Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4382: You said it, it doesn't count!

"All of this, you have already planned!"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "That's right."



"For thousands of years, you can count me like this, you are the first!"

Although the soul slave was still smiling, the hatred was almost squeezed out between the teeth.


He stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Feng, with a look of gaze, like a ruling: "Everything is over!"

"Now, I will kill you and refine your soul! I will dig out all your secrets!"

As if he was emphasizing something, he repeated it again: "Now, everything is over!"

"everything is over?"

Chen Feng's eyes seemed a little blank, and he muttered to himself.

In his heart, a voice slowly sounded:

"Soul slave, it's just time for your trump card to be opened!"

"Now, time is almost there!"

He looked down, but saw a small grass at his feet.

This little grass was still green and full of vitality several hours ago.

Now, it was withered to the extreme, gray and black, withered and dilapidated.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Time is almost there."

Then, he suddenly raised his head, and he saw the soul slave who was slowly approaching him.

The soul slave who had paid a great price and returned to the realm of Emperor Wudi of Eight Stars!

Facing the soul slave of the Eight-Star Wudi realm, Chen Feng is definitely not an opponent!

If the soul slave wants to kill him, Chen Feng can't resist three moves!

Within three strokes, you will die!

But Chen Feng had never thought of blocking this soul slave by himself!

"Just now you said, everything is over?"


Chen Feng looked at the soul slave and suddenly grinned: "Is it over? You said it, it doesn't count!"

"I said it!"

The next moment, he retreated suddenly, raised his arms, and shouted: "Wooden armored soldier, come out!"

The next moment, following Chen Feng's roar, behind him, there was a sudden violent tremor in the mountain col.

Then, with the tremor, a huge suction force surged fiercely.

This suction is so huge that several people are a little unable to stand up.

Almost the body is about to sink into this ground!

This suction is coming from deep underground.

The soul slave exclaimed: "This is?"

Chen Feng knew what was going on.

This is the suction from the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, coming from the deepest part of the earth vein!

The previous suction power of Qibao Yuanyang Shendou was confined to the depths of the ground, without any notice on the surface.

But now, the suction power has suddenly increased hundreds of times.

In a posture that is almost exhausted and fishing, it absorbs fiercely.

Chen Feng saw that in the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, there were countless ground dragons and waves.

This land with a radius of tens of thousands of miles seemed to have turned into a sea, causing countless stormy waves!

It's just that the stormy waves are not made of water, but made up of countless land and mountains!

The surrounding mountains are overturning, one by one collapsed.

Above the ground, numerous huge rift valleys appeared.

It's like the end of the world!

Chen Feng and the others couldn't stand up and flew up one after another.

At this time, the waves above the ground are getting bigger and bigger.

Chen Feng even saw that several hills were directly lifted off by the huge waves that this soil turned into.

Threw it in the air, and then fell down fiercely.

Several mountains were broken!

And suddenly the next moment, the huge movement that shook tens of thousands of miles disappeared.

With a fierce, it seemed as if it had frozen, and would not move again.

However, at this time, the earth here has completely changed color.

Although it was black before, it was the black of the fertile volcanic ash.

Inside is full of the power of the earth veins.

But at this time, the radius of 30,000 li is all turned into a piece of scorched earth.

Dry and white, without any vitality.

Obviously, the power of this tens of thousands of miles has been absorbed and clean, like a ruin.

And what was sucked dry was not just the power of the earth veins.

The plants growing on it all withered.

This land of 30,000 miles, all the power, all the power of the veins, and even all the vitality, have been absorbed cleanly!

How terrifying is this power?

At the same time, everyone suddenly heard a loud sound.

The voice was very deep and powerful.

Bang bang bang!

Time after time.

And as this sound rang, the air also remembered the sound like sea water flowing.

Shattered, like a big river rushing.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's heart moved!

"Isn't this the sound of heartbeat plus the sound of blood flowing?"

"What kind of creature is that, the heartbeat sound is so loud? The blood flow is like a big river?"

The soul slave also stared at Chen Feng and said coldly: "Chen Feng, what are you doing?"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge and violent roar suddenly sounded.

With a loud bang, the entire col trembled!

The entire valley is almost to be blown up, and the mountain peak is almost to be blown up.

Then, there was a few sounds of heavy objects landing.

Then, everyone heard that the huge heartbeat and the sound of blood flow just now became clearer and more powerful!

Then heavy footsteps quickly approached here.

After that, everyone could not help but look back.

At the moment they turned their heads, several huge figures slowly walked out from the corner of the mountain col!

After everyone saw it, they were all surprised.

The huge figure that came out had seven realms in total.

Each huge figure is about ten meters tall, and the width of the body is almost ten meters.

The body is as wide as the door, and the shoulder width is almost the same as the height.

It looks extremely strong and strong.

It's the wooden armor!

The seven wooden armored soldiers who came out, all over their bodies, muscles knotted, full of explosive power.

It gives people the feeling of being extremely strong!

Above their bodies, they wore a thick layer of golden armor, golden helmets, and a huge dark green cloak behind them.

And the looks of the seven of them are like carved out of a mold, hard and fierce!

This turned out to be seven huge and powerful wooden armor soldiers.

But if you look closely, you will find that whether it is their explosive and powerful muscles, or their golden light outside is extremely heavy, it looks extremely strong and heavy armor.

Even the huge dark green cloak behind them is actually all made of wood.

That's right, all have very obvious wooden texture!

However, this wood texture is obviously very unusual.

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