Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4340: Emperor Honglu!

As the soul slave waved his hands one after another, the nine pillars of lava, like giant fire dragons, swept wildly.

It was actually surrounding the soul slave and began to circle quickly!

Nine giant lava fire pillars hovered and danced, forming a huge and incomparable lava formation.

This lava method is extremely complicated.

Nine pillars of lava fire are intertwined, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

The huge lava circle hovered flat about a few hundred meters below the platform.

At this moment, the soul slave also paled and trembled all over.

Obviously, he is also very burdened, almost reaching the limit!

The next moment, the soul slave gave a soft drink.

Suddenly, this huge lava circle with a radius of 10,000 meters began to spin frantically.

The revolving movement is ancient and simple, full of antiquity.

No fancy, but very grand.

With the rotation of this huge lava circle, the endless lava poured down frantically.

Just like a waterfall, coming from above the nine heavens, it seems to fill this abyss.

The abyss is also illuminated.

And this lava circle turned faster and faster.

In the end, with the lava array as the center, a huge cyclone with a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters was formed like an upside down tornado.

It's just that for a normal tornado, the head of the wind is up to the sky.

But this tornado is completely upside down.

The end of the wind rolled towards the abyss.

A huge suction force surged along with the rotation of the vortex.

The suction is getting bigger and bigger, rushing to the depths of the abyss!

Suddenly, with a click, there was a clear metal crash in the depths of the abyss.

It seems that this huge suction power is to **** something out of the abyss!

With this sound, the soul slave's expression instantly became excited!

He screamed and waved his hands frantically. Suddenly, the suction power increased several times!

Keng Keng, the clear impact sound became dense and clear.

Obviously, that huge object was swept up by this continuous huge suction!

At this moment, the soul slave suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Feng!

He sneered and said: "Chen Feng, I know that you have an extraordinary background and profound background."

"The encounter in a lifetime is also very strange."

He looked at Chen Feng up and down: "Not only do you account for a trace of luck in this Dragon Vein Continent..."

Having said this, there was a strong look of jealousy in his eyes.

After a while, he said: "Moreover, there are many cards!"

"Just, you know, why do I know you have those hole cards, but don't you care?"


He laughed wildly, turned around suddenly, and pointed behind him: "Because of it!"

"Because it is there, because there is this heavenly emperor's red furnace, there is this heavenly emperor's red furnace, and it is ranked third on the mainland Profound Fire Ranking, Chiyan Earth's heart is hot!"

Chen Feng's heart jumped fiercely: "Chiyan Earth's heart is hot?"

Naturally, he had heard of this kind of profound fire. It was ranked third on the mainland's profound fire list. It was tempered from the most quintessential geocentric flame, extremely domineering!

"Under the flames of this Chiyan Earth, no matter what kind of powerful strength you are!"

"After entering, it must be alive and refined into the most original and pure power!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of strength you have!"

"It doesn't matter what hole cards you have!"

He stared at Chen Feng and laughed wildly and proudly: "You are dead!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise, and a huge black figure jumped out from the abyss!

After that, he hovered directly above the lava circle, spinning around!

Chen Feng looked down, and suddenly his heart jumped wildly.

This is actually a huge melting pot!

An alchemy furnace!

This huge alchemy furnace, the whole body is bronze, and it is covered with patina.

Just like dug out from the ruins millions of years ago, it is full of the mottled breath of time and the meaning of ancient desolation!

The soul slave laughed wildly: "Did you see it? This is my alchemy furnace! The Emperor's furnace!"

This alchemy furnace was different from all the alchemy furnaces Chen Feng had seen before.

The alchemy furnaces Chen Feng had seen before were mostly three-legged and round-eared.

But the height is smaller than the diameter, and they are all big belly.

This alchemy furnace is different.

Its height is three kilometers, and its diameter is only about kilometers.

It looks more like the kind of incense burner in the temple.

Hold the fire below and put medicine on the top.

This alchemy furnace is as huge as a mountain.

Its size is only seen in Chen Feng's life, giving people a huge sense of oppression and deterrence!

Extremely domineering!

And the size is not the point.

What's important is that this alchemy furnace is extremely powerful, tyrant the world!

It gave Chen Feng the feeling that he was not facing an alchemy furnace, but a top powerhouse!

Chen Feng was shocked in his heart: "The pressure of Emperor Honglu this day is second only to Xiahou Jiuyuan."

"Almost equal to the soul slave!"

As soon as the Emperor Honglu appeared on this day, all the flames in the huge array suddenly gathered together with a blast!

It rushed directly to the bottom of the Emperor's Furnace!

And above the Emperor's Furnace, countless black hole vortices appeared instantly.

The black hole vortex was spinning, as if it could absorb everything in, sending a huge suction force.

Masses of heaven and earth vitality were absorbed into it.

In an instant, all the vitality of the heaven and the earth was absorbed in a radius of thousands of miles!

Chen Feng's eyes flashed: "This Heavenly Emperor Honglu is so powerful, I am afraid it is one of the best on the Dragon Vein Continent."

"I am afraid that there is no such powerful alchemy furnace in the Alchemist Association, and its power can really be said to be at the level of heaven!"

"Use the power of the nine volcanoes as the flame, and absorb the vitality of the world in a radius of thousands of miles as fuel!"

"No wonder you can refine the Ninth-Rank Golden Core!"

At this time, the nine volcanoes, a steady stream of flame power, were absorbed into the magic circle.

Then, in the magic circle, it turned into the heart of the red flames and was absorbed by the Emperor Honglu!

The flame in the furnace of the Emperor of Heaven instantly became extremely hot and fierce, burning blazingly!

The temperature here has risen a lot.

At the same time, the lid of Emperor Hong's furnace rose slowly that day.

A huge and evil spirit suddenly descended upon Chen Feng and the three of them!

It seems that the Emperor Honglu this day is also full of covetous hearts for Chen Feng!

It seems that it wants to **** in Jiang Chenfeng and others to refine it!

At this moment, Chen Feng saw this scene, and saw the huge and incomparable Emperor Honglu!

Not only is there no despair in my heart, but the anger of death is on the contrary!

At this moment, there was a flame burning in his heart!

Unspeakable excitement and excitement!

He suddenly made a look of severely injured and weak, and fell on the stone platform with a bang.

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