Peerless Martial God

Chapter 985: Late night dragon

"It seems that something is going to happen..//The fastest update of 78 novels //" The singularity of the huge scorpion seems to be a little exciting.

"This guy, it seems that the more things are less and less honest." Lin Feng looked at the strange excitement of the darkness, perhaps this is a chance, he sees the opportunity.

"Brother, what was the shadow of the moonlight just now, so terrible." At this time, Lin Feng's voice came behind him, and Lin Feng turned his eyes and couldn't help but look at it.

An acquaintance, Lin Feng actually recognized the two behind.

These two figures come from the sky, a man and a woman, men handsome, beautiful women, temperament is quite extraordinary.

"Hua Xiong!" Lin Feng shouted at the man, letting the other side look a stiff, then carefully looked at Lin Feng's eyes, it seems not familiar, and then, Hua Changfeng looked at Lin Feng's mount, the beast was strange, he The pupil can't help but slam!

"Lin brother?" Hua Changfeng shouted indefinitely. Lin Feng and his understanding of the past used another face.

"It's me." Lin Feng nodded with a smile, and suddenly let Hua Changfeng gaze, it turned out to be true.

"Lin brother, I know that you will come to the eight wilderness, I did not expect this to be met." Hua Changfeng smiled and looked very surprised, the two met in the dry domain, met in the eight wilderness, this is really rare, Moreover, after Lin Feng’s grand meeting of Wan Zong’s meeting that day, he also knew the identity of Lin Feng. I didn’t expect Lin Feng, who was so eager to take it, even pretending to be in front of them.

"It is very coincident, where is the Chinese brother going?" Lin Feng asked Hua Changfeng.

"It is here, Wuzhen!" Hua Changfeng smiled and let Lin Feng see it, Wuzhen, is there really something going to happen here?

"Lin brother, I have heard about what you have done in Tianchi. I have to let the people of the Wanzong Congress escape and even get rid of the arm of the uncle, but I have not witnessed it." Hua Changfeng laughed. Once, the former Wanzong Congress besieged Tianchi. Because of Yu Yu’s sake, he did not participate. Yu Yu and Tian Lin’s son were together. He did not have any meaning to participate.

"Lucky!" Lin Feng smiled casually.

“Lucky?” Hua Changfeng laughed and said nothing, Lin Feng’s screaming of the Wanzong Assembly even led to a terrible killing of the squad, killing many of the powerful giants of the ancestral ancestral gates, and then disappeared into the crowd. Later, he appeared in Tianchi, and then confessed to the horror method, so that the people of Wanzong’s assembly left, and there were countless deaths and injuries. Hua Changfeng has not forgotten the figure of Lin Feng. In the dry field, Lin Feng did give him one, one dry. The youth of the field, even stirred up such a terrible storm, the disciples of the Emperor Wu are not in the eye.

"Right, Huaxi, this Wuzhen, how do I feel that there are many strong people coming here, do you know what is going to happen?" Lin Feng asked Hua Changfeng.

"Know some, these days, there are indeed a lot of strong people coming here, some of my brothers also came to visit, Lin brother is also interested?" Do not jump words. Hua Changfeng smiled.

"I want to know one or two."

"Then tell me Lin brother, in Wuzhen, someone heard the sound of the night long dragon!" Hua Changfeng did not conceal anything, this time Wuzhen has already spread out, it is no secret, tell Lin Feng nothing.

"Deep-night dragon!" Lin Feng's eyes are stiff, the country where the previous life was, the dragon is the totem, and now in the world, the dragon is a beast, belonging to the beast, but it is an extremely powerful monster.

According to legend, the dragon and the emperor seem to have an inexplicable connection. Lin Feng also read some records in ancient books. The demon dragon grows up and can become a demon emperor, a human-like emperor, a dragon, a demon king.

In this Wuzhen, someone actually heard the late night dragonfly, which is really terrible.

"Is it possible to get it wrong, why would others be sure?" Lin Fengdao.

"Impossible. There are many people who have come to Wuzhen recently. It is said that several of them will hear late night dragons in the middle of the night." Hua Changfeng said affirmatively: "And even the specific location knows." ”

"The specific location knows." Lin Feng looks a stagnation, there is actually a sound of dragons, this does not mean that the demon kings may appear, it is no wonder that there will be many strong people coming.

"But I just came here to join in the fun, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the Emperor of the Emperor, I and some of my brothers went to congratulate, and also looked at this grand hall, passing through Wuzhen, seeing it because of the late night dragon There are a lot of strong people coming from, and I say that some of my brothers are very powerful, so I am just a bystander."

Hua Changfeng said with a chuckle, although there are late night dragons, but they can only stand by and watch, seemingly indifferent, and why not have a helplessness, no intervention.

Lin Feng heard Hua Changfeng’s nod. He also realized that Hua Changfeng was a disciple of the Emperor Wu. It should be another Wu Emperor in the eight wildernesses. Now Shihuang and Emperor Huang recruited the first batch of Emperor Wu’s disciples. It is also normal for Hua Changfeng and his brother to come to congratulate.

"Lin brother, look over there!" At this time, Hua Changfeng's finger pointed to a distant place, Lin Feng looked away, with the moonlight, faintly can see there seems to have a tower.

"This tower is called Utta. It is said that it is named because it is very attractive to crows. There are often crows standing on Uta. Uuta is surrounded by Wujiang River. The water of Wujiang River is black, and there is still a shortage of water. The atmosphere, I do not know how to make it, I want to go to Utta, only from the Wujiang River, the late night dragon, it is said to be from the place where Utta is."

Hua Changfeng explained to Lin Feng that Lin Feng was a little surprised, Wujiang, there would be a waste of breath.

"The ridiculous sea is made up of the ancient battlefield. This Wujiang has a breath of desert, and it was once an ancient battlefield, which made the souls smear." Lin Feng whispered.

"Maybe." Hua Changfeng smiled and said: "Some people guessed this way, but some people said that there are horrible strong people who have realized the power of the wild, and then went to practice here, making the entire Wujiang River feel the scent of the wild, but specific It is not known which kind of situation."

"For Lin Xiong, although you have crossed the wild sea and came to the eight wilderness, I am afraid that it is in the battleship. I have not really felt the scent of the wild. In this Wujiang River, the power of the wasteland is not too strong. We are going to wander. Take a look at Utta by the way, how?"

Hua Changfeng made another noise. It is natural to think that Lin Feng is a deserted sea by a warship. He could not have imagined that Lin Feng not only felt the scent of the wild, but also sneaked into the wilderness, and even swallowed the power of the wild. .

Lin Feng naturally cannot tell Hua Changfeng about this kind of thing. The power of the wild will be a kind of strong card for him. He can't be easily exposed, otherwise he will probably be arrested for research.

"I am also doing this!" Lin Feng said with a smile, directly under the Hua Changfeng.

The two men smiled and flicked together toward the land of Wujiang. After a while, they came to the Wujiang River.

The water of Wujiang River is not black, but very clear, and is completely different from the wilderness, but as Hua Changfeng said, Wujiang, indeed, reveals the scent of the wild.

However, this breath of absurdity has no effect on Lin Feng. If he opens the demon sea, he can easily swallow it.

Hua Changfeng reached out and waved, and suddenly there was a small boat above the Wujiang River.

"Lin brother, please!" Hua Changfeng reached out and led, and then three people and one demon ran into the ship, swaying in the direction of Wujiang, heading toward Utta.

"The smell of this wilderness is far less than that of the wilderness, but it can still affect the martial arts. The people of the lower-order Tianwu generally do not dare to come here. Of course, Lin Xiong is very human. Even if it is stronger, it will not affect it. Lin brother." Hua Changfeng saw that if nothing had happened, Lin Feng said with a chuckle.

"Hua brother is the same." Lin Feng laughed and said.

In the void, another figure flew past. Hua Changfeng looked up at the figure and smiled low: "Nothing is idle, why not taste the scent of the water of Wujiang!"

The boat was slow and slowly swaying towards Utta. Lin Feng was lying on the boat and seemed to be very comfortable.


In the sound of the abrupt sound of the abrupt introduction into the eardrum, Lin Feng's body trembled fiercely, and he was so shocked that he sat up in an instant, and his blood tumbling as if he had to rush out of the body.

"Lin brother, what's wrong?" Hua Changfeng saw Lin Feng's huge reaction, and asked doubtfully. ‘Lin Feng’s image is not like he’s heard, the blood is still boiling and boiling, like a roaring roar!

Late at night, dragons!

Ps: Sixth, crying and asking for flowers makes me happy!

(six more)

(six more)

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