Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4399: Chen Feng, I'm here to kill you!

The golden-winged dragon eagle had an extremely enjoyable expression on his face, and his body twisted.

He seemed very happy with his compliment.

If it were for someone else, seeing that he shot down the Qingluan Ruyizhou at this time, it would be a little bit proud.

But his expression did not change at all, he was still extremely indifferent.

His eyes fixed on that Qingluan Ruyizhou.

Even, there is no hatred on his face, some are just murderous!

Yes, there is no hatred, only murder!

It seems that he just wanted to kill that person.

Who is this guy?

Why kill?

It doesn't matter!

The next moment, Qingluan Ruyizhou smashed to the ground fiercely, directly smashing a rocky mountain to pieces.

Then, it hit the ground hard.

The area where Qingluan Ruyi Boat fell was a huge mountain grassland.

There are thousands of miles in the radius, and dense forests are all around.

And this time naturally made Chen Feng wake up.

He regained consciousness in an instant, and stood up straight.

Then, my thoughts flashed.

Suddenly, Qingluan Ruyizhou, who was almost out of control, slowly circled twice and landed on the ground!

Although Chen Feng had just calculated the soul slave and Xiahou Jiuyuan, the top masters of the two dragon veins, he was not arrogant.

He knows very well that all of this does not mean that his own strength is really comparable to the two of them!

Chen Feng suddenly raised his head, his eyes gleaming, and he looked up the sky.

He saw the huge golden-winged dragon eagle above the sky, and faintly saw a person standing high above the head of the huge golden-winged dragon eagle.

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang were a little flustered.

Han Yuer was even more apologetic: "Junior Brother, sorry, I..."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "It's none of your business."

"The strength of the comer is so strong that it is not something you can handle at all."

"Relax, we'll be fine!"

He could tell from this glance that the huge golden winged dragon eagle above the sky was extremely powerful.

At least it is equivalent to Six-Star Wudi.

While Chen Feng was staring at this young man who looked like a beast, the young man's eyes also fell on Chen Feng fiercely.

The eyes of the two collided.

Chen Feng's eyes were gentle and peaceful, with some thoughtfulness.

And in the eyes of this savage young man, there was only one word: kill!

It seems that he was born to kill Chen Feng,

The extreme killing intent caused Chen Feng to frown.

"I don't remember, when there was such an enemy."

Moreover, what Chen Feng feels most strange is that this person has only murderous intent towards his emotions, but no hatred.

In other words, he wants to kill himself, but in fact he doesn't hate himself.


Chen Feng swept his gaze under the brutal young man, who was huge, like a golden-winged dragon eagle covering the sky and the sun.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind.

He vaguely guessed something, but he was not sure.

Chen Feng looked at the brutal young man with a smile in his eyes: "It seems that things are getting more and more interesting!"

"I can't tell, your potential strength is stronger than I thought!"

The brutal youth stared at Chen Feng and finally spoke.

His voice was hoarse: "Are you Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng nodded lightly: "Who are you?"

The savage young man slowly uttered four words: "Heavenly cruel beast slave!"

"Tiancan beast slave?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

He originally had a guess in his mind, but at this time, the name of the'Tianchou Beast Slave' made his guess a step deeper.

He had a leisurely look and smiled lightly with his arms folded: "You are from Ten Thousand Beast Islands, are you here to avenge Murongguan?"

If it were someone else, Chen Feng would explain his own history.

Either surprised or irritated.

But this day the beast slaves reacted completely differently.

He just nodded very sincerely, without any fluctuations in his emotions, and said, "Yes, I am from Ten Thousand Beast Islands."

"According to the orders of the three beast gods, come and avenge Murongguan!"

Ten Thousand Beast Islands!

Beast God Messenger!

These eight words smashed into Chen Feng's mind fiercely.

Ten Thousand Beast Islands, he was not surprised.

In fact, just now, Chen Feng had roughly guessed that the cruel beast slaves on this day most likely came from the Ten Thousand Beast Islands.

However, the four words ‘Beast God’s Messenger’ made Chen Feng a very strange feeling.

"Beast **** messenger?"

"What kind of special origin do these people in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands come from? They dare to call themselves the messengers of the beast gods? Do they really exist?"

"What kind of existence is this so-called beast god? What level of strength has it reached?"

In an instant, these thoughts emerged from Chen Feng's mind.

Then he smiled freely: "What do you want to do so much, and capture the cruel beast of this day, will you ask everything then?"

The Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng and said very seriously again:

"Chen Feng, I'm here to kill you."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, raised his hand, pointed at him, and slowly said: "What did you use to kill me?"

When Chen Feng said this, his expression was very calm and indifferent.

He didn't mean the slightest arrogance, and he didn't need that.

In his words, there is strong confidence!

Because Chen Feng has such qualifications and such strength!

Because Chen Feng is the first person in the younger generation of the nine major forces!

This sentence didn't make the Heavenly Demon Beast Slave angry either.

He is still very calm, it seems that there is no such feeling of anger in him.

He is extremely calm and possesses the ultimate murderous intent!

"Chen Feng, I actually want to thank you."

The voice of Tianchou beast slave sounded again.

He looked at Chen Feng with a grateful expression on his face: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would never leave that ghost place in my life."

"In this life, it is impossible to see the Dragon Vein Continent!"

He stood up, looked down around him, his face was fascinated.

"The Ten Thousand Beast Islands, desolate and lonely, extremely cold."

"This Dragon Vein Continent is so beautiful, too..."

He seems to want to say a few more adjectives, but the language is somewhat lacking.

His lips trembled a few times, but did not say anything.

He scratched his hair and smiled embarrassedly.

At this moment, there was the innocence of the unspeakable youth on his face.

Chen Feng looked at him with interest.

When Tiancun Beast Slave said the word ‘grateful’ to Chen Feng, his expression was very sincere.

Obviously, he was really grateful to Chen Feng in his heart, not a mockery.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "I also know what's going on!"

"This person is actually an extremely simple person at heart."

"If you say kill, kill. Saying gratitude is also grateful, but his gratitude to me does not prevent him from killing me."

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