Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4420: The beast **** messenger is dispatched!

"He went to kill Chen Feng and got his hands full. How could he miss?"

Venerable Giant Mountain was also full of disbelief.

It turned out that it was just that moment.

At the same time, the three of them felt that there was a connection that touched their heartstrings, and it broke instantly!

This broken spiritual link is not someone else, it is the celestial beast slave!

The three of them used the seals laid by the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Beast Islands on the Celestial Beast Slaves, which were reinforced every month, and they had already established an extremely close relationship with the Celestial Beast Slaves.

They can know that the Celestial Remnant Beast Slave is still under their control.

And just now. They were shocked to discover that the spiritual link with the Celestial Beast Slave had been broken.

This means that they, as well as the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Beast Islands, had already destroyed the seal that they had placed in the minds of the Heavenly Cannon Beast slaves!

They can no longer control the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave, and can't perceive the Heaven Canal Beast Slave.

This also means. The Tiancun Beast Slaves are completely out of control, which means that their big killer in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands has disappeared.

Venerable Giant Mountain was shocked: "The seal was laid by our ancestors."

"We will reinforce it every month. Who can break that seal?"

"I'm afraid that even the three of us can't do it!"

"Who else? Naturally it is Chen Feng?"

Venerable Giant Whale gritted his teeth and said.

After all, he flicked his hand.

Suddenly, a black qi came from the palm of his hand.

This black qi was exactly the black qi that Chen Feng had escaped from after breaking the seal in the mind of the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave in that reincarnation magic space.

These black aerosols swelled out, forming a picture in an instant.

It was the scene before it was broken by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was dressed in white, with a cold face, staring at them coldly.

Then, the mist dissipated instantly without a trace.

Venerable Giant Mountain gritted his teeth and said: "It's really Chen Feng? It really is him!"

"Then how can there be such a strong strength? He can actually break our seal for so many years!"

Venerable Giant Whale felt depressed and uncomfortable at this time, and he couldn't even breathe.


Suddenly, he couldn't control his emotions anymore, roaring frantically, smashing everywhere here!

Bang bang bang...

Everything in front of him was smashed to pieces.

Even the entire huge black tower was shaken by him.

Venerable Giant Whale gritted his teeth frantically and yelled: "Chen Feng, you damn! You damn!"

No wonder he was furious.

The trump card of Tiancun Beast Slave, they have hidden in Ten Thousand Beast Islands for tens of thousands of years.

He has been carefully cultivating and domesticating him, and he is totally reluctant to play this hole card.

This time, seeing that the world is about to be in chaos, the hole card was released in advance.

As for cleaning up Chen Feng, in their opinion, for the Tiancun Beast Slave, there is no difficulty at all.

I cleaned up Chen Feng just to let him get familiar with the Dragon Vessel Continent and practice his skills by the way.

It's just a matter of convenience.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong the first time the Tianchou Beast Slave went out.

It was actually abandoned in Chen Feng's hands!

They had high hopes and gave them an infinite future, and they also hoped to kill them everywhere and become the most important trump card in their hands.

When I first entered the Dragon Vessel Continent, something went wrong, and there was no news.

This made them feel that Tiancun Beast Slave was a joke.

Waiting for someone by yourself is a joke!

Ten Thousand Beast Islands is just a joke!

This kind of absurdity is extreme, the feeling of not wanting to believe but having to believe, makes them feel uncomfortable and almost vomit blood!

However, Venerable Whale is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

Soon, he recovered his calmness, sighed lightly, and looked in the direction of the Longmai Continent in the distance.

His eyes are like a poisonous snake.

"Yes, Chen Feng, good, you are good!"

Venerable Giant Whale gritted his teeth every word.

They had an attitude that didn't care much about Chen Feng.

He just thought that he had killed his own disciple, so he wanted to beheaded, and he didn't take him seriously.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng's strength far exceeded their imagination.

Now, Chen Feng has destroyed a big killer in their Ten Thousand Beast Islands! A hole card!

If they said that they didn't care about it before, their evaluation of Chen Feng is now on a higher level, but the hatred is already in the bone!

He suddenly turned around, looked at the two of them, smiled and said, "Two juniors, the time we have spent in this Ten Thousand Beast Islands is too long."

"The north is bitterly cold, do you want to go to the Dragon Vessel Continent to move your muscles and bones?"

Venerable Jinpeng and Venerable Giant Mountain all laughed: "Okay!"

The voice of the Venerable Giant Whale is awe-inspiring:

"Chen Feng, wait for me, I want you to spit it out for me with the benefit!"

"Dare to **** things from our Ten Thousand Beast Islands, you are tired of living crooked!"

Soon, Chen Feng and his party came to Jinggu Zuojin.

The closer to Jinggu, the more excited Han Yuer became.

She hadn't seen Blood Wind for a long time, she missed it very much.

When the group of people reached tens of miles away from Mirror Valley, Chen Feng suddenly raised his brows.

He clearly felt that the power and breath fluctuating between heaven and earth was different from normal conditions.

The breath between heaven and earth is not the kind of chaotic and loose fluctuation.

It seemed to be screwed together by a force, gathered together, and then pulsating regularly.

Like a person’s pulse and heartbeat, time after time.

Calm and powerful!

Masses of heaven and earth vitality are converging towards a certain place.

Chen Feng looked at it and saw that the direction where the vitality converged was Jinggu.

Chen Feng suddenly raised his brows: "I'm not in Mirror Valley, who is cultivating in Mirror Valley? Could someone occupy Mirror Valley?"

But then, Chen Feng denied this idea.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyue would never allow this to happen.

Moreover, Chen Feng vaguely felt very familiar with the fluctuations of this power aura.

However, he was quite sure that none of the people he knew had such power fluctuations.

Chen Feng already had a guess in his heart, and said softly: "Let's go, let's go."

Soon, everyone came to the top of Jinggu.

The moment they came here, they were stunned.

At this time, the sun is setting and the white rabbit is rising.

Above the sky, there was a dark color.

From time to time, there are brilliant rays of light across the sky, a full moon, brilliance shed.

Arrays of Qinghui spread across the mountains and forests.

And just under the interweaving of this moonlight, at the highest point of that mirror valley, in the void, there was a small figure standing proudly there.

Chen Feng is very familiar with this figure, it is the blood wind!

However, at this time, the blood wind no longer looked lazily before.

He stood proudly in the void, raised his head, the wolf's mouth opened, and he let out a long wolf howl.

The wolf howling sound is not particularly loud, but it is extremely distant.

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