Peerless Martial God

Chapter 934: Powerful disciple

"Dragon and dragons, snakes and snakes, I and you, the poor people who know only the arrogance, are really not all the way." Lin Feng satirized the crowd and made their faces extremely ugly. Not long ago, some people satirized Lin Feng’s unworthy match with them, they were snakes, they were dragons.

However, when he really spoke with strength, Lin Feng used the absolutely shocking means to suppress Tianlin’s son, who was a disciple of the Emperor of the Emperor. Tianlin’s son, he relied on the powerful blood and soul advantage, and he could not get Lin Feng, and Lin Feng dealt with it. He, but only needs a palm, how cruel this is.

The power of that palm is terrible, and it seems ordinary when it comes out of the palm. However, when the palm is falling, it contains a terrible power of heaven and earth, and its power is endless.

"Tianlin son, there is still a face to claim what son, this waste, if not by the ancestors passed down the martial arts, it is a waste, when insulting others, do you not feel ashamed? Lin Feng stepped forward slowly toward Tianlin, and there was a chill in his body.

At this time, Tianlin Gongzi had struggled to get up and stared at Lin Feng: "Don't you dare to kill me?"

"The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor Wulin wants the life of Lin, and everyone knows it. I am a large adult, I will not take your life, but you have to cultivate this body, in addition to Yaowu Yangwei." Lin Feng cold Coldly said, suddenly his footsteps crossed, his figure flickered like a wind, and he was so fast that he rushed toward Tianlin.

"So, it's better to waste it."

Lin Feng mouth spit out a cold voice, the body oppressed the Tianlin son, the wind screamed, the gas of killing was extremely rich.

Tian Lin’s face was instantly white, Lin Feng, even wanted to abolish him to repair, if it was repaired to be abolished, he would be completely finished.

Step by step, Tianlin's son stepped away, and madly retreated toward the rear, extremely fast.

"Happy stepping!" Lin Feng sneered, the wind used nine days of technology to use, the wind will bloom, his body is covered by a wind, erratic, moving with the wind, his feet on the mysterious Unparalleled footwork, but also a little bit of happy, and with the wind, it seems more airy.

It is Lin Feng who integrates the footwork into the wind for nine days and the will of the wind.

Fast, this time Lin Feng's speed is faster than Tianlin's son, the distance between the two is constantly getting closer. This scene makes the face of Tianlin's son more ugly, almost iron-faced, not only in strength, he is Lin Feng Suppressed, in terms of speed, he was not as good as Lin Feng. As a person who was a sacred man, he practiced the footwork, and he did not have Lin Feng.

Everyone else has a gaze, and the speed of Tianlin’s son is even better than that of the sick man. Who is this guy? The last time it seems to be weaker than Tianlin’s son, it was suppressed by Tianlin, and this time his The repair was a breakthrough in Tianwu, and it completely suppressed Tianlin.

Hua Changfeng’s gaze also flashed, revealing a suspicious look. Was it not that Lin Feng had concealed it, but he was originally a heavy weapon. In these six days, he crossed a realm and reached Tianwu. Can you suppress Tianlin's son firmly?

"Kill." Tianlin's son roared out, the martial arts storm reappeared, desperate to release, and pressed against Lin Feng.

"You are looking for death." Lin Feng screamed, the power of the seal filled the palm of his hand, the horrible palm shot, the space trembled, the martial arts trembled, and the body of Tianlin's son followed.

"Boom!" The terrible power once again fell on Tianlin's son, and he flew out again. Lin Feng looked expressionless and stepped forward. The indifference said: "I said that day, if it is I am in the same realm with you. Killing this kind of waste is like squeezing an ant. You are nothing but a waste of ecstasy and no self-knowledge."

Lin Feng stepped out of the stride, the gas of killing was still strong, and the palm of his hand was lifted up, revealing a sharp air, as if he had to abolish Tianlin.

Tianlin’s face was pale, and their eyes looked at the crowds with him, but they sadly found that no one was willing to help him at the moment. No one is a friend. It’s just a superficial relationship. These people may not want him to go early. It was abolished, and this cruel reality made Tianlin’s son feel cold and rude. How glory as a disciple of the Emperor, but it was not so sad in the end.

At this time, Lin Feng had already walked to the side of Tianlin's son. Seeing that he would be abolished, Tianlin's face was pale as paper, and his eyes were cold and staring at Lin Feng. "You dare to move me, my brother arrives, you It must be dead."

"Your brother came over and said." Lin Feng smiled indifferently. Anyway, he is also a hidden identity. If he is a big deal, he will take it away after abandoning the other party. There is a strange guy who covers him. He can’t die. When he changes his identity, who knows? He is Lin Feng.

"Genius, goodbye." Lin Feng spit out a voice, palms lifted up, they must be killed.

"Stop!" A roll of anger and anger fell from the sky, letting Lin Feng tremble, and immediately felt a terrible destruction of power to kill him. Without any hesitation, Lin Feng suddenly retreated, and then he stood there. In the place, there was a deep hole in the ground, silent, and instantly became a silence.

"A terrible power." The crowd was stiff and looked up towards the void. I saw there, a young man with a golden robe on his body, his face was cold, his majesty was overbearing, and the mansions were dazzling, the pupil of this man. Deep, the tremors of the eyes seem to engrave many experiences, can not see his specific age.


The crowd looked up at this person, only one glance, he felt the other party's powerful, very strong, this horrible power, has been the existence of the level of the owner of the door, but the other side is so young.

Of course, Lin Feng also knows that the other party is not really young. It is only a certain realm that can be returned to the original. For example, the life of Xuanwu is about two hundred years, and the life of Tianwu is five hundred years. Yuan is a long-standing one. Some powerful sages are said to be able to live for a thousand years before the oil lamp is exhausted. Therefore, it is also a hundred years old. Can the people of Xuanwujing compare with the sage? Xuanwu has lived for half of the age of one hundred years, so it will certainly be old, and the 100-year-old of the Sayādaw is definitely young.

Therefore, many powerful people will pursue higher realms at all costs. The powerful and powerful realm of the realm, the longer the longevity, can last forever, who will not desperately pursue, although there are countless deaths in the pursuit process.

Although the figure standing in the void at the moment seems to be only a youth, his age is obviously not really only twenty or thirty years old.

"Brother, kill him." Tianlin's son looked cold and shouted at the man who appeared in the void. The person who appeared this is the disciple of the Emperor Wu, the brother of Tianlin, who is only a disciple of the Emperor. But the person who appeared in this is the strength of cultivation, and I don’t know how much stronger than Tianlin’s son.

The eyes of the crowd are all condensed. It turned out that the brother of Tianlin’s son arrived. This person, Tianlin’s son, invited the leader of the Wanzong Assembly. This time the guy died.

Many people look at Lin Feng's look with a sense of sympathy, such a terrible strongman, Lin Feng will die.

The strange snoring sounded, and unwittingly came to Lin Feng's back, his fierce scorpion stared at the figure in the void: "This person's cultivation is very powerful, and your teacher may not necessarily have it." The other party, even among the disciples of the Emperor, should be of such excellent excellence."

Lin Feng nodded secretly, and he secretly sneaked into the sky, and the **** actually called a guy who was so powerful.

"That said that you followed me to do it, you don't have to be so shackled." The tempting temptation said, but Lin Feng replied: "There is something that your emperor is afraid of, and I can't die anyway."

"Bastard, this Emperor has always kept you from losing your life."

"I am dead, you may not necessarily get another person who is so good to talk to me." Lin Feng said a faint voice, so that he was speechless. Of course he knew that the nine continents were vast and endless. If he was caught by some powerful people, I don't know what the consequences will be. Although Lin Feng is very abominable, he is at least very good at speaking.

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