Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4370: breakthrough! Five-star Emperor Wu!

Chen Feng felt in the dark that the reason for this situation was definitely related to the air transport from the Dragon Vein Continent that had entered his body before.

Because he knew very well that when he asked Bai Ruoxi for advice, Bai Ruoxi never mentioned such things.

This also means that, at least until the Six-Star Martial Emperor, this situation will never happen in the body!

"Then, why is this star condensed? What will it bring me?"

Chen Feng felt secretly that his own path of cultivation seemed to have undergone tremendous changes.

And this change is based on my current knowledge and the power system of the Dragon Vein Continent, which cannot be explained at all!

But now, it's not the time to think about this.

Obviously, if luck enters and the stars condense, it should be good for oneself.

And before Chen Feng recovered, the Yuehua-like power continued to pour into his body.

So, another round of stars slowly appeared.

However, this time it was not in Chen Feng's left hand, but in Chen Feng's right hand.

The power of Qi Luck has not stopped, and the power of Yuehua is still being drawn.

Then soon, a huge star condensed at the tip of Chen Feng's left arm!

At this time, Chen Feng felt that his power was almost beyond control!

Terribly strong!

The condensation still didn't stop, the next moment, another star condensed at the tip of Chen Feng's right arm!

This is already the fourth big star condensed in Chen Feng's body!

Then, the fifth star was quickly formed.

This time, it was at Chen Feng's left shoulder.

Then, the sixth star condensed on Chen Feng's right shoulder.

Then, finally, the seventh star slowly took shape!

The position of the seventh star is at the top of the spine, near the neck!

And if you look closely, you will find that the position of this star is parallel to the positions of the two stars on Chen Feng's left and right shoulders!

It just can be connected in a straight line!

At this time, Chen Feng had vaguely guessed something.

In his heart, he was full of surprises, and even more expectantly.

"I really want to know what will happen when these seven stars condense."

"Will it be the best ending I guessed?"

Finally, the seventh star in the upper part of the spine in Chen Feng's body was finally condensed!

When this seventh star, the moment when the condensing is completed!

In Chen Feng's body, light suddenly shined!

That Yuehua-like light instantly swept inside Chen Feng's body.

Then, overflowing in a crazy gesture, spinning around Chen Feng's body.

That Yuehua's power is so brilliant, radiant, and extremely brilliant!

Even within a few hundred meters of Chen Feng's surroundings, Yuehua's power had solidified, surging crazily, like waves!

Such a huge movement directly caused the Heaven Stealing God Pill to stop spinning.

Both Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang were interrupted in their cultivation, and stood up and looked at Chen Feng with shocked faces.

However, they can naturally see that Chen Fengfeng's body is full of internal strength, extremely vicious, and extremely surging!

This is a precursor to a breakthrough, at least not a bad thing.

Therefore, the two were not worried, but watched expectantly, waiting for that scene to happen.

In the next moment, Yuehua reclaimed violently.

All the power, fiercely, smashed into Chen Feng's body with a smash-like gesture!

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt a bang in his body, and a huge humming sounded.

Then, those seven stars shine brightly!

In the next moment, the seven stars are connected into one!


Chen Feng heard seven loud noises in his body.

It's as if the seven key points were opened instantly!

He couldn't help but stood up abruptly, screamed to the sky, his voice agitated, and the sound shook everywhere!

Chen Feng felt that in his arms, seven stars provided extremely powerful power!

That power surged in his arms, and then flowed through his body, unspeakably comfortable!

Within the body, all the dark illness injuries that were originally present were all recovered in an instant, and the whole person was extremely comfortable and lightness to the extreme!

Physical condition, perfect!

And his aura at this time is fundamentally different from just now.

More powerful than before, condensed and restrained, perfectly rounded!

It is more than one level stronger than just now!

Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes are like electricity!

The electric light was suddenly generated, and with a click, there was a huge thunderbolt in the sky, illuminating the desolate and bleak night!

When Chen Feng opened his eyes, there was lightning!

Moreover, such a huge lightning, not the kind of tiny lightning!

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang were full of surprises: "Breakthrough?"

Chen Feng laughed loudly, clenched his fists, and felt extremely happy: "Yes, I broke through!"

"I have already broken through to the five-star Wudi now!"

Five-star Emperor Wu!

Chen Feng had already broken through to the five-star Wudi state.

Moreover, he knew that he had gained a completely different power from before.

This Yuehua's power is a brand new and extremely terrifying powerful force that he has absorbed after he has absorbed the power of Qi Luck and merged with the power in the Heaven Stealing God Pill!

This is my own, no one else owns it!

This power is not only unique and rare, but most importantly, it is extremely powerful!

"This brand new power helped me break through to the five-star Wudi, and it gave me unparalleled and powerful!"

Chen Feng took a breath.

At this moment, he felt a sense of surprise.

He knew that he had already embarked on a completely different path from other Wudi strong men.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "The way I walk has always been different from others!"

"But, I know at least a little bit!"

"My way is the grand road!"

"My road may be the most difficult road, but it is also the brightest road in the future!"

What made Chen Feng most happy was not just that he had broken through to the five-star Wudi!

But he could feel the seven stars in his body shining brightly.

The power of those seven stars, the power of Yuehua, circulated wildly in Chen Feng's body, bringing him extremely powerful power!

Chen Feng suddenly exhaled, shouted, and slammed his punch!

Hit directly on the thousand-meter-high mountain next to it!

Suddenly, he went all over his body, and there was a burst of joints!

Seven stars in the body shine brightly at the same time!

Above the seven big stars, countless bright lights lit up, and the seven powers instantly gathered in Chen Feng's right fist!

The bright moonlight shines like water!

At this moment, it seems to be better than the bright moon that day!

With this punch, Chen Feng smashed the stone mountain!

There was a muffled noise at first, and then a loud clacking noise, all over the mountain.

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