Peerless Martial God

Chapter 932: Fierce beast

There are many pubs in the Sanssou Villa, many of which are very noisy. //High speed update //

However, in one of the restaurants, it is extraordinarily quiet. The restaurant is very spacious, but the location is not much. There are only eight seats. Even these eight tables are not full, and there are many vacant ones there. .

As for the people in this restaurant, all of them are young people of all colors. Both men and women are extraordinary in temperament.

These young people are sitting together in groups of three and whispering about what they seem to have their own circles.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the quiet restaurant. Several people looked up and glanced at the entrance to the restaurant. Then they saw the Chinese brothers and sisters coming in together, but next to the Chinese brothers and sisters. There are also two figures, a man with a slight sallow color on his face, and another figure, a monster, a fierce beast.

"The ancient beast?" Someone whispered, and the young people in the restaurant turned their eyes curiously. Their eyes were fixed on the strange body. It was really an ancient beast, and it was still a demon.

As for Lin Feng, who is surrounded by the stranger, it seems that it has been ignored by the people. Many people are arbitrarily sweeping him away and will look away. They don’t care much.

"Hua brother, where did you find this beast?" Among the restaurants, a young man shouted at the young Fahrenheit.

The Fahrenheit youth shook his head slightly and smiled and said: "This beast is not my own, but the monster partner of Lin Brothers next to me."

"His?" This time Lin Feng attracted a lot of attention, not because of him, but because of his glory.

"It's you again." At this moment, a voice of indifference came out, and it seemed to be chilly.

Lin Feng’s gaze slowly turned and fell on one of them, Tianlin’s son.

"I also want to say, how is it for you, it is really a ghost." Lin Feng said with a smile, Tianlin son staring at Lin Feng, his eyes are getting colder and colder, as if he wants to deal with Lin Feng at any time, killing Lin Feng.

Everyone saw this scene and could not help but reveal a trace of interesting look. This Tianlin son seems to have hatred against Lin Feng, and Lin Feng is brought in by the Fahrenheit youth, which seems to be somewhat interesting.

In this area, there is still a day when the boy of Wu’s dual realm is disrespectful to Tianlin’s son.

"Hua brother, what do you mean by this?" Tianlin Gongzi said coldly, the last time this Fahrenheit youth was Bao Linfeng, now the other party is actually mixed with Lin Feng, it is justified.

"Tianlin son, Lin brother is my friend, I bring him to know some young talents, why Tianlin son will be like a big enemy." Fahrenheit youth laughed, then took Lin Feng to walk to one or six people at the table There are already two people sitting on the wine table. At this time, the Chinese brothers and sisters of Lin's brother and Lin Feng, just like the other four positions.

"Lin brothers, let me introduce, this is Xue Xiong, this is Han brother." The young people of the Fahrenheit pointed at the table and said that the other two just faintly nodded to Lin Feng, very casual This is still in the face of the Huashi Youth Hua Changfeng, and their eyes are on the strange and beastly body. Obviously, Lin Fengyuan is not as attractive as it is.

"Lin brother is lucky, even able to get the ancient savage beasts as a monster partner." Xue Xing youth smiled, the voice is not ironic.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile. Seeing that these people are full of spirits, and they are so arrogant, they are at least three realms of Tianwu. They are not good classes. In front of him, they seem to feel very superior.

"Luck is always good, but Xue Xiong comes from a big place, luck should be better than me." Lin Feng smiled and said casually, but let Xue Xing youth look at him more, his eyes flashed a sharp edge.

"Oh." Hua Changfeng seems to see that the atmosphere is somewhat wrong, chuckled, facing Lin Fengdao: "Lin brother, other people at the wine table, are also talented people, I introduce you for some, but also acquaintance One."

"Hua brother, I don't know why this person made friends with us."

At this time, on the wine table of Tianlin's son, one of the satirical openings said, with a rhetorical tone.

"Exactly, Hua Changfeng, you should understand that the dragon and the dragon, the snake and the snake are the same. You bring a snake to the dragon group. What is the intention?" Another person sarcastically said: "This person also has A good monster, isn’t Hua Changfeng, you are fancy this strange, deliberately bringing this person into trouble?”

"A waste is also eligible to come here." Tianlin's son is more direct, cold and ironic.

"Dragon and dragon cross, snake and snake are the best, and Tianlin's son has just used it for himself, but he has been humiliated a few days ago. Now he can still maintain a high attitude and let Lin admire him. People together, huh, huh..." Lin Feng smiled and said no more.

"You pay attention to the point." Hearing Lin Feng's voice, suddenly the mouth of the person who spoke just spit out a cold voice, and Tian Lin's face was quite embarrassed, and Lin Feng poked the scar.

"A group of such garbage characters can play their teeth here, and there are no ones in the eight wilderness and ten fields." A strange voice spits out in the mouth, making those people look a little stiff.

"A good beast, I still know how to maintain the owner." The man stared coldly at the strange.

The strange look flashed, the cold flashes, the fierce scorpion stared at the other, making the person feel extraordinarily cold.

"Hua Changfeng is so admired by you, I brought you here, then I will see what qualifications you have." The man sneered, his palms waving, and suddenly the wine glass in his hand swung away toward Lin Feng, inside. The wine turned into a cold ice blade and stabbed toward Lin Feng.

"Hey!" A flame came out of the void, covering the glass and the ice blade, and then instantly melted away.

Lin Feng stood up and looked at the man and sneered: "If you want to fight, go out and play, the location is too small, Tianlin is a waste, presumably you can't go anywhere."

After all, Lin Feng took the lead and stood up and walked outside.

"Kill him." Tianlin Gongzi reminded the man, the man nodded slightly, flashed a killing in his eyes, killed him, and then seized the fierce beast. Dare to be crazy.

The crowds are coming out, and there is a hint of interest in their eyes. The sick man brought by Hua Changfeng seems to be very proud to see what qualifications he has in front of them.

For a moment, everyone came to the open space outside the restaurant. Other people in the restaurant saw the movement here, and they all showed a little interest. When they came over, they immediately recognized Lin Feng. This guy dared six days ago. Fighting with Tianlin’s son, nowadays, they have even provoked the group of Tianlin’s sons. People who can be with Tianlin’s son are not simple. Many of them are even disciples of the Emperor, and they are very talented. Therefore, they are disdainful to Lin Feng. Take care of it.

"Let me come." Poor Qi sent an indifferent voice to Lin Feng, staring at the man, dare to humiliate his emperor and find death.

“Well?” Lin Feng sighed and nodded. “Good.”

This guy is now a demon, I don’t know how terrible the power is now, and see if I can fight with the guy who is three-day.

"A animal will dare to converse, I will take you first, then kill your master. Later, your animal will be dominated by me." The young man sneered, but heard a light bang, poor The huge flame wings open, and the horrible fierceness blooms.

The wings flickered, and suddenly the strange body rushed out.

"Fast!" The crowd was stunned, and it seemed to be a flaming red glow. The speed was extremely fast and could not be seen clearly.

"Looking for a fight." The man snorted, his palms slammed, and the palms of the sea shook the space.


A terrible sound of the beast stunned the crowd's eardrums and stood unsteadily. This snoring seemed to sway the soul. Even the body of the shot was a little stiff, and the sound of a loud bang came out. Then he Seeing the shattering of the palm print, the huge body of the squirrel rushed toward him.

"Hey!" A flame erupted from the strange mouth, and the entire space was buried in the flame in an instant. The body and the strangeness disappeared together.

"Looking at the animals, looking for death!" The cold drink came out, the flames were erratic, and they kept shaking, but only after a moment, they were quiet again.

"Well?" Many people's eyes condensed, the horrible flames disappeared, and then they stared blankly at the scene in front of them, only to see the horrible giant animal hooves stepping on the youth, with a **** mouth in the fierce mouth. The scorpions are so cold.

And the young man, his head seems to be paralyzed, lying softly in the pool of blood.

"Ferocious beast!" The crowd is a stiff eye, it really is a beast!

(two more)

(two more)

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