Peerless Martial God

Chapter 956: Leave and wait

A phantom flashes, the strange body turns into a figure, the demon young figure, like a fire. //Free e-book download //

Lin Feng stared at the back of the strange, seemingly a bit bleak, so that Lin Feng was quite touched, this guy, because I do not know the simple voice of the heavenly palace recalled the past.

As the great emperor of the past, Yan Di naturally had a sensational legend.

Stepping slowly, Lin Feng also came to the side of the demon figure, looked up, also looked at the high moon hanging in the sky, I do not know the heavenly palace, today, what year!

"Yan Emperor, this sentence must come from an alternative and terrible genius mouth. In your time, he may be emperor, maybe emperor, right?" Lin Feng looked up at the void and muttered.

Yan Di’s body moved slightly, but then he returned to calm and fell into meditation.

"Some people, even opponents, are worthy of respect; others, even if I bury me, I admire too." Yandi said a mysterious voice.

Lin Feng’s eyelids flashed. It seems that the old Emperor was destroyed and the battlefield was moved into the strong space of one side, but Yandi was very admired. Who is this person?

The space was silent for a long time. During the Turkic period, Yan Di’s body was once again turned into a strange one. He sighed at Lin Feng, and his big eyes stared at Lin Fengdao: “The Emperor passed you to the temple and did not give the Emperor a quick practice. One day, if you can understand that you don’t know the heavenly palace, what is the true meaning of the present day, and where will it be like this? When you can stand in the void and shout, who is the world!"

The meaning of the Tao!

Lin Feng's look is slightly condensed. Is it that the powerful gods of the palaces and the palaces are actually from the heavens and palaces, and what year is the present day; these two verses have been derived from terrible power?

After a moment of indulgence, Lin Feng slowly returned to the Dongfu, continued to practice, and used these days to familiarize himself with the powerful means he had gained in the past.

Those methods are extremely powerful. He is not far enough to enlighten. Any one of them can cultivate a powerful force and can exert a terrible power.


The time of Wu Xiu, the time is like a shuttle, the time of a month is just a flick of a finger. On this day, above the peak of the main peak of Tianzhu Peak, a group of young people stand together, it is Lin Feng.

Opposite them, standing with the peaks of the old man and the snow lords, these people have extraordinary talents, this time leaving Tianchi, if he can be safe, set a strong, these old people want to see Knowing that when they left, he would see how terrible their progress was when he saw him again.

"This time I went to the eight wilderness, the road is far away, we must be careful, the outside world is like a cloud, remember to be unassuming." Xue Zun slammed, then his eyes fell on the faint body of Tang: "Fabulous, Xiaofeng This guy can't watch the people around him get angry. You have to watch him on the way, don't let him use his emotions."

"Teacher, I will." Tang nodded and nodded. It seems that the teacher already knows Lin Feng’s guy very well. He can’t see his relatives and friends being humiliated by others, he will definitely be in the first place, but he’s really outside. In the world, troubles will certainly not be less, especially in the eight wilderness areas. It is the eight wilderness in the eight wilderness areas outside the holy city of the holy city. It is adjacent to the holy city of Zhongzhou. There, I am afraid that there will be many ordinary saints. .

"And they, Xiao Feng, are you really not ready to take it with you?" The Snow Lord again pointed to the side, where there was the figure of the Seven Snow Eagles.

He had handed the seven snow eagle to Lin Feng, so that they would follow Lin Feng's side, and the fate would follow Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng did not seem to be carrying the seven snow eagle.

"No, how can I let a few Snow Eagle brothers go with me to work hard." Lin Feng shook his head and said that with his current strength, he has already used various means, plus the savage monsters in the Snow Demon Tower, even if they don’t rely on Snow Eagle. There is nothing wrong with it. You don't have to let the Snow Eagle go as far as he can. He doesn't know what he will end up.

"Well, you decided." Snow Zun respects Lin Feng's opinion. Since Lin Feng does not bring a snow eagle, then he will not bring it. He also intends to let the snow eagle follow Lin Feng, so that they may get a more A good future, but now it seems that it can only be.

"Well, let's go." Xue Zun said with pride, but his heart is also a bit sad. This life can have such a disciple, it is extremely rare, afraid that it will not be met in the rest of his life. The second one is such a disciple, and this one does not know whether it is temporary or eternal.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded, waving his sleeves, turning around, and then striding forward, walking in front of the incomparably, never even looked back.

"set off!"

A voice spit out from Lin Feng's mouth, and Jun Moxi looked at the slightly sullen back. They all sighed in their hearts, looked up, and sighed deeply against the crowd. Then they turned around with great pride and resolutely left and waved. I waved my sleeves and walked so crisply.

But what they took away will be a memory of Tianchi, an unforgettable memory of the rise of the Tianchi.

The whistling wind swelled, and Lin Feng climbed onto the back of Tian Yao Dapeng. With the monsters, they left the air, and they didn’t even look back and walked so freely.

Beside Lin Feng’s side, the beast was so strange that his eyes were flickering and seemed to be a bit of excitement.

"In the eight wilderness, you have finally taken the first step. This will be your new chapter. The Emperor will make you famous." The poor whispered in a whisper, and the light flashed, Lin Feng’s hand appeared. A white demon, I saw him sitting cross-legged, holding the little demon in his arms, and the demon statue has not seen him for a long time, constantly swaying Lin Feng's cheek.

"Dream, grievances, even let you stay in the Snow Demon Tower, I will definitely find a better place for you in the future."

Lin Feng smiled softly: "And, this time I went to the eight wilderness, I will definitely let you regain the human form and return to my side."

The soft feelings of the dreams of the water spirit reveal a soft smile. It seems that Lin Feng is stupid, and the small claws gently pass over Lin Feng’s cheeks. It seems to be a gentle touch.

"Can I hold her?" At this point, a soft voice came out, Tang faintly walked to Lin Feng's side, watching the beautiful little demon, seems to be a bit envious.

Lin Feng looked at Tang's faint glance, and then his figure in his arms flashed, and he plunged into the faint body of Tang, revealing a friendly smile to Tang.

"Lin Feng said that his wife is the most beautiful woman. I really want to see how you can restore the true body. It will definitely let the beauty of the world die." Tang secluded look at the dreams like water, even if it is The demon, the eyes can be so beautiful to the point that she can see the dream of the country.

The dream turned back and smiled at Lin Feng's soft smile, then jumped back to Lin Feng's body.

"When you see the dream regaining your true body, you will love her." Lin Feng said with a smile in Tang, Xin Ye, she also likes dreams, when a woman's beauty has been dusty, with a sense of holiness Even if you are a woman, you will like it. It is the beauty of not eating fireworks.

"I believe." Tang nodded nodly, no doubt, she even had some expectations, looking forward to seeing the day of dreams, seeing how her beauty is amazing.

Tian Yao Dapeng is still flashing in madness, and the rolling air is floating in the void. They cross each other across the country, and they will soon be out of the vast space of the dry field.

Looking at the scenery under the sky, Lin Feng and others were very emotional, so they left, and they are about to reach a broader space and continue the journey of martial arts.

"Lin Feng!" At this time, Jun Mo Xi came forward and said to Lin Feng, and his gaze, has been gazing into the distance, as if he saw something.


Lin Feng's brow wrinkled, his eyes fell in the distance, and then his eyes were stiff. In the distant places, there was a figure standing in the light, facing them, seems to have been waiting for them.

"Hey!" Tiande Dapeng's body shape suddenly stopped, but at this moment Lin Feng is not too far away from the other party, you can clean and see each other's figure.

One-armed, cold face!

Actually, the owner of the door!

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