Peerless Martial God

Chapter 963: The road to life

"Hands!" The strong man of Kowloon Island saw the control of the purple jade battleship did not respond, and a cold voice spit out a voice, and then they had a terrible breath.

The master of the purple jade battleship thought of a move, and a terrible sound of the scorpion came out. The purple jade warship turned sharply, and the sea fell, and wanted to escape.

"Can you go?" The people on the island of Kowloon smiled coldly, and then the crowd on the purple jade warship saw them turn around and there were several warships in front of them, blocking them.

Moreover, these warships are giant warships. If they are shocked, the destructive power will be terrible. In front of the warships, there are several figures slowly vacating, and they are the sages.

The face of the purple jade warship was completely sunk, and it was the sage. Jiulong Island, so many of the sages were dispatched.

On the purple jade battleship, the woman named Miss Yang was surrounded by several guards in her, her eyes flickering, staring at the sages in the void.

"The people who met with the island of Kowloon today are not willing to see the moon, and they are asking for more blessings." The person in charge of the purple jade warship said, he also understood the situation at the moment, experienced the devastating storm, purple jade The warships were riddled with holes, and the light curtains of the Olympics were not stable. Now that so many powerful people have gathered together, the Olympic light curtain has not played a role, and he is unable to keep the crowd.

Sure enough, I saw the footsteps of the Kowloon Island at the same time, and the strange unity, the horrible atmosphere rolled from their bodies, almost at the same moment, the palms of all the strong people were simultaneously printed in the round of the Olympic light. Above the curtain, the brilliance of a round of rims blooms, and the sound of cracking of the cymbals sounds one after another.

"It's over!"

The crowds in the purple jade battleship are beating and screaming. Once the light curtain of the Oyi is broken, they will endure the invasion of the sea. The people of Tianwu will face the waste of the desert and will die.

The cracks in the road are criss-crossed and covered with the entire light curtain.


The crisp sound came out, and the heart of the crowd jumped and smashed, and the entire light curtain of the righteousness broke.

The light curtain shattered, and the breath of the wilderness invaded into the purple jade battleship.

"Give you a chance, as long as someone can set foot on our warships, let you board the ship." Those in Kowloon Island said to the crowd on the purple jade warship, giving them the opportunity to survive, on the premise that they must rely on their own Strength, boarded their battleship on Kowloon Island.

The crowd's eyes solidified, and there was a hope of survival in the heart.

If you want to live, you have to cross the warships on the island of Kowloon. This is the only chance, otherwise they will be swallowed up by the breath of the wild.

"Boom!" There is a figure turned into a streamer, heading for the battleship on the Kowloon Island, can not die, he has to cross the wilderness, go to the eight wilderness, how can die here.

"Oh!" The horrible wilderness invaded and the crowd saw that the body of the man was suddenly stuck there, and his skin instantly aging.

The eyes of the crowd are all stiff there, the breath of the wild, this is the breath of the wild, the years, the destruction, and the death.

In the wild, everything will be turned into a wasteland.

The life of the man stopped, and the body stiffened toward the sky, and was instantly swallowed by the wilderness and died.


The hearts of the crowd trembled. Although it was only a very short distance, it was a long way to go. They had no way to cross the past. Once the wild breath invaded the body, it was destruction and death.


Another figure came out, and the sword light swept down. It seemed to have a layer of light curtain in the void, and his body instantly leaped out and stepped on the sword to the battleship of Kowloon Island.

"Boom!" The breath of the wilderness invaded and instantly eroded the sword.

"No!" The man snorted, and a loud noise came out. The man's body was stiff there, as if something had fallen into his body.

Dead, watching another person's body fall into the air, the heart of the crowd is falling into the hail, so cold, this time, the death is so close to them.

The body of the purple jade warship is in the sky, and the light of the righteousness will cover the body and leave the air.

The strong man of Kowloon Island did not intercept him or even look at him. This is not the goal of their Kowloon Island.

"Go!" The crowd's heart screamed, and the Ming Yuefan's sages also left. Now they only have people who face the island of Kowloon, either set foot on each other's warships or be swallowed up by the wilderness.

"Miss Yang, of course we will not be embarrassing you, please ask Miss to board our warship on Kowloon Island."

The eyes of the strongest Kowloon Island on the beautiful woman fell on the beautiful woman, and the crowd suddenly felt like this. The strongest of these Kowloon Island came to this beautiful woman.

Hate, they became victims, being shackled and pond fish.

"Lin Feng." Tang Youyou and others are surrounded by Lin Feng. I don't know what to do. They just did not die after the devastating storm. Do they die in the killing of Kowloon Island?

I did not expect to go to the eight wilderness trips, and I will encounter such things one after another.

"I am sending you to the warships on Kowloon Island and arriving at Kowloon Island. You must protect them. Don't forget to bear it. We will see you in the eight wilderness."

Lin Feng said to a few people, let a few people look a stiff, Lin Feng, send them to the battleship in Kowloon Island?

"You yourself, what do you do?" Tang faintly stared at Lin Feng, what the guy wanted to do.

"Reassured, I can't die, we made an appointment. Goodbye in the eight wilderness, I will become a disciple of Shihuang or Emperor. You remember to come to me." Lin Feng said again, several people understand that Lin Feng is Giving them a message, he said this, it means to be a disciple of the Emperor, so that they can find him Lin Feng.

"No, if you have a means of living, bring me." Tang faintly said, she did not believe Lin Feng's words, if he really can live as Lin Feng said, Lin Feng will not send them. On the battleships of Kowloon Island, they will bring them together.

Unless, Lin Feng wants to take risks, one person takes risks, but they are sent to the Kowloon Island warship.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head, but did not say the reason.

This makes Tang Youyou and others more aware.

"Lin Feng, can't let you take risks alone." Jun Mo Xi also said.

"We have no choice, listen to me, believe me." Lin Feng firmly looked at Jun Moxi and others, Tang Youwei still shaking his head, but see Lin Feng reaching out, patted her face, smiled: "Do not worry. I am too big to die."

"Boom!" A horrible breath burst out, only a phantom rushed into the sky. Lin Feng and others looked up and saw the woman surnamed Yang stepping on a small battleship and rushing toward the sky, trying to escape.

"Small battleship!" The crowd looks solid, this treasure is definitely a good thing to escape, this woman really has an extraordinary status, and she actually has such a powerful treasure.

"Miss Yang, you can't get away." A terrible breath seemed to seal this space. The woman's battleship crashed directly onto a layer of light curtain and did not escape.

"No, I don't want to die."

A scream of screams came out, pulling the thoughts of the crowd back from the void, and then everyone saw a scent of invaders invading the purple jade battleship, and several people were instantly dead. Cover, then their bodies turned gray, and life passed.

The crowd is scared and the body is constantly shaking, is it really going to die?

On the purple jade battleship, suddenly there was a frosty chill, and above the purple jade battleship in the wild sea, there were snow fluttering.

On Lin Feng's body, a delicate and sacred air bloomed slowly. In an instant, his face became as sweet as a demon, with a sense of holiness.


Lin Feng's mouth spit out a voice, and a layer of empty snow road appeared in an instant, and there was a snow and ice void in the surrounding space.

"I am sending you to the battleship on the island of Kowloon, and walking on this snowy road, I will not let you die." The crowd screamed at the crowd, and the empty snow road spread, as if a snowy void had condensed.

"Well?" The crowd looked stiff and looked back at Lin Feng. Can this person send them to the battleship on Kowloon Island?

"You only believe me, otherwise it is a dead end." Lin Feng said indifferently, those people look solid, watching the snow road that spread to the Kowloon Island battleship.

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