Peerless Martial God

Chapter 924: Flame Mountain

In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Feng and Tianlin Gongzi, the masters of the secluded and the snow lords will fight to the third mountain range of the Wushang Mountain, which is where Lin Feng deliberately brought them.

"You can't escape." Tianlin's son saw Lin Feng stop, a cold voice spit out from his mouth, and the storm of a round of destruction directly strangled the stopped Lin Feng.

"Feng!" Lin Feng's palm reveals a powerful force of the magical demon, and both palms are slap at the same time, and suddenly the magic power will seal the martial arts storm.

Lin Feng's footsteps retreat again and again, rubbing his legs against the ground, and Zhen Yuan Lin Feng flashed in his body.

"I want you to die, you must die." Tianlin son snorted, the terrible martial arts storm skyrocketed, turned into a dark magic cloud, covering the sky, in an instant, an invisible force Tearing the space, the flowing airflow seems to be constantly being torn apart.

"Boom!" Lin Feng's legs trembled on the ground, his eyes staring at the void, so terrible martial arts storm, he was almost certain that the father was the sage when the guy was born, otherwise the power of the martial arts could not be so powerful. This is the so-called family history and talent.

At this moment, he already felt that the terrible tearing power was raging on him. He had to tear his whole person apart. If his body was strong and boundless, I am afraid that the body would really be torn off by this horrible strangling force.

"Hey!" A beam of light rushed into the sky, dazzling, under the horrible martial arts storm, the ground actually rushed out a bright light.

“Well?” Tianlin’s gaze fainted, and he saw that the light was spreading all the time, as if he was following a line and continuing to extend.

Tianlin’s son’s pupils shrank a little, and the power of the Wushen storm seemed to be much weaker at this moment. It seems that he has forgotten to kill Lin Feng at this moment, and his eyes are staring at the flowing Guanghua.

"What is this?" Lin Feng whispered, looking at Xiaoguanghua at the foot, just now his real power will be motivated, let Guanghua continue to spread.

Lin Feng certainly knows what this is, however, he has to pretend not to know.

The terrible storm power in the void weakened a lot in an instant. The martial arts storm returned to the sky above the head of Tianlin, only to see his eyes staring at the ground, and took a few steps, then the real power flashed. In an instant, another brilliance flashed, and immediately, a line of lines emerged.

"Well?" Among the crowds that came, several pupils of the Emperor Wu’s pupils shrank fiercely. These lines are...

The figure flashed, and their true powers began to bloom, so that the real yuan would cover the ground. Soon, above the ground, it became brighter and brighter, and the endless brilliance rose to the sky. The more lines that are madly extended, it seems to be constructing a magical pattern.

"Booming!" The terrible two forces confronted each other. The old man and the owner of the happy door were also separated. I saw the eye of the owner of the door squinting at the lines of light on the ground. The pupils flickered. Is this going to happen?

Not only the owner of the door, the Emperor Duanmu, the master of the ruin, they stared at everything in front of them, not knowing what they were thinking.

Without fighting, Lin Feng and Tian Lin’s son did not fight, and the owner and the old man, who were at the same time, also ceased fighting.

The people who came over stared at everything that happened in front of them. They felt that there was something big to happen. The space in this moment was so quiet.

"Xiao Feng Mo Fei has long known?" Xue Zun looked at Lin Feng's direction, but seeing this incident Lin Feng just looked up and said: "Teacher, we may open a space."

The old man’s eyes are condensed, opening a space? What will happen?

"The lords, you have to bother you." Tianlin Gongzi looked up and said to the lord of the sky and the powerful lords. At this moment, he was very puzzled, why did there appear lines? Is it that the strongmen of the past have left a crack in the layout of the void?

This pattern seems to be to outline this void.

"Well." The lords nodded, stepped on the ground, and landed on the ground. They landed on the line of the stripe. At this moment, they all had incomparable scorpion power. However, the horrible real powers swayed and shrouded their bodies. The streaking road continued to expand like a stream of water, just a short moment, connecting the three mountains of worry-free. The scary lines appear, and the light shines on the heavens and the earth.

"What is this, who is it that outlines such a strong texture?" The crowd trembled fiercely, Lin Feng, he unexpectedly discovered this terrible pattern, so strange, why has never been discovered before.

The masters of the Happy Gate and others waited for a glance. They saw the shock from the other's eyes. At their feet, the brilliance of the glory seemed to contain a void power.

"Everyone started to work together." The owner of the door screamed at the crowd, and everyone nodded and looked awkward.

Here, people have arranged a void array, and it is impossible to open it with the power of one person alone.

"Okay, do it together." The dragon master echoed, and immediately on them, a powerful and boundless force began to bloom wildly, and the earth seemed to tremble slightly.

At the same time, there was a terrible void power that spread out and the ground was shaking.

"Boom!" The owner of the door lifted his foot and slammed on the ground. The sound of the explosion of the bang came out, and the heavens and the earth rolled.


"Oh..." The strong ones bombarded the lines one by one, and the earth's tremors became more and more powerful, and the beam of light that bloomed in the lines continued to rush to the sky.

The crowd feels that their bodies are constantly shaking, their hearts are beating, the power of the void, and everyone at this moment really feels it, what is the power of the void.

In addition to the power of this void, the crowd also felt an alternative force, hot, boundless heat, tyrannical heat.

"What is this going to happen?" The crowd was in a big heart. The strong ones not only did not recover their own strength, but they continued to increase. They were both solemn and solemn, and some even helped them to trace the lines that opened the void. It is as if they have given them the keys. What they have to do is to use this key to open the void.

"Rumble!" More and more terrible hot air is bursting in madness, the earth's crust begins to split, along the lines, constantly splitting, the earth, as if they have begun to move.

"Booming, rumbling..."

The crowd looked dull and stunned, watching the earth move, and their bodies moving along the earth.

An infinitely horrible hot gas burned the crowd and dripped sweat. In the void, a terrible flame rushed into the clouds, but for a moment, the entire sky was printed red.

"The void is big, the small world."

Lin Feng looked at everything in front of him. This pattern revolves around three worry-free mountains. With three mountains of worry-free, the earth is cracked, revealing another small world, just like the shrine, but the shrine seems to be I isolated the small world with a illusion, and here, the small world is the worry-free mountain that is sealed.

If it is not the stranger that means the sky, the lines that open the door of space will be outlined. Otherwise, even if these powerful people are terrible, they cannot open this small world.

"Boom!" The terrible fire skyrocketed, the body of the crowd moved with the cracked earth. In the middle of the earth, the mountains slowly floated out, and they came out from the void world and appeared in the crowd. In front of it, the rolling mountains are endless flames.

This is simply a flame mountain range, and after the terrible flame appeared, it was still spreading, and it was necessary to dye the worry-free mountain into the flame mountain.

"This is the scene depicted in the map, the endless mountains."

Lin Feng stared at the scene in front of him, and it was extremely shocking. What was portrayed in the treasure map was the scene at the moment. The virtual world appeared in the real space, and the flames burned the sky.

"Flame, flame!"

Lin Feng looked at the mountain. In the middle of the mountain, there was a strange mountain with a huge hole in the middle. In it, all the flames seemed to spread from it!

Ps: sleepy, sleepy, sleep!

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