Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1211: Wuhun! Finally awakened!

The fierceness and murderousness in that gaze seemed to be condensed into substance, overwhelming.

This momentum alone made many people breathless and their faces flushed.

The Golden Armored Bear has a low voice: "Three thousand years ago, our three brothers lived well in this big lake, but they were caught by your ancestor of the Ziyang Sword Field and imprisoned under Broken Blade Peak."

"For three thousand years, for three thousand years, we don't see the sky, and we suffer from pain every day!"

"See you in the past three thousand years. Every day and night, I have sworn a poisonous oath. As long as I go out, I will definitely wash the Ziyang Sword Field!"

"Kill all the disciples he left behind and destroy the foundation he left behind!"

He opened his arms and roared to the sky, extremely happy: "Today, my wish is finally realized!"

"Old thing, I will destroy everything you left today, and you will definitely not be peaceful under Jiuquan."

The voice was full of resentment. After speaking, the three giant beasts roared and roared together!

The green lizard suddenly spoke, making a strange smile: "Brother, do it!"

The giant golden bear roared: "Okay, do it!"

As he said, he suddenly rushed towards the many disciples in Ziyang Sword Field, slamming both fists fiercely, two small hill-like fists directly fell down, with infinite power.

This fist hits it, I'm afraid it will have millions of catties!

Faced with this punch, no disciple of Ziyang Sword Field dared to take it hard.

Those disciples fled in all directions.

The fist slammed to the ground, and no one was hit.

However, the corner of the golden armor bear's mouth showed a smug smile.

After the fist hit the ground, there was a bang, and two huge pits appeared on the ground instantly.

The ground hundreds of meters around was all twisted, like twists twisted by people, crazily twisted.

The invisible shock wave suddenly spread to the surroundings, and the screams suddenly sounded.

But all the disciples hit by the shock wave were frozen for a moment, and then there was a bang in the next moment, directly exploding into countless blood mist.

With this move, hundreds of Ziyang Jianchang disciples were killed!

The three great monsters rushed into the Ziyang sword field disciples, killing frantically.

In an instant, thousands of disciples died at his hands.

At this time, a sharp look flashed in Long Houshui's eyes, and he was very dissatisfied with the three of them.

He didn't want to do it now, but the three of them did it, and he had to do it.

He also had to yell softly: "Kill!"

Having said that, the seven masters of Shenlong taught the soul condensing realm, and they killed Yin Ruqing and the others.

But Long Houshui directly confronted Yin Ruthless, and in a blink of an eye, the battle group was chaotic to the extreme, and it was so dark.

The screams of screams continued to sound, and the incomparably powerful force, wantonly horizontally and horizontally, confronted each other.

The entire Tongtian Peak trembles violently from time to time, and then the next moment, another violent tremor comes, and even the entire mountain peak will be bombarded as short as one meter!

Suddenly, with a bang, the golden armored giant bear was heavily bombed and flew out, hitting the hall, directly knocking down this gorgeous hall.

The hall was smashed and the giant golden bear was buried directly in it.

Yin Ruthless stood there, slowly retracted his palm, calming the surging Qi and blood.

At this time, a stern shout came from behind: "Old stuff, die!"

Long Houshui's fists slammed into Yin Ruoqing's back, and Yin Ruoqing turned his head back and greeted him with his fists.

However, he has not recovered from the powerful consumption of flying the giant golden bear just now.

At this moment, he was also directly shot into the air, and over there, another Shenlong Cult master saw the opportunity and sneaked towards the ruthless side.

At this time, Master Zixia rushed out from the side, struck fiercely with a punch, and fought with this person again.

The battle group is chaotic.

Originally, with the strength of Ziyang Sword Field, he could definitely hold the upper hand and suppress the Shenlong Sect.

However, the Shenlong Sect has three great monsters to help out, and the strength has been directly doubled.

You know, among the three great monsters, the worst is the eighth rank spirit beast, which is equivalent to the four-level master of the soul condensing state.

And the strength of Ziyang Sword Field surpassed the four levels of Soul Condensation Realm, only Liao Liao and two!

Although Long Houshui's strength is not comparable to Yin and Ruthless, he has reached the fifth level of Soul Condensation Realm!

He, the giant golden bear, the cyan lizard, and the two big monsters together besieged Yin Ruthless, and suppressed Yin Ruthlessly.

Although Yin Ruqing was not defeated for the time being, he was also unable to attack others!

At this time, Chen Feng and Ming Lan were at the center of the storm.

Around them, the power of rage rushed wantonly, and it was possible to kill both of them at any time.

Suddenly at this time, a master of the Shenlong Sect looked towards this side and patted Chen Feng with ease, and Chen Feng was about to come to the end.

Seeing this scene, Ming Lan let out a stern shout, desperately surging her little power that can be mobilized, and flew in the sky, directly blocking Chen Feng.

With a bang, Ming Lan was blasted into the air, vomiting blood, and there were many broken bones on her body.

Chen Feng let out an anxious shout: "First seat!"

"Dare to block Lao Tzu's way?" The master Shenlong taught a grin, walked towards Minglan, punched hard and shot out.

Seeing the next moment, Minglan was about to die under his men.

Minglan turned to look at Chen Feng, a sad smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if she was saying something softly.


At this moment, Chen Feng felt that he could see nothing and hear nothing.

At this moment, the shouts of killing and screams all disappeared.

At this moment, there was only a thick layer of blood in his eyes.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Time seemed to stand still, and Chen Feng seemed to be in a wonderful space, and then the next moment, suddenly, before Chen Feng, the radiance was extremely bright.

I saw that two huge lotus flowers appeared in front of him, one of pure gold color, and one shining blue light.

Then, the two lotus flowers began to bloom at a very fast speed.

The petals peel off layer by layer.

With a bang, the golden and cyan rays of light shined.

It seems that at this moment, only these two rays of light are left in the entire world.

Everyone was illuminated by the light, almost unable to open their eyes, and stopped fighting involuntarily, covering their eyes with their hands.

At the same time, their gazes also looked towards the place where the cyan and golden light radiated.

When they saw it clearly, their faces were extremely shocked.

I saw that the golden light turned into a huge golden pillar that was 200 meters high and more than ten meters in diameter.

At this time, this huge golden pillar, like a giant pillar supporting the sky, stood proudly on the spot, as if to penetrate the sky and the earth.

And that cyan light turned into a cyan behemoth.

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