Peerless Martial God

Chapter 930: God of the palace

The sky above Dongfu was burned and cracked, and there was a huge cave of flames. The terrible light beam of the caves burned the caves out of the cave.

Lin Feng's eyes were stiff and silent, looking at the flame hole.

"Hey!" A deep snoring spit out from the strange mouth, and the nine flame beams instantly converge. In the void, an illusory shadow is transformed. This shadow is extremely imaginary and weak, but the temperament is Give people a sense of innate majesty.

"This is, Yan Emperor?" Lin Feng's eyes were stiff, watching the virtual shadow appearing there, only to see that the virtual shadow was entangled by the fire, formed by the flame, a little bit into the poor body, a bang The loud noise, the incomparable blaze of the sky, and then the virtual shadow with the endless flames did not fall into the strange body.

The huge pupils opened, and the thorns hanging on the singularity were all reddish, even revealing the dark red, his body, the terrible fierceness is stronger.

"Cultivate your flames and ignite the power of the flames. The inflammation of the sinister has not been completely consumed." The poor screamed at Lin Feng and the voice became rough.

Lin Feng's eyes glanced, and then he came to understand, and immediately sat down and began to practice the Great Day Burning of the Book of Heaven. In an instant, a terrible flame wrapped around him, and the fire of the real fire was crazy.

Poorly opened his mouth, spit out a flame, the dark red fire looming, fell on Lin Feng's body, but Lin Feng immediately felt a terrible blazing burning of his body.

"What you cultivate is the sun exercise. I help you control the intensity of the flame. You slowly extrapolate the flame into your real fire and melt it into your flame." Poor once again said, let that The stock fire is not so overbearing, otherwise, even if it is the remaining inflammation, Lin Feng can not afford it, let alone swallow it.

Lin Feng’s heart will lead the gods, and the fire of the yang fire is crazy. The fire of the big day seems to break the power of the seal, and slowly extrapolate the sinister inflammation to the power of the yang fire, consume it and turn it into its own. Real power.

Time spent slowly, Lin Feng's body of the real fire seems to be attached with a hint of dark red color, even more terrible, and his breath is also constantly enhanced.

The singularity continues to control the intensity of the flame, covering Lin Feng's body, helping the flame to integrate into Lin Feng's body, watching Lin Feng's breath become stronger.

Finally, it was a long time passed, a terrible flame skyrocketed, Lin Feng’s yang fire real element seemed to become more terrible, with a breath of virtual fire, looming, revealing dark red.

"Boom!" The flames rushed into the sky, and the horrible flames also burned the top of the head out of the hole. Lin Feng's eyes opened and the light flashed out, and the burning flames made a strong sound.

"Breakthrough!" Lin Feng's gaze was slightly solidified, and the flame power of the Burning of the Sun, as if it had become stronger.

"Breakthrough, your realm is enough to have the power of the present, and the power of this dual force, you can fully control, otherwise it is impossible to break through so smoothly." In the mouth of the strange mouth, Lin Feng nodded, if it is the realm If it is not enough, he will not be able to break through.

Mindful movements, all the terrible flames did not enter the body, Lin Feng looked at the strange, smiled: "I did not expect this virtual inflammation to help you directly break into the demon, can you shape?"

"Of course." The poor faint said, the mind moved, in the face of Lin Feng in an instant, there was a young man with a long red hair, instead of the virtual shadow that appeared just now, since it is a strange body, then The transformation is also shaped by the poor body.

"Good tyrants, it is worthy of the ancient beasts." Lin Feng smiled slightly, the young long hair in front of the eyes with a dark red color, softly scattered in the body, covered with a fiery red tight robes, the body through With a terrible murderous demon atmosphere, it is not a good class at first glance, not only overbearing, but also very handsome, demon and handsome.

"Fart, the Emperor can't look up." The young man's mouth spit out a rather old-fashioned voice, which made Lin Feng feel a little uncomfortable, and then he saw the strange body re-formed as a monster.

Lin Fengyi’s defiance of this guy’s glance, but the figure was just like the demon, but compared with the virtual shadow that appeared not long ago, it seems that the majesty is far from enough. Yan Emperor is not used to it. Normally, for Yandi, this is attached. The body of the monster that has been around for a long time makes him more used to it.

"Yan Emperor, do you think I will discuss things with you?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What is it?" There was a bit of caution in the eyes of the poor. Every time this guy called him Yandi, he must be uneasy.

"You see that I have taken such a big fire to help you win this fire. I almost lost my life. You see..." Lin Feng smiled and said that the huge eyes were stunned: "I also help." Your cultivation is a breakthrough in the realm of Tianwu. You are not a loss."

"You have become a demon directly across several realms, and I risked my life to rise to a realm. You are a great emperor, not so embarrassed." Lin Feng eyes stunned.

"What do you want, let's talk about it." Looking at Lin Feng with a sly look.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded. "I want a means to control people."

"Take a house?"

"No, I just want to control the other side, not to get myself in." Lin Feng responded, of course he would not go to win, using other people's flesh, he is not used to.

"If you don't win, you only have to occupy the other's body, but you can't get the strength of the other side. What's the use?" The faint voice utters a voice, only to win, can completely occupy the other party for himself.

"What do you mean is that in addition to winning, I can only erase the other god's thoughts, and then control the other's body?" Lin Feng asked.


Sure enough, Lin Feng was somewhat disappointed. This is the same as the evil spirits said. If you want to control the body, the evil spirits can do it.

"In fact, there is a means to do what you just said." At this time, the poor singularly opened again, let Lin Feng eyes brighten.

"But that means you can do it unless your soul strength is stronger than the other. It doesn't make much sense to you. For this kind of insects, the Emperor has always been scornful and disdainful." .

"Amount..." Lin Feng was ashamed, and finally understood the other party's words.

Yan’s contempt for a singular look, Lin Feng smiled and said: “It’s not going to be, it’s not so open.”

"Fart, the technique of planting the soul is just a small means. If you are sinister, the Emperor will not disdain." The poor anger glared at Lin Feng, proud.

"The technique of the soul." Lin Feng looked at the micro-condensation, then looked at the strange saying: "You disdain, but I need it, you can teach me."

Looking at Lin Feng’s eyes and sighing breathlessly, the **** dared to despise him.

The technique of the soul is not a powerful means, but he did not use it before, and he did not practice it.

"The means of the emperor is tens of thousands, and it is the same as the technique of the soul of the district." The singularity is still proud.

"Okay, then I will believe you, you teach me a powerful **** to attack the attack." Lin Feng said faintly.

"Well, I will pass you a set of God's attacking techniques, so that you can see it well." Rich and angry: "Ready."

"Well." Lin Feng nodded faintly, his eyes closed slightly, only to see the strange eyebrows, a brilliance flashed out, and instantly fell into Lin Feng's eyebrows.

Just for a moment, Lin Feng felt a lot of memories in his mind.

"The way you used to use God is too weak, and you can easily be erased by people. You can understand what the Emperor has taught you." Poorly held his head high.

Lin Feng’s heart is snickering. This guy is also very cute. The old three emperors just gave him a set of gods. It’s already very good, but Yan Emperor can’t look up. Weak.

"God read the palace!"

Lin Feng’s heart is silent, just this name, certainly not simple!

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