembly to let you come here, please give us a statement. Don't use the people of Wanzong as fools. No one is stupid, just a lot of people are forced to The majesty of the predecessors, the anger and anger can not be said, in that case, even if you ordered the Wanzong Assembly, but did not win the hearts, what is the use!"

Lin Feng said softly, but his heart was sneer, and then they will be armyed to see how they ended up!

Ps: Ask for flowers early in the morning!

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