Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1317: Chongguan angrily as a beauty!

"After all, although you are strong, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Lu family."

She thought for a while, and whispered in Lu Shengyue's ear.

Hearing the words Chen Feng, Lu Shengyue's eyes suddenly widened, and there seemed to be flames in his eyes about to spray out, and he whispered:

"He is Chen Feng? Chen Feng from the Crazy Battle Academy who killed my two sons?"

"Yes." Su Na said softly: "It's him!"

"Okay, Chen Feng, you don't go to heaven, and there is no way to hell. You broke in. I was thinking about how to find you. You came here by yourself. If I don't kill you today, I will not be a human being!"

Su Na giggled and said, "Patriarch, just killing him like this is too cheap for him, right?"

"Not as good as us..."

She whispered a few words in Lu Shengyue's ear.

Lu Shengyue was very proud and laughed loudly: "Okay, your method is wonderful!"

Then, he clapped his hands and said loudly, "Go and bring her up."

"Yes!" The few people seemed to know who he was referring to, and immediately responded and turned to the back hall.

Soon, these guards came back, and they also brought a person, this is a slim woman, wearing a veil, can not see her age.

She seems to be injured, walking very slowly, frowning from time to time, in pain.

As soon as she appeared, Chen Feng's breathing stopped, because he was so familiar with this figure.

It was Luo Zilan!

Luo Zilan obviously didn't see Chen Feng, there was no focus in his eyes, only despair.

Even the pain was gone, he walked to Lu Shengyue like a walking dead.

Lu Shengyue laughed and said, "Ugly slave, you face everyone and take off your veil."

Chou Nu turned around and took off his veil very docilely.

And when she took off the veil, the moment she saw her appearance, everyone's faces showed shocked expressions and took a breath.

In the next moment, this shocked expression turned into extreme disgust and deep hatred.

"My God, how can there be such a ugly person in this world?"

"This ugly monster, after being watched by others, will be a nightmare at night, it is disgusting!"

Everyone whispered.

At this time, after Chen Feng saw clearly, his whole body was cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

This person is Luo Zilan.

But at this time, Luo Zilan's beautiful face was completely destroyed.

Her face was like being bitten by countless poisonous insects, giving birth to countless red and green bumps, and she couldn't even see her face. Her facial features were squeezed together, and her face was pulled into a ball. It was extremely ugly!

After one glance, it was really unwilling to take another second glance.

Chen Feng's eyes widened, and he whispered in disbelief: "Sister Luo, Sister Luo, why did you become like this?"

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, Lu Shengyue laughed, full of pleasure of revenge.

He looked at the crowd, smiled and said: "Actually, you are an ugly monster, but you are a beautiful and beautiful woman!"

"Speaking bluntly, I'm afraid they are more beautiful than all the women here."

Then someone immediately asked intriguingly: "Then how did he become like this?"

Lu Shengyue showed a cold expression on her face, and said with a cold voice: "He is a gift from a sect, and this bitch, I want her to serve me, but she can't resist."

"So, I asked him to choose one, or I would serve me, or I would press her face into the pit of insects."

"In this worm poison pit, there are tens of thousands of various poisonous insects, haha, in the end, this **** actually chose the latter!"

He tweeted twice and said with sarcasm: "It's really love and justice, but unfortunately, I don't know if your little lover sees you like this in the future, will he still want you?"

While speaking, he glanced at Chen Feng intentionally or unintentionally!

Luo Zilan's body trembled violently when she heard this, and her eyes were numb with extreme pain.

Obviously, for her, being abandoned by her lover is more pain than disfigurement.

Su Na chuckled and said, "It certainly won't, you men, isn't it just the faces of our women?"

"This ugly monster, now I'm throwing it to the side of the road, I'm afraid the beggar won't want to look at him, how could that person still like her?"

Luo Zilan trembled, two lines of clear tears quietly fell in her eyes.

Chen Feng's heart trembled as he was struck by lightning.

Suddenly he stood up and shouted: "You guys! Damn it all!"

The anger that Chen Feng had accumulated to the present finally broke out at this moment!

Chen Feng, completely furious!

Furious, for the beauty!

Chen Feng's complexion was extremely cold, and there was flame burning in his eyes.

At this moment, only a blood-red color was left in front of his eyes.


"Kill!" There was only one word in his mind now.

Turn these murdered sister Luo into such a person, and kill them all!

The Dragon Sword was dragged to the ground, plowing a deep gully into the ground!

There was a hint of trickery in Lu Shengyue's eyes. After all, Chen Feng was his guest, and he couldn't act rashly.

At this time, Chen Feng took the initiative to attack, and he had a good reason to kill Chen Feng!

He yelled at Chen Feng, "Who are you? How dare to make trouble in my Lu's house? Get out!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you immediately!"

Chen Feng seemed to have not heard, his eyes were cold, and he continued to move forward.

Lu Shengyue smiled triumphantly and was about to order the murder.

At this time, after Luo Zilan heard the sound, she turned around suddenly.

She saw Chen Feng.

Suddenly, Luo Zilan let out a pleasant cheer: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, is it really you?"

There was a surprise on her face. But this surprise just emerged, and suddenly disappeared, turning into a strong inferiority complex, fear, and sorrow.

She quickly put the veil on and turned around, not daring to let Chen Feng see herself again.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng felt extremely distressed.

At this moment, Su Moran's eyes flashed with joy.

He said in his heart: "Chen Feng, take this opportunity to kill you!"

He strode out immediately, stopped in front of Chen Feng, coldly scolded: "Chen Feng, what are you doing?"

"When you were a guest of the Lu family, you actually made trouble in the Lu family? If you dare to step forward, believe it or not, I just killed you?"

Those noble children were immediately excited.

"Haha. I can see that Su Moran has made a move. He is a six-level soul condensing master. Isn't it easy to kill this waste that just entered the soul condensing state?"

"That's right, I'm afraid he can kill Chen Feng with a finger."

Chen Feng kept walking and continued to stride forward.

(This is the update of No. 3.13. This is the fourth chapter of today. It is in the desperate code word. There is another chapter tonight)

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