Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1728: Entrance! found it! (Seventh burst)

The strength of this man is quite powerful, and he has resisted the attack of dozens of masters of the nirvana knife gate for a while!

The four great elders slowly approached the pile of rocks, and when they were hundreds of meters away, they suddenly blasted and the pile of rocks exploded.

Amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a figure slowly walked out.

This figure is tall, and it is Duan Fusheng.

Seeing that Duan Fusheng was okay, Mrs. Duan and Duan Wanqing both gave out pleasant cheers. At this time, Duan Fusheng had a strange expression on his face, without sadness or joy, and very calm.

But there was a deep sense of incomprehension and intense anger in his eyes.

He looked at the four great elders and asked slowly: "Why are you attacking me? You are the following crime, you are a rebellion!"

In this way of the world, everyone also gave up.

Qiu Nutao shouted loudly: "Yes, we are rebelling, so what?"

"Why?" Duan Fusheng uttered these three words with great difficulty.

"Why are you still asking? You have to ask yourself! Nirvana Knife Sect, for thousands of years, the position of the head has been hereditary by your Duan family. People of your Duan family can practice the most brilliant martial arts and have the most Resources, but what about us? Those of us can only pick up what you don’t use!"


"Your wife, arrogant and domineering, reprimanding us is like reprimanding a servant! Your daughter, who has not done anything and is low in strength, dares to be disrespectful to us!"


"We've had enough. This time, the four of us joined forces to destroy your Duan family!"

Duan Fusheng murmured: "It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this."

He suddenly raised his head and said fiercely: "You are the sword gate of destruction and destruction!"

"No, it will only be your Duan family that will be destroyed, and it has nothing to do with Jiniie Daomen!" Qiu Nutao said coldly, "Don't think that the Jiuye Dao cannot be maintained without your Duan family. Tell you, we four The family will maintain the nirvana knife gate well!"

Duan Fusheng showed a look of extreme disdain, and said contemptuously: "Just the four of you? How can He De? Who has the ability to be in this position!"

The anger in his eyes was puzzled, and even the slightest grievance disappeared, and what was left was just killing intent.

There was a hideous look at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered: "Since you want to die, since you want to destroy the Silenced Sword Gate, then I can only destroy you!"

Qiu Nutao said coldly: "Then you also want you to have this kind of strength!"

Duan Fusheng said coldly: "Do you really think I, the head of the nirvana swordsman, gave it to me for nothing?"

His momentum rose wildly, and then the next moment, his figure flashed, he appeared directly in front of the four great elders, and punched each of them!

Every punch is extremely tyrannical, like a big mountain hitting it down.

The four great elders all changed their colors. They all felt that the move in front of them was extremely powerful, and they used the strongest moves to resist.

The four people were actually beaten out several tens of meters at the same time, and their faces turned pale.

An elder with the lowest strength was even more shocked with a muffled hum, vomiting blood!

Everyone was shocked: "The strength of this floating life is really too strong! The four great masters teamed up, and he was beaten so miserably by one move?"

Duan Fusheng yelled violently and rushed into the four elders.

In a blink of an eye, the five people are fighting together.

At this time, the entire hall was in a melee, and the masters of the Nirvana Swordsmen brought by the four great elders and the masters of the Nirvana Swordsmen who supported the head were killed.

In addition, the neutral people were swept in and had to fight.

Suddenly, the sound of killing in the hall was loud, and the only person in the hall who was not involved in the killing at this time was Chen Fengfeng, because no one put him in their eyes, and no one chose him as an opponent.

He walked quietly in the hall, avoiding the eyes of everyone, and started turning around the hall.

As he walked, he pressed his hand on the stone wall of the main hall, and a force of death of the King Kong spewed out from his palm and poured into the stone wall.

Chen Feng seems to be detecting something.

He quickly walked half a circle, and suddenly, when he reached a stone wall that seemed to be indistinguishable from other places, Chen Feng's hand suddenly stopped.

The figure trembled heavily, and a light of surprise burst into his eyes.

It turned out that he felt that after the power of Donkey Kong's death entered here, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had been swallowed by something.

At the next moment, at the position just now, another force of nirvana suddenly returned from inside, pouring into his body. This returned force of nirvana was greater than the force of nirvana that was swallowed by Chen Feng just now. After a thick circle, it becomes more refined.

Chen Feng was overjoyed: "This is definitely the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang!"

"The entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang is based on the power of nirvana. My power of nirvana responds in it, so here is the door!"

Chen Feng stopped here, slowly squatting down, looking for opportunities.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a loud roar from behind: "Kill!"

Then, there was the sound of force tearing the air.

Chen Feng's heart trembled, but he immediately judged that the murderous aura was definitely not aimed at him. Chen Feng glanced back and saw that two disciples of the Nirvana Sect were entangled in a fierce killing attack.

A disciple blasted out with a punch, his strength was extremely powerful, his opponent was obviously unable to resist, he was directly hit the chest and abdomen with a punch, blood was sprayed, his body was broken, and his body was smashed into the air!

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved. He pretended to be flustered and quickly dodged, but he couldn't dodge at all, and was hit hard by the corpse that came over.

So Chen Feng also spouted a bit of blood, fell heavily, hit the rock wall, and then slowly slipped off.

He lay down on the ground, twitched a few times, and then he was motionless. Obviously, he had been smashed to death in the eyes of others.

The nirvana swordsman disciple didn't have any doubts, he let out a cold snort, and continued to attack other opponents.

And the body of the slain disciple of the nirvana swordsman fell on Chen Feng's body, providing him with cover!

Chen Feng lay on the ground, his eyes slightly opened, observing everything in this hall.

On another battlefield, the situation is clear.

Lost to the opponent, there were so many people, the eight mothers were killed one after another in a blink of an eye, and soon only two were left!

The two of them were no longer able to protect Duan Wanqing and Mrs. Duan. A dozen masters of the Silenced Swordsmen screamed fiercely towards Mrs. Duan and Duan Wanqing.

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